
Buy chantix with no prescription

Common Questions and Answers about Buy chantix with no prescription


1609058 tn?1298089127 I've had an awful experience that I must share and find out if anyone else has gone through it. I currently take Lexapro 10mg, a mild antidepressant, and it's wonderful for me. A little over a month ago, I requested a prescription for Chantix to quit smoking. Even though I'd heard lots of negative things about the side effects, I thought it was worth trying. After 4 weeks of taking it, I did notice that my mood was being affected, so I decided to stop taking it.
Avatar n tn Sometimes you can get free samples from your doctors office or a coupon from the maker to use with the prescription from your doctor. Let me give you a warning before you try chantix. Always research any new medication before trying it. My husband was prescribed chantix to quit smoking. After he started taking it he began having panic attacks. He had never had one before the medication but began having them during. Unfortunately that is now something he has to live with for the of his life.
Avatar n tn We are not medical doctors so if you want to know about the side effects then you should call them (chantix) directly at 1-877-CHANTIX. Also, there is something that comes with the prescription that tells you about the risks. You had better read up on it. Sorry to hear that you are having seizures. I took chantix with very little side effects. Good luck with everything and if you need support with your quit, then we are here for you.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm taking chantix along with other meds, sertraline, is another anti depressant in the same category with no problems. I think (but dont quote me) that it is the MAOI's and Trycilyic anti d's that chantix is not recommended.
984138 tn?1359813073 Hi Erin, I quit with chantix after smoking for 40 years and I think it worked well because, in the end, I really wanted to quit even though I didn't know just how much I wanted it when I began taking it : ) You should research it though as it can be harmful to younger people. As for taking his prescription, the first week is a half dosage so you might really need to get your own. It is expensive, but depending on how much you are paying for your smokes, it will be worth it in no time.
Avatar n tn I have experienceing high fevers ...are they associated with ms? For 17 months i am still undx will get tests back in a few days ...and i want to finally quit smoking but they want me to wait to fill the prescription until all my tests come back now im getting worried ...
Avatar m tn So the fact that playing with your brain neurotransmitters, something that Chantix does as well, makes you feel better than you did doesn't mean you were depressed, it means you felt a bit better because nicotine causes an increase in dopamine release and Chantix mimics this effect as it blocks nicotine from attaching to nicotine receptors.
1096641 tn?1271707225 I quit with Chantix and I felt the same way you do : ) I couldn't imagine how anyone would choose any other way to quit but when I joined up here and saw that there were many who had some pretty bad side effects, well thats when I counted myself very lucky. I think most of the complaints were not too bad; nighmares and stomach problems. Make sure that you are mentally prepared before getting off the chantix. Spend a little time on the whyquit.
Avatar f tn Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for smoking cessation; both are available in pill form and only by prescription. Chantix received FDA approval in 2006; Zyban was approved in 1997. These drugs can be effective tools, but users need to be aware of some potentially serious side effects. You can try that and they are very cheap in some pharmacy's.
444932 tn?1273980797 Read the post by Joanna564 dated 3/11 titled "Is itching a symptom of nicotine withdrawl." It's hard to say what is or isn't normal but I'm quite sure that it does have to do with with your cutting back or the Chantix even though it isn't listed as a side effect. I had itching also but mainly my nose and scalp. I had finished taking Chantix by then so I didn't think to blame it on that. You said that you were having headaches a few days ago. Have those subsided?
Avatar f tn Last june i was hospitalized with pneumonia, being a smoker they put a patch on me, i am to understand that they are not for 24 hr use and should be moved from one place to another, when i was realeased i bought patches and had a very bad reaction my Dr.
Avatar f tn I would go with no..... not only does the nicotine raise bp, but why risk anything you may question later? GOOD LUCK!
Avatar m tn Hey everyone, Just checking in with a status report! OK, so I went to the pain doctor this morning. I had 3 injections in my back (Which hurt like an SOB with no sedative...) and I spoke with the Doctor. I didn't mention the severity of my pill usage, but I DID talk to him about what other options there were instead of Narcotics. Basically, he said this: Narcotics are to be used when and only when you're hurting SO bad that you can't make it to the he ONLY knew..
334876 tn?1229979296 My hubby tried the Chantix and he quit for a while but then started up with the habit know, the ones that you don't really want but smoke out of habit? I believe that once he did that the Chantix stopped doing what it's supposed to and the habit takes over. Before you know it you are back where you started at the beginning again and that is very frustrating and expensive! I personally don't believe in a stop smoking aid unless you STOP smoking.
Avatar f tn My next period which was roughly 3 weeks later was NORMAL! No excess crippling cramps and no pain while using the bathroom. When I told my doctor about this she was amazed! If you think you have endometriosis I high recommend taking a daily dose of parsley. It's cheap and it worked for me. There are no known side effects either. I hope this helps...
1096641 tn?1271707225 m happy to hear that you put them down again, and yes, the craving can get to you, and you cannot beat yourself up but you might want to finish your chantix and then buy another and wean off them. I used Chantix and while taking them for a period of time I found that they really craves at all, I also realized that once I stopped, I had to deal with w/d, physical and emotional and that's when whyquit really helped me.
Avatar f tn This time was different. My husband and family just keep nagging me until I was fed up. I decided to buy the patch and used them for two weeks until I broke out. I then went to the doctor and got a prescription for Chantix, but never got it filled. Instead I took the patch off and went cold turkey. It was a hard few days, but after that each day got a little easier. The withdrawls begin to go away, but I would find myself thinking about smoking.
Avatar n tn Also if you take it make sure to keep an eye on your blood pressure. It raised mine through the roof with no blood pressure problems to begin with.
540521 tn?1221699706 I will check with my Doctor and see if i can get a prescription for Chantix. Thank You for the information. I received some news the other day that my best friends father has cancer and he is not a smoker, second hand smoke is worse and he is only 62 years old. Hearing that news was hard for me because he is like a 2nd father to me and i know now that i NEED to stop smoking, for me and my children. I am very proud of you for quitting, You are very strong.. Thanks again for all the info..
Avatar f tn Overall, there were 1,055 reports of serious problems with Chantix reported in the third quarter of 2010, more than any other prescription medication regularly monitored by the drug safety agency, Moore said. Before last July, the FDA had logged 122 reports of suicides linked to Chantix, including 37 reported by Pfizer and 85 reported by health professionals or consumers, Moore reported. After the 150 new Pfizer reports were added, the total jumped to 272.
Avatar f tn I also had a horrible experience with the Chantix. I became very angry and wanted to be violent but thankfully never actually got violent. I had horrible nightmares too so I was always scared to go to sleep. I decided to quit taking it as I figured smoking was better than prison for murder! I have smoked for over 25 years and have quit a couple of times over the years but always went back. For Christmas, my kids got me the electronic cigarette and it is actually working.