
Causes of heartburn and nausea

Common Questions and Answers about Causes of heartburn and nausea


Avatar f tn I have found Multi Vits can be hard on my stomach too especially Iron supplements and higher dose's of Vit C! I never take any vits on a empty stomach because of this reason. I have almost Fainted at times from the nausea it has caused. One way to find out.. try stopping the Vits for a few days and see what happens.. If you feel better then you'll know. If you decide to start them up again I agree with Annamae26 take them on a FULL stomach that should help!
Avatar f tn I have started having severe heartburn in my throat and esophagus and am asking if the accumulative drops can be causing the severe heartburn ? Thanks for any information about this.
Avatar f tn The second is that you may want to consider possible gastroparesis. Two symptoms of GP are stomach pain after eating and nausea. (Because of the nature of GP, there may not be any other symptoms.) I don't know that this would explain the dark stools, though. (Have you been eating much fiber at all?) Of course, GP is often also accompanied by gallbladder issues UNLESS the problem is muscular as opposed to nervous, and if it is muscular, then you may be looking at something else entirely.
Avatar f tn Now have constant heartburn/indegestion pain across chest and right side of lower back for the last 3 weeks. Yesterday ( sri to b gross) had a poo which burnt, smelt like when ure sick with yellow ridges??!!!. So far bloods have come back normal and stool samples. I am soo tired and down from feeling like this all the time yet no1 seems to be able to help!!Any ideas any1!!!????
Avatar n tn I haven't any symptoms like heartburn, nausea, a decreased appetite, or weight loss.
433485 tn?1321813390 They are often caused by anxiety medications themselves, but are also caused by the anxiety too. I have random nausea with my anxiety and often have a loss of appetite, both of which are neither helped nor worsened by my medication. It's also possible that you could have a hint of acid reflux (commonly paired with anxiety) and that is causing some nausea. Sometimes acid reflex helps cause anxiety while anxiety causes acid reflux. Good luck and hang in there!
Avatar f tn I've had chronic heartburn for a number of years and its been easily resolved by over the counter antacids. But recently over the past few weeks the heartburn has become more intense and frequent. Everytime I lay down, everything I eat and drink gives me heartburn. I've also began experiencing nausea after each meal. Ill get hungry but have to stop eating due to nausea. I constantly feel nauseous and its effecting my life.
Avatar n tn There are a number of causes such as gastritis, acid refulx, or peptic ulcer disease that can cause gassy chest discomfort. However, if you are having other symptoms associated with this (arm pain, jaw pain, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating), you should seek further evaluation by a licensed physician who can perform a throughou history and physical examination to ensure your symptoms are not being caused by another condition (heart, lungs, etc.).
9309926 tn?1405447056 Maybe you are just getting your morning sickness back.
Avatar f tn 35+5 and my nausea is back, is this normal?
Avatar m tn He put me on mezicline (motion sickness medication) and a pill that helps prevent nausea and vomiting. I went on them for two weeks, and I would only occasionaly feel nautious, but wouldn't vomit. I went off the pills 6 days ago because I had to go in to the hospital medicine free for a week in order to get a hearing test and another test that may determine if I have labynthritis. I have thrown up every night since going off the pills about 2 to 5 hours sometime after dinner.
Avatar n tn Its not sever, just enought to be uncomfortable.
Avatar f tn Any recommendations to reduce the feeling of heartburn or nausea? I'm 34 weeks and feel so sick right now!
Avatar f tn some people have issues with onions and such but it is so much better than acid reflux and the nausea that comes with gallstones.
Avatar n tn Thanks for you comment, tea causes heartburn when i drink it, ranatidine is not safe during pregnancy that's what the doctor told me, Dramamine didn't work for me....
Avatar f tn Ginger root helps sometimes (they have capsules) but causes heartburn sometimes too. I took Zofran and I was great. No where near as much nausea and it doesn't make you drowsy like Phenergan does.
Avatar f tn m on rainatidine given by doctor which regulates stomach acids which is what causes heartburn and to be honest iv been on them since ten weeks without them I would have gone crazy x
Avatar m tn After I started to take this medicine, my Nausea disapeared during the mornings but it would come during the day and most of the time go away during the night. My Nausea is generaly mild but within those last 2 months, it came twice or 3 times severe but I never threw up until now.
Avatar f tn You will start bleeding as if on a period or heavier try to causes less stress as you can to yourself and eat right a lot of fluids and walking will help too but dont over bord your self on exercise I'm 21 weeks and just doing that little bit of stuff I have not seen any blood and normally you see a little blood in the beginning congratulations on the baby I wish you the best luck
Avatar f tn a few days now, no medication and NO HEARTBURN.... I have a tablespoon of ACV with teaspoon of honey in a big cup of warm water in the morning and the same with supper. There is an occasional person who find it causes more heartburn, if you are taking the ORGANIC VERSION, then its unfortunate ACV isnt helping you I hate taking medicine if you dont have to, and after years of any medication what does it do to your body??