
Citalopram and zoloft

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram and zoloft


Avatar f tn I think thats why my doctor try the zoloft again because i am thinking i am itching and i am not really having reaction to the medicine but he said you do have sentitvie to medicine that why he had a backup medcine for me. my question is anybody taking Zoloft 25mm or Citalopram 20mm before and any side effects from these medicine? also any tips on controling my anxiety and depression ?
581954 tn?1223391496 I have used this in the past and it is a type of medication grouped into SSRIs (Zoloft (Sertraline), Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro, etc. These affect people in different ways, so it is sometimes hard to say how each individual will react. I am a big proponent for these types of medications COMBINED with talk therapy. In my opinion, there is no 'magic pill' that will 'cure' you of anxiety or depression.
1131131 tn?1275108488 They had me stop the celexa. My doctor had me start Zoloft. I have been on it for six days and some of the same symptoms are starting again plus muscle tightness in the chest and throat. She told me to stop the zoloft. I asked if I should titrate it, but I was told to just stop it. She wants me to start seeing a Psychiatrist for my meds. I agree, but I am worried about any withdrawls I may have from stopping the med like that.
Avatar f tn The symptoms I am experiencing on setraline/zoloft. Irregular pulse, fast pulse and slow pulse are on the serious side effect list. I am going for a heart monitor tomorrow. I am almost 100 percent sure that the antidepressants are causing my symptoms. Will these symptoms subside as often the minor ones do? I am loathe to stop them as no weight gain and ive tried so many my doctor is running out of options.
Avatar f tn I had been on citalopram which work great 4my anxiety and nw pregnant.1st i got told to stop cold turkey with the citalopram which i did but i start getting extreme anxiety after afew weeks.and dr put me on prozac which is ment to be less risky during pregnancy.ive been on it 4 2weeks now.ive seen no improvement and im scared it will harm baby.i have constant physical anxiety all day my heart races and my chest has this horrible feeling of! What can i do to ease this?
Avatar m tn I doubt that the Citalopram is even working for you after 3 years. Muscle twitches are not a side effect of this medication, so you should consult with your doctor regarding this new symptom. You also want to wean off the Citalopram via your doctor's instructions. I'm happy to hear that therapy is helping you and wish you continued success with it.
Avatar f tn Hi I switched from Fluoxetine to Citalopram about 6 months ago as the Fluoxetine was making me gain weight. Since I've been on Citalopram I've put on even more, and am now about 2 stone (14kg) heavier than I was before I started. I don't want to come off ADs as they're helping me so much, but at the same time I don't know if I can cope with any more weight gain. Has anyone experienced weight gain with certain antidepressants then been able to lose with a different one?
4182046 tn?1355820039 I gor diagnosed with depression and anxiety and age 16, three years later here I am and pregnant! I stopped my medication as soon as I found out (20 mg citalopram) but my anxiety and depression are so bad, I really feel like I need my medication. Has anyone taken citalopram or another antidepressent while pregnant? pros and cons?
Avatar f tn ) Not true, of course, but it is scary to watch a parent/spouse go from easy going and happy to anxious/depressed/irritable/angry in just a few days. So far, this time around, the Citalopram seems to be helping the anxiety and depression and neither our children or I are seeing the scary irritability and other stuff that we saw with the first two treatments.
1282280 tn?1285086420 i was diagnosed with sleep insomnia, ptsd, panic disorder, and major depresive disorder a little over a yr. ago. at first, the dr's just had me on a low dose of zoloft to see if it would help. tho it did help with the depression and a little with the anxiety, i still couldn't sleep. after raising the dose of my zoloft a few more times, and trying seroquil, the dr's finally put me on ambien when i couldn't sleep.
Avatar n tn I was just prescribed Zolft for anxiety and my doctor started me on the low dose of 50mg but said I could start off with 25mg the first few days to hopefully lessen side effects because he had originally prescribed me Citalopram but after the first dose the side effects were so bad I could barely function. Anyway, I took my first dose of Zoloft last night after dinner and aside from feeling a little queasy and fuzzy in the head it wasn't too bad but then I had a horrible night.
1305597 tn?1275336446 citalopram (celexa), fluoxetine (prozac), sertraline (zoloft). Another medication that is sometimes added to SSRI in the treatment of depression is bupropion (welbutrin) and it has even been shown to cause a small weight loss over the first few months (it suppresses the appetite). However, if the eating disorder you are is either anorexia or bulimia this is not an option because during clinical trails bupropion caused a slightly increased rate of new seizures in those two eating disorders.
Avatar n tn During those three months I have been on three different antidepressants (Poraxetine, Zoloft, and Citalopram). Presently, I am on citalopram 10 mil. I started out on the 20 mil but my body could not take it, my anxiety increased ten fold. I was put on the 10 mil for 7 to 10 days and then tried the 20 mil. But again the anxiety increased, and I had muscle twitching and involuntary muscle jerking while seated and in bed at night.
Avatar f tn Depends on your md but zoloft and wellbutrin( no clue how to spell that) are frequently prescribed to pregnant women. Also depends on how severe the depression is a risks vs benefits thing. As far as anxiety not really sometimes anti depressants help. My md said take benadryl, it doesn't make you less anxious but makes you sleepy...
Avatar f tn ve been taking Citalopram 40mg (Celexa) for anxiety and it helps wonderfully, but the fatigue is becoming ridiculous. Have been taking this for several years. Is it worth talking to my doctor about switching to another medication? thanks.
Avatar f tn you can always stick to a SSRI and try Zoloft, it is a bit different than citalopram by improving connection between both temporal lobes. Another solution regarding medication would be to try Wellbutrin. Dopamine is highly linked with pleasure sensation therefore I find it to be very effective in depressed people with lethargy. You can also try a tetracyclic that will antagonize the main receptors for serotonin (5-HTs). Such tetracyclic is mirtazapine.
Avatar f tn I took paxil for a while then switche to citalopram for atleast 6-9 months and I recently got off went to zoloft for 2 weeks then switched to depakote for 4 days an now have stopped everything except for tranquilizer Ativan but I was wondering if I should have withdrawals and for how long or is it all in my head? I feel like I'm out in lala land I'm agitated I'm sad up and down and my head feels cloudy and etc.
Avatar f tn I have GAD to and take Zoloft and Ativan as needed. Sounds like the med that you are taking now is not helping.Or maybe they can give you a stronger dose?
Avatar f tn Had eyes and ears checked, many blood tests and all are clear...have tried anxiety medication also and none were effective. Anyone else also suffering from the same condition?
Avatar f tn i have been on Celexa (citalopram) for going on 4 years and it is amazing. i was incredibly depressed and also had major anxiety issues.. i couldnt even leave the house at some points... my mum and both aunts were on Celexa... it is a mild anti depressant. i am on 30 mgs and it totally does the trick. i know that different types of anti depressants are perscrbed for different symptoms, but if it helps i described mine as a feeling of having no control and being in a hole.
Avatar f tn ve recently been diagnosed with mixed anxiety/depression, and the zoloft/klonopin combo works for me. i take 2x50mg Zoloft per day, and 1mg Klonopin. Talk to your doctor, and see what he/she has to say about your case. Generally, SSRIs are tricky. For eg., I tried Mirtazipine, Citalopram, Effexor before I found that Zoloft suits me! Best of luck. Oh, and try some CBT as well, it helps :-) take care, now!
Avatar f tn i have had 5 years of citalopram for depression and anxiety and i had cbt for cancer phobis which worked im on 40mg and am wondering if im becoming immune to its effects as i have a lot of panic attacks does anyone know anything about this im scared to change meds as worry about side effects dont want to go to higher dose sometimes its like a living hell please help !!!!!