
Chantix no prescription

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix no prescription


Avatar n tn Sometimes you can get free samples from your doctors office or a coupon from the maker to use with the prescription from your doctor. Let me give you a warning before you try chantix. Always research any new medication before trying it. My husband was prescribed chantix to quit smoking. After he started taking it he began having panic attacks. He had never had one before the medication but began having them during. Unfortunately that is now something he has to live with for the of his life.
Avatar n tn We are not medical doctors so if you want to know about the side effects then you should call them (chantix) directly at 1-877-CHANTIX. Also, there is something that comes with the prescription that tells you about the risks. You had better read up on it. Sorry to hear that you are having seizures. I took chantix with very little side effects. Good luck with everything and if you need support with your quit, then we are here for you.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm taking chantix along with other meds, sertraline, is another anti depressant in the same category with no problems. I think (but dont quote me) that it is the MAOI's and Trycilyic anti d's that chantix is not recommended.
Avatar n tn MS, as far as I know, doesn't cause fever.
Avatar f tn Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
1096641 tn?1271707225 and I really don't think of smoking all that much. I am taking Chantix and for me its awesome...takes away my desire for a puff. Not 100% but so much that i no longer obsess over smoking. I've changed some smoking habits...when i take the dog outside in the morning, i have my coffee instead of a cig, on the way to work I drink out of my bottle of water, instead of lighting work, I eat an apple, take a walk, or brush my teeth when my 'smoke time' comes...
1609058 tn?1298089127 I've had an awful experience that I must share and find out if anyone else has gone through it. I currently take Lexapro 10mg, a mild antidepressant, and it's wonderful for me. A little over a month ago, I requested a prescription for Chantix to quit smoking. Even though I'd heard lots of negative things about the side effects, I thought it was worth trying. After 4 weeks of taking it, I did notice that my mood was being affected, so I decided to stop taking it.
Avatar f tn Last june i was hospitalized with pneumonia, being a smoker they put a patch on me, i am to understand that they are not for 24 hr use and should be moved from one place to another, when i was realeased i bought patches and had a very bad reaction my Dr.
Avatar f tn Certainly it's better if you cut down on the cigarettes. Ask your OB or RE to prescribe Chantix for you. I hear it's ok to take during pregnancy and it really helps with trying to quit smoking. Know you're not a lone if you can't quit, many women aren't able to completely quick during pregnancy and the baby turns out okay. I'm not endorsing it of course, just letting you know that you're not the only that's pregnant and could just cut back.
Avatar f tn My next period which was roughly 3 weeks later was NORMAL! No excess crippling cramps and no pain while using the bathroom. When I told my doctor about this she was amazed! If you think you have endometriosis I high recommend taking a daily dose of parsley. It's cheap and it worked for me. There are no known side effects either. I hope this helps...
540521 tn?1221699706 I will check with my Doctor and see if i can get a prescription for Chantix. Thank You for the information. I received some news the other day that my best friends father has cancer and he is not a smoker, second hand smoke is worse and he is only 62 years old. Hearing that news was hard for me because he is like a 2nd father to me and i know now that i NEED to stop smoking, for me and my children. I am very proud of you for quitting, You are very strong.. Thanks again for all the info..
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
Avatar f tn I am going to attempt to quit smoking to nock another bad habit out of my life. My question is...has anyone tried Chantix? I am about to start it but I am really nervous because I have read that it can have some serious mental side effects. Has anyone tried it? If so, what was your experience with it?
407029 tn?1253992623 Chantix is not hard on the liver. It is excreted through the kidneys. I took Chantix 2 months before I finished my first round of treatment. I was smoke free within 3 weeks of starting the Chantix and on March 4, 2008 I will be smoke free for an entire year! They recommend that you use the Chantix for 3 to 6 months. I did so well with it that I was off it in less than 3 months. When you start forgetting to take it you know it's time to come off it.
Avatar f tn I used Chantix for my quit but had no ill side effects. Hindsight, I probably wouldn't use it again because of all the negativity so what I would suggest is if you have already gone 2 days without a smoke, you might want to consider stopping the Chantix. You are still going to have a physical withdrawal regardless of how long you use the pill though I don't know to what degree, all I can say is that I had a rough go of it.
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
Avatar f tn Hi Mandy, Welcome. Chantix is not on any how to get MS lists. I'm a little leery of the source you found that states this. The documented side affects of Chantix include some of the affects you described initially in your post. I'm very sorry for what you are experiencing. You sound very scared, and no matter the source, symptoms of this nature cause understandable fear. I'm glad you found us and hope we can help you out. Sorry I cannot say if this is MS.
334876 tn?1229979296 s time to quit being the Marlboro man and quit smoking, my doc finally gave me the rx for chantix so I guess this is day one and I should see how good it works in about 7 days as it tends to taper off the well to smoke Wish me luck Cowboy
1134609 tn?1269272200 I was diagnosed BP2 with rapid cycling almost 9 years ago. This was determined when I was put only Zoloft while depressed from recovering from alcohol addiction. Then I was put on a very low dose of Lithium and very low dose of Wellubutrin and it worked great for a few years. Then I got the Lith 6 years ago and had no problems . Then I got off the Wellbutrin 4 years ago due to some panic attacks.
Avatar f tn On Chantix for my 3rd time in 4 years. Side effects getting worse but I have NO CHOICE. I hate smoking and I am an athlete and none of my friends smoke. I have been smoke free for 2 weeks and have no cravings but dream are out of control, I get very sleepy during the day, bloated lilke when I was pregnant. I don't want to give in and just accepting that this is what I have to do in order to stop. Also, I have been so irritated I feel like I could kill someone......
Avatar f tn I'm going to play the devils advocate here and ask you how you know that Chantix caused all of your problems? You ailments may be coincindental and there are plenty of people who have problems at your age who have never taken the drug. I used Chantix and quit with it after nearly 2 months on it. I am 54 and had no problems at all. I have noticed complaints about the "during and aftermath" of Chantix but no one can definitively link it to the drug.