
Celexa side effects hot flashes

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa side effects hot flashes


Avatar f tn I developed hot flashes while on these medications. My understanding is that they can treat hot flashes.....why would they be causing them in me? 40 year old female.
Avatar f tn If severe enough, dr will rx Effexor to treat flashes. I have been reading such negative information about the side effects of Effexor, and even worse, the are withdrawal symptoms if you have to get off of it. Is there anyone reading this that actually had to take effexor along with Raloxifene? If so, could you tell me please if you had a good, or bad experience? Thank you for any input.
2198057 tn?1338531205 I've had a prescription for 25mg of Zoloft for about a week and just now decided to start taking it today because my anxiety has been worse then usual. I'm wondering if the symptoms I'm having are side effects or should I be worried it's something else. They include hot flashes, drowsiness, restless, itchy, nauseous, and tight throat. Also if they are normal how long does it take for these side effects to go away for most people?
Avatar f tn since I began chemo a year and a half ago, after bilateral mastectomy with lymph removal. I have been on tamoxifen for almost a year now and still have hot flashes, vaginal dryness and itching, leg pain and swelling. I also take synthroid (after treatment of graves disease years ago). My OB/GYN suggested an antidepressant for the hot flashes and vaginal dryness, but I've since heard that it can reduce the effects of Tamoxifen.
Avatar n tn I am on this zoloft medication for two days and have been getting hot flashes all day. I am a 34 y/o male and wanted to know if this is common in men. As well I am super anxious and irritable in only 2 days of taking this medication. Can someone please shed some light?
Avatar n tn I too am on 175 - 200mg of Zoloft and I admit when first starting the medication I was feeling quite dizzy and nauseated. Dosage started at 50mg, then after a week increased, and every week increased until I reached 175mg. In the past my doctor has had me on Celexa and Effexor but Zoloft seems to work the best, for me that is. Everyone is different. I waver between 175 - 200mg depending on the kind of day I'm having.
Avatar f tn m off of them after tapering off the medication per my Dr. But the side effects are awful. I have been having shortness of breath and my heart has been skipping beats on a regular basis. Is this normal? Hot flashes have been a nightmare along with being short at times with my family. Which I have read is normal. Thanks for letting me know about the shortness of breath and heart beats.
Avatar n tn Yep, welcome to Tamoxifen. Those are all glorious side effects. Suggestion...try changing when you take Tamoxifen (try a couple weeks in the morning, couple weeks in the evening...couple weeks midday), take it with food...and also make sure you drink plenty of water in the day. I take mine usually midday now and the hot flashes have calmed down along with the mood swings.
Avatar f tn I recently had a cyst removed about the size of a grape from my left ovary, however when we went into surgery my dr found one the size of my uterus behind my uterus attached to my right ovary. As a result due to shape n size n history my dr removed my rt ovary. I cannot go on birth control since I've had breast cancer 2 yrs before. I'm currently 37. & feel the effects of hot flashes. I'm just wondering is this to be expected? & if so what else should I expect.
929728 tn?1256162688 When I was on clomid I never have cramp but i did realize my moods changed quickly. hot flashes, i didn't experience that.. Take your clomid at night is the best.. One side effect for me was my uterine lining getting thinner... i have to switch clomid to femera.
1530658 tn?1299766324 Round 1 of 50mg Clomid days 3-7 and I had sever hot flashes. every couple of hours around the clock. 2nd round of Clomid 100mg, days 3-7 easy round, no side effects. 3rd round of Clomid 100mg and my Hot Flashes are out of control! I literally break out in sweats every hour on the hour and this happens all night while I am sleeping. Does anyone else have bad hot flashes from Clomid? Does it go away?
Avatar f tn I am a 4'10" 27 year old female weighing 102 lbs. I am prescribed celexa 40 mg and adderall 30 mg BID (2x a day) by the same doctor. Lately I can't sleep at night my blood pressure is high 130/90. My heart rate seems really fast. I've been twitching a lot, have hot and cold flashes, abdominal cramping, a lump on the back of my neck (right side), body is sore, frequent urge to urinate but hardly pee and my skin is warm to the touch. What's wrong with me?
Avatar f tn After this and beginning the Tamoxifen ,I suffered severe depression, hot flashes, excessive sweating . I began Effexor and found it helped the depression but not the flashes. Now a year later, I have started having severe ups and downs and mood swings and the sweating still there among other things. I have been taking the B1 and E suggested. can not find the periden c. no help I finally am seeing an M.D.
Avatar m tn I will do that it seems the higher dose has created this and I'm not on anything else.
Avatar n tn they called it a hysterectomy. I got through the hot flashes the first three years. the fourth I developed tissue and bone loss. fith and sixth year I begin having mental issues. Sleep disturbances and depression, anxiety attacks, memory loss and more. I took Premerin for the first year, Ive since not taken anything at all. I feel mentally horriable as if something in my brain is chemicly wrong. Dr, wants me on celexa. Three days on it and my heart is papatating. I feel sick on it.
Avatar n tn Hey. I didn't have those side effects from clomid. I took 50 mg days 3-7. The main thing I noticed was hot flashes. I took the pills at night to help with some of the symptoms. Also when ovulation occurred I had horrible cramping and when my cycle finally came (which the clomid made it late) I had horrible PMS. However the clomid did show me ovulating but still no baby. Good luck !
994212 tn?1280630056 Started when I began taking them on cd-3. My side effects were not too bad on the 100mg and symptoms/side effects went away much quicker.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had daily headaches with metformin or hot flashes? Also does anyone know how long it takes for it to work?
Avatar n tn Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my question. I have depression and anxiety aalong with BPD and worked very hard with my doctor to find a med combo that would work for me. We finally settled on Lexapro 40 mgs. and Seroquel 300 mgs a day. I was doing great on this plan until January the first when medicaid in my state changed their formulary and will no longer pay for either of these drugs. Now I am on 60mgs of Celexa a day and my anxiety is through the roof.
2190999 tn?1504988891 I know Celexa, lexapro and Sertraline both gave me night sweats. They are all selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Effexor is an SNRI, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. I think since they both inhibit serotonin, that most likely is the reason you're sweating. The effect for me didn't lessen with time, it was every night for as long as I took them.
Avatar f tn Hot flashes and bloating is very common. I tried taking clomid at night and felt much better as you sleep through most of it. Never felt face on fire but did have some heat related issues, especially while sleeping. It caused me to overheat at night and have bad bad dreams.
Avatar f tn I know that Clomid does stay in your body longer, hence the accumulated side effects. But I've never read about hot flashes during the 2nd 1/2 of your cycle. WOW I hope this is it for you! Good luck!!
Avatar n tn do all women experience hot flashes with tamoxifen. and if not does this mean that the drug is not working This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/685418'>Tamoxifen or AI?</a>.
Avatar f tn Has anybody gotten a stuffy head and "funny feeling" eyes as a side effect from SSRI's. I have had these side effects before but they went away after a month or so. I'm on Celexa and this stuffy feeling(like you are coming down with a cold) seems to be sticking with me. The med is working well except for this uncomfortable feeling in and around my eyes.
Avatar f tn So today my Celexa dose was upped from half a pill to 1 whole pill and the side effects are coming back like when I first started... Sweaty, can't sleep, headache, stiff neck, clenching teeth... Etc. I don't know what to do. I tried taking stuff for it, including an Oxy but still no change. What can I take to make these side effects not so bad? I don't see the dr till Thursday, so I can't ask her... If anyone has any suggestions?
1320252 tn?1290190343 Hi I did 5 rounds of clomid up to 150mg, my side effects varied from hot flashes, mood swings, dizzy spells, bloating, blurred vision and thinned lining. I personally hated that drug, but it didn't work for me if it had I might feel differently. Dizziness is a side effect if you get too concerned just call your doctor. I actually have less side effects from injectables! I hope this cycle works for you it does have a high success rate.
2044839 tn?1331255841 I was recently tried on Zoloft and I thought the side effects I was having were withdrawls from my Effexor and new side effects from the Zoloft ... but it turned out I am allergic to the Zoloft and was having a reaction to it!