
Carbohydrates beer vs wine

Common Questions and Answers about Carbohydrates beer vs wine


Avatar n tn 21 vs. UK 16). Many people drink beer or wine with dinner; despite the alcohol content, these fermented beverages contain antioxidants and can have a relaxing effect which can be argued as being "good" for you. Many will disagree with me, but I believe in moderation when it comes to all things, alcohol included. *Drinking a ton of alcohol can be damaging to your body, and can cause real trouble if you are a diabetic.
Avatar n tn My OB always said a glass of wine or ONE beer was perfectly fine during pregnancy....even if you have one daily. I never had any in my recent pregnancy (delivered Sept 21) but I did with my 10 y.o. and it helped me sleep in those last few weeks....
649848 tn?1534633700 A light beer (approximately 100 calories) or a glass of reduced-calorie wine (about 90 to 100 calories) are other lower-calorie options. But if you want to know why some alcoholic beverages contain more calories than others, read on. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram -- that's less than a gram of fat, which has 9 calories, but more than protein and carbs, which have 4 calories per gram each -- but other variables of your drink influence the calorie count.
Avatar f tn No they say you can have wine here and there but I wouldn't even risk that I'd put my child's health first
Avatar f tn Well I asked my Dr and he said I beer or glass of wine a week in the first is fine and second trimester 2 a week and third you can have one glass of wine with dinner whenever... I went by those rules last pregnancy and my son is just fine but I know people freak out about all kinds of things so idk... It's up to you..
Avatar m tn I don't know what you mean by "social drinking"... if you mean a beer or glass of wine at about 1 per hour and you eat regular meals, I think it should not be a problem relative to your heart rhythm - but, binge drinking is bad for your whole body, so my recommendation is keep it at a "social" level, i.e., not drunk.
Avatar n tn I'll have a small glass of beer or wine every once in a while.
Avatar f tn Sure, I had a glass of wine on my son's birthday and have a few sips from my husband's beer when we go out together. When pregnant with my son I generally had a beer once a week during my second trimester and even less often during my third trimester. European women much more than American women tend to drink in moderation throughout their pregnancies and they don't have an epidemic of FAS...
Avatar f tn I guess I risked it. I had a sip of beer early on. & I must've had 4 glasses of wine total though my pregnancy. I'm 37 weeks by the way. I found out at 8 weeks.
Avatar m tn Good question. I am a red wine drinker and there are minute amounts of protein and only 1% carbs. No fats. I'd like to know too!
986159 tn?1249059917 I did the occasional glass of wine or beer with both pg's, it was ok'd by my doc.
Avatar f tn Anyone craving a drink and satisfying it with a glass of wine or a beer? I'm just curious, my on said it was OK in major moderation but I was wondering how many of you actually do it or have done it.
Avatar f tn Try a small amount of alcohol (4 ounces of wine, 6 ounces of beer, or a half-ounce of liquor with juice) before a meal, as it could stimulate appetite. Moore warns, however, that this recommendation must be cleared with your doctor, especially if you are on any medication. Too much alcohol can be detrimental to health, and could lessen your resolve for eating healthy. With moderation, you may add in good fat sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, and fatty fish (salmon and mackerel).
Avatar n tn Hello, It is usually not the alcohol that produces the allergic reaction to the wine or beer. The other ingredients in the alcohol, such as yeast, sulfur dioxide, and additives are often the culprits. Beer may contain a variety of ingredients, including barley, corn, wheat, and rye that may precipitate an allergic reaction. ref: Alcohol (ethanol) is broken down by liver enzymes within minutes.
Avatar f tn Is it really ok to have a glass of wine? Anyone actually talk to there doc about this and what do they say?
1123420 tn?1350561158 5 so you have to literally drink 8 to 12 of them for the effect of one single beer.. Which they say one glass of wine is okay or watever. But wine is more harmful then a beer...
Avatar f tn I know this sounds bad, but I seriously want a glass of red wine right now (to be honest I want more than one glass...don't judge me,lol). Anyhow, I've heard that there's a nonalcoholic wine out there. Has anyone tried it? How does it taste? Is it just an expensive grape juice? I like Odouls and Sharps which are non alcoholic beers so if I have a taste for a beer I keep those in my fridge. But I haven't found a wine substitute. Any help?
Avatar f tn Yea I thought so my doctor tld me red wine & im 30weeks & 5days
Avatar f tn Yesterday was sooo hot I just wanted a beer really really bad with a blunt on the side lol but I didn't I stopped cold turkey as soon as I found at I was pregnant it's really tempting but I know my baby comes before my needs now n I want them to be healthy
Avatar f tn I've heard wine is ok to drink in moderation while pregnant.. then I heard not until the 3rd teimester? I myself am not a wine drinker but if I'm at a bbq or out something to sip on would be nice.. even non alchoholic beer? I'd rather drink that then wine if its even ok to be honest but just wanted a few other opinions. I mean obviously I'm not dying for a drink I was just curious about the whole thing.
Avatar f tn My doctor told me that a glass of wine or a beer every now and then would be ok. As long as its only one and not often. I drank one at a friends wedding reception.
10515800 tn?1419227034 Okay. Well thanks for the opinion. And NicoleW09 yeah, me neither. But for some reason I've been craving cold beer and wine lol which is weird because I hate both!
Avatar f tn Not a beer but wine!