
Chantix quit day

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix quit day


Avatar f tn This time I started my Chantix the day I quit instead of continuing to smoke that first week waiting for blood levels to go up. I thought it would be a lot worse for me than it was. Now I just simply want to smoke and am having to make myself stay away from the store. In the past I always made the mistake of having back up cigs around just in case. That worked really well for me:) Anyway this just goes to show how much power these things have over me.
1096641 tn?1271707225 I quit with Chantix and I felt the same way you do : ) I couldn't imagine how anyone would choose any other way to quit but when I joined up here and saw that there were many who had some pretty bad side effects, well thats when I counted myself very lucky. I think most of the complaints were not too bad; nighmares and stomach problems. Make sure that you are mentally prepared before getting off the chantix. Spend a little time on the whyquit.
Avatar f tn I used Chantix for my quit but had no ill side effects. Hindsight, I probably wouldn't use it again because of all the negativity so what I would suggest is if you have already gone 2 days without a smoke, you might want to consider stopping the Chantix. You are still going to have a physical withdrawal regardless of how long you use the pill though I don't know to what degree, all I can say is that I had a rough go of it.
Avatar f tn I really never made it more than a few days without having a cig or 2 and then I would just quit taking the Chantix and smoke full time and then start it again etc. on and on. Well, this time I took it seriously. I am now on day 14 without any cigs at all. No cheating no making deals with myself. This is the longest I have gone completely clean since I began smoking as a teenager. I am very proud of myself.
596605 tn?1369946627 Hi I am on Chantix to quit smoking and quit a few days ago. I am very tired so tierd that I cant even turn on the TV.. Is this a normal side effect from going off nicotine? This is the third day that has been like this. I was a heavy smoker before at 1 1/2 packs a day for 30 plus years.
334876 tn?1229979296 You smoke for the first 7 days on Chantix, cutting back. Then 8th day quit. It really does work, but be prepared for some horrible dreams.I have been visited by my deceased monther, my ex-husband, lost my work car, wrecked my work car....if you can thiink it up, I've probably dreamed it in the past 7 weeks! But it's worth it! Keep us posted!.And I'll take that last beer please!.
380558 tn?1309042387 That's great you got off of that horrible Ultram. I too quit smoking 4 months ago with chantix and still take it. I stopped once and smoked again for a few days so for now, I'm taking 1 pill a day and not having any bad effects.
Avatar n tn My experience with Chantix was pretty good but I stopped taking Chantix after my third quit day. All total, a month and a half, and I didn't look back. It is 4 months today and I had some severe reactions to my quit....2 sinus infections, pneumonia & pleurisy. I have never been sick like that but I am told that it is coincidental and has nothing to do with my quit.....hmm.......
540521 tn?1221699706 You will find that everyone on this board has quit with different products and some even cold turkey. My choice was Chantix and though there is so much negative talk about it, it worked for me, and I am truly grateful! I smoked for 38 years and found that Chantix curbed my urges and eventually, I was able to stop completely. That was 8 1/2 months ago. If you really want to prepare yourself for your quit and down the road to protect your quit, keep the whyquit.
Avatar f tn My hubby used that stuff to quit when he found out that he was going to die soon due to COPD. It worked for him...but he quit taking it before he was supposed to...he started up again. Now he has to start all over again. The only side effects he had were the typical ones when trying to quit...insomnia, restlessness. He said that the first few days he felt nothing...then a few days after that he just didn't have the desire to smoke.
Avatar m tn I quit smoking using Chantix as well. I am only 1 month non-smoking. I only took Chantix for 9 days as on the 9th day I found out i was pregnant. So I was non smoking and pregnant, to only two weeks later miscarry. I am not too sure if its from the hormones, or from the symptoms of not smoking, but i was extremely irritable, it was almost to the point that everything i that came out of my mouth was snappy. I developed insomnia right from the get go from Chantix.
950277 tn?1247274551 I would also say that little was known about the medical aspects of smoking. Thougn I have tried numerous times to quit, a dx of COPD, led me to Chantix. azeman, I am inspired that you have a zero smoke day. I have not achieved that yet, but am hopeful. One of my support problems during the last three weeks has been the absence of milestones. That is to say, where are others at this point, or how should I be doing. So finding that you are at no cigeretts in two weeks is very helpful.
Avatar f tn I agree, Chantix is an amazing tool to help kick the habit. I have only known one person who wasn't able to quit using Chantix and by her own admission she was not ready. Even my FIL who had been a heavy smoker for over 40 years quit with Chantix and hasn't looked back.
444932 tn?1273980797 I quit (5 months) using Chantix and it wasn't until the 2nd month that I even attempted to quit. I smoked for 38 years and like you, my addiction was very powerful. It wasn't until the 3rd week that I noticed my intake was lessened. By the end of the first month, I was down to 6 or 7 cigs a day. 2 weeks into my 2nd month is when I quit. I had sucessfully went about 6 hours before lighting that first one and so I decided that if I could go that long why not just stop : ) Side effects....
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
Avatar f tn I am ready to quit, and noticed you said you took Chantix. would you recommend this pill? How long after being on Chantix did you actually stop smoking? I was prescribed bupropian, and wonder if maybe Chantix would be better.
Avatar m tn I smoked for 6 weeks also and stopped the Chantix on the same day that I quit. I never had any of your symptoms and if you use the option "search this community" for the archives, you will see plenty who have had things go terribly wrong while using Chantix. The first 4 months after my quit left me with 2 horrible sinus infections, a nose that itched forever, bronchitis and pleurisy.
Avatar f tn I took chantix for 1 1/2 months and experienced a little gas but that was all. I quit taking chantix 3 days after my last cigarette and that was 9 months 1 week and 4 days ago. I think I should consider myself one of the lucky ones as all I hear on this board is how bad chantix was for them! Outside of this board, I knew a dozen or so people who took it, and none of them had anything more serious then gas and bad dreams! I hope you start feeling better real soon and I hope that you have quit.
390388 tn?1279636213 com and it will help you to mentally prepare for your quit. Then go to your doctor and ask for 2 prescriptions, 1 being chantix and the other for an anti-anxiety medication, short term, to get you through those hard times. Between the two, you will only have to rely on your willpower to get it done. The key to quitting is to understand why you smoke in the first place. It's a little about the physical side and a lot about the emotional side......
444932 tn?1273980797 I am on day #5 on Chantix. For the past two days, I have gotten headaches within an hour of taking it in the a.m. Has anyone else experienced this? Does this side effect eventually go away?
Avatar f tn I just went to the doctors today. She perscribed chantix to quit smoking. Ive been on suboxone(for opiate addiction) for 1 year and 4 months. I take 16mg. a day. Im just wondering if it is OK to take them together. I just want to find out as much as i can befor i start chantix. Please give me as much info as possible.
Avatar m tn to get a drug called Chantix to quit smoking. Was taking it the week I was taking the Norcos...that second week (this week) I'm out of Norco and quit smoking.....and I FEEL GREAT!!!! I mean seriously, minimal withdrawls, felt foggy this morning but otherwise feel just chills...NOTHING!!!! AND...I'm not smoking either!! Ok so I'm on my 3rd day of no Norco and no smokes....feeling perfect and I'm excited!! Could the Chantix be helping me with the Norco addiction?
Avatar f tn The first week of my second month I really began believing that I could do it and I actually tested myself......waiting as long as I could for that first smoke of the day and believe me, the day before my quit I had waited about 6 hours for that first smoke and knew that I could and would do it! I smoked for 38 years and never ever quit before this. I smoked through 2 pregnancies and I smoked through every one of my illnesses.......thyroidectomy.....
380558 tn?1309042387 Good luck to you and please do keep us posted. Chantix is how I quit smoking and I have been "quit" for 3 mths. 3 weeks & 4 days. I smoked for nearly 38 yrs. and had never quit before so I would say it is pretty amazing that I have quit! This forum is full of "chantix talk" so make sure you read up on it.