
Chantix and mood changes

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix and mood changes


Avatar f tn I have smoked for 40+ years and want to QUIT! My Dr gave me a script for Chantix but after seeing some Thyroid issues here I'm concerned. I have no Thyroid due to Follicular Thyroid Cancer, I take Levothyroxine daily for the rest of my life and have to have blood work every 6 months to maintain my TSH T3 T4 levels to prevent the cancer from returning. Is it safe for me to take CHANTIX?
Avatar m tn I quit smoking just over three months ago and took Chantix for two months, stopping over a month ago. I have never had a problem with depression or anxiety and I don't mean to suggest that my recent feelings ARE related to Chantix, but I am wondering. I hae noticed my mood has changed over the past three months. I snap at people in public and at work too.
1134609 tn?1269272200 I tried Chantix and had horrible nightmares and felt like I was crawling out of my skin during the day; terrible experience. I have recently quit smoking again (7 days now) with the help of the gum and was doing pretty well until last night and today. I feel agitated, depressed, exhausted but can't sleep and I don't want to be awake, anxiety (which always brings a little agoraphobia with it), weepy, rage, and just your basic rapid cycling fun.
Avatar f tn But I still am in trouble after stopping Chantix 7 weeks ago. Pretty nuts, a change from smoking 40 years, Effexor, Chantix, and Prozac. Should I quit every drug and start over?
1581072 tn?1296580527 Having a really good therapist to talk to may help her understand and come to terms with her fear and any other issues she is feeling due to her illness. I had set my son up with a councler to deal with issues after an injury, it helped him a lot. Best of luck to you and my prayers are with your mom and your family.
Avatar f tn I know hormones probably play a part in it all but none of my friends seem to have as bad mood swings as me. One minute I can be ecstatic and the next I can be angry or crying... .
Avatar f tn Hey i was wondering if anyone could help, i;m experiencing lots of mood changes, quite dramatic ones to, one minute i can be happy and smiley next minute i'm fed up and angry. Sometimes i do get really angry i've been known to throw things and bang my head against walls and things. Can anyone help?
1823499 tn?1370090289 I am 10 mo post off decompression and my mood has been great but since my last surgery wow I am so cranky and what makes me sad is my ha and pain are better but I am so worn down I know I just had surgery but I don't know if I will ever have energy again. My husband is so great and takes over but I hate feeling incompetent I have always been very independent.....think I may be depressed never saw that one coming either I was always the picture of optimism.
Avatar f tn cook him a nice dinner or suggest going out for a nice meal and a movie afterwards. Try to find something you all like to do together and have fun. Perhaps if your man sees you in a positive mood he may follow suit. You can change the direction of this situation.
Avatar m tn time and the amount of time that has elapsed since your use of Chantix. It has been almost 3 1/2 months for me and I am still getting urges and am still quick tempered, just not as often as before : ) I think we will always struggle, quitting is life altering especially if you have smoked for a long time (38 yrs. for me.) I know it will get easier and the cravings will only happen every once in a while and sometimes temper and irritability isn't about addiction but something else.
Avatar f tn I am 38 YO. Over the last three years my period had become increasingly heavy and my cramps had worsen. My doctor initially told me that your body changes as you get older and she wasn't too concerned with this. About four months ago I started my period and noticed sharp stabbing pains while going to the bathroom. When I looked online for answers I was pointed directly to endometriosis. So I made an appt with my doctor.
1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.
Avatar f tn The crucial thing to do is to start medication again as there should be insurance options (such as Medicaid if a person is not working or if they are and it exists in their state the Medicaid Buy in for Working People with Disabilities, there are many other options as well) that would cover it because smoking cessation will cause mood flare ups and it will be easier this way and then your psychiatrist can determine which smoking cessation aide (if needed) would be appropriate for you.
1609058 tn?1298089127 I've had an awful experience that I must share and find out if anyone else has gone through it. I currently take Lexapro 10mg, a mild antidepressant, and it's wonderful for me. A little over a month ago, I requested a prescription for Chantix to quit smoking. Even though I'd heard lots of negative things about the side effects, I thought it was worth trying. After 4 weeks of taking it, I did notice that my mood was being affected, so I decided to stop taking it.
334876 tn?1229979296 s time to quit being the Marlboro man and quit smoking, my doc finally gave me the rx for chantix so I guess this is day one and I should see how good it works in about 7 days as it tends to taper off the well to smoke Wish me luck Cowboy
Avatar f tn Lately, when I attempt to quit, cold turkey, the only thing that relieves constipation, gas, bloating is to smoke again. Smoking provides immediate relief and over the counter meds or diet/exercise changes do not seem to work. Does it just take many months for the Nicotine to leave the system and for gas symptoms to stop? Do I just need to stick it out longer?
Avatar n tn t seem to quit for anything. Had been a 2 pack/day years ago. My dr perscribed me Chantix and I took and kept smoking, but the cravings got less and less until on Feb. 1, 2007 I took about 3 drags off a cig and put it out. That was the last one I had. Took the Chantix for a couple more weeks until the cravings were completely gone and I've been fine every since. You can take it up to 3 months.
729288 tn?1251254433 I will pay the $215 on monday for my shipment then I am waiting the 2 weeks suggested and beginning. Here is my question. I am also on chantix.. the stop smoking drug. I really need to stop because I think 27 years is long enough to smoke for anyone. Does anyone know if it will have any kind of reaction? My doc told me to go ahead it wouldnt hurt me.
Avatar m tn I have a question for those of you who used the Chantix to kick the cigarettes. I have smoked on and off for years, and I have quit several times for long periods of time, but this time I am in need of some sort of assistance doing it (the thought of no cigarettes is worse for me than the thought of no norco ever was). I don't want to spend any more money on cigarettes, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, I always have, pretty weird for a smoker, huh?
142722 tn?1281533616 I am up and down. The guy a work knows me and he always can sense when I am in a mood. He notices my rapid cycling. Seroqual would be great to take with my lamictal but I can't get up with the baby then. He is almost 2 and still wakes at night. Seroqual knocks me out but is was so good for me. I was crying so bad last night and good this morning and now down again.
Avatar f tn Prozac is of course well known for personality changes. Can happen with any antidepressant, but again, well known with Prozac. Withdrawal is less common than with other antidepressants. but also can happen, and can happen later than one expects because Prozac lasts in the body much longer than other ssris, which leave within hours, so withdrawal can happen at a later time. But I would say, with nursegirl, that drugs won't solve anything, they just might make you not care as much.
1756917 tn?1312633296 What can I use to help a girl who has autism and have changes in mood all day long first she laugh then she cry or became upset
Avatar f tn The family doctor has finally agreed that these symptoms are negative effects of the chantix and he needs to go on anxiety med and see a counselor. I have read on other blogs that other users are still fighting symptoms after years off that drug. Has anyone else been fighting the effects of this awful drug? We are emotionally devastated to see what was once a strong, healthy, active young man turn into a bundle of nerves and anxiety.
Avatar m tn Hello everyone,I have a progressive case of hepatitis C and want to use the drug Chantix to quit smoking and worried about the side affects.Does anyone have any knowledge of this drug interaction.
Avatar n tn For 17 months i am still undx will get tests back in a few days ...and i want to finally quit smoking but they want me to wait to fill the prescription until all my tests come back now im getting worried ...