
Bystolic meds

Common Questions and Answers about Bystolic meds


Avatar m tn Is it normal to still feel fatigue after taking the bp meds for a few months? I thought the fatigue was supposed to go away after the body gets used to the bp meds???
Avatar m tn Have been taking bystolic and enalapril for the past month to treat hypertension. I am a very active 37 year old. However now that I am on this medication I feel tired after physical activity and have back pain. I have been flirting with herpetension for 20 years. Is the tiredneass and back pain normal?
Avatar n tn I do not feel as bad on Bystolic as metoprolo, I seem to have more dizzyness on Bystolic. I do get some chest discomfort while on Bystolic that the metoprolo kept at bay.
116881 tn?1189755823 My Dr just took me off of Hyzaar and has put me on 5 mgs of Bystolic per day to control skipped beats and my HBP. Well, the skips are much better but my pressure is still up and my pulse is really low for me -- like in the mid 50's!!! I feel like garbage. I have only been on it for a week. My Dr wants me to stick it out a little longer. So her I am needing take one today for my BP but my pulse is sooooo low. ANyone else on Bystolic? Will this get better?
343006 tn?1314446471 I am taking verapamil 120mg daily with bystolic 2.5 mg - spirolactone 12.5 mg and also o.c zantac 150 .daily iv been on verapamil for 6years now and started getting symptoms like hypoglycemia off and on in the day times blood tests showed nothing wrong - cardio doctor put me on bystolic 2.5 mg ,this stopped the symptoms from happening and felt better ,However after about 4weeks on the medications. I started getting nightmares and vivid dreams and waking up suddenly with Rapid heart beats !
Avatar f tn I was also taking Dulera for asthma which I could not tell if it was the bystolic or the dulera giving me the problem. I have stopped both meds and have an appointment with a cardiologist next week. I have always had problems with every class of bp med...I did notice though that the bystolic was giving me a calm feeling and it did drop my blood pressure about 30-40 points....any input on what I should do...
Avatar n tn I recently stopped the flecainide and have had no significant a-fib that I can discern, although some skipped beats. I do continue to take bystolic and azor for high blood pressure. However, since discontinuing the flecanide, I have had what I would describe as a pounding heartbeat (not rapid), dizziness, and consistent blood pressure readings of 140s/50s.
1189366 tn?1265219887 2 weeks ago the Doctor reduced my meds to 25 mgs of Zoloft and 1/4 of the dose of Bystolic. Within a few days, most of my PAC/PVCs have gone away. Has anyone had this experience? I'm still wondering which drug was doing it.
343006 tn?1314446471 a cardio doctor recent, put me on 10mg of bystolic and 120mg verapamil daily - for 3 days I was fine-after that became sick throwing up and couldnt sleep at night. doc then said to cutt down to 5mg bystolic and 60mg verap on this doseage after 3 weeks of going threw hell. I got sort of use to it - now though doc changed me to this dose 2.5 mg bystolic & 60mg verap a.m time daily - and 2.5 mg bystolic at night time - ugg !! gets the b.p down ok .
1217309 tn?1267050177 i went to the doctor today and he switched me Metroplol XR to Bystolic 5mg for my PVCs. I looked the medicine up as usual and it said on one of the websites not to take Bystolic if you have an irregular heartbeat(I know I shouldn't have been searching the internet) Does anyone have any exerience with this? Also he gave me Lexapro to help with that anxiety over these anyone had sucess with this, I heard it can be quite nasty. Thanks!
Avatar m tn Hey guys, whenever I read about acebutolol in treating pvcs and bystolic, I hear mainly positive things. Is anyone on here on these blockers !!, if so whats your experience. I aked my cardio Dr. about Acebutolol, he said its something he wouldnt usualy prescribe for pvcs because it doesn't slow down the heart and the common belief is a slower heart induced by a beta blocker is supposed to reduce pvcs,, but people claim that this stuff works.
Avatar m tn My Doctor game me a months worth of Bystolic, which is a beta blocker. My resting heart beat is @ 48-52 and up moving around it is @ 60. I work out two- three times a week, lifting and cardio. I am a very strong 55 yr old, in really good shape. A muscular 230 lbs. My worry is my heart beat is too slow for Bystolic. One of their warnings is not to take it if you have a slow heart beat, is mine too slow?
Avatar n tn What could be causing this? Could it be the bystolic? My former doc put me on bystolic because it is not suppose to caused ED issues. Could it be psychological reasons i'm having ED? A combination of both psychological reasons and the Bystolic? It is hard for me to imagine that my ED would be due to low testosterone or some physiological cause. I am in excellent shape and after all I am young (27). I get health insurance through my new employer February 1st. of this year.
351404 tn?1299489130 as far a arrythma meds.. I take one 5mg Bystolic daily for blood pressure. hope this helps.
Avatar n tn sotolol is a powerful antiarrhythmic and can have some bad side effects. One of the most bothersome is that it actually has a pro-arrhythmic effect, it can induce arrhythmias that weren't there to start with. Hence, the hospitalization when starting the meds. I took it for a brief time last summer and had to come off of it because my heart was going bonkers. Along with that, it has the same side effects as all the other beta blockers. If you have benign palpitations I would stay away.
Avatar m tn My doctor just recommend a new med called nebivolol (bystolic) to me thst im pretty hesitant to try as propranolol does help Most out of what ive tried. The nebivolol bystolic didnt get the besr reviews from what ive seen. thats just my experiences and what things have worked and not worked for me on an individual basis. I feel some of my pvcs are caused by anxiety,some by exercise or increase in working out and some by large meals.
Avatar n tn Has anyone been on BYSTOLIC its a beta-blocker. shes haveing some weird side affects anybody no anything about it?
Avatar m tn The question I have is I am taking Bystolic Imdur ER and Lisiniprol which I know the Bystolic keeps the heart rate way what rate should I use for heart rate for training .. My max would normally 158 but I am not sure what changes on meds.......
Avatar f tn I've been on bystolic for about a month and a half. I've had some dizziness and a little fatigue. No problems sleeping or anything like that, though. I was previously on metoprolol and had awful nightmares, way worse dizziness and light headedness, heavy leg sensations, etc. Bystolic has been way better for me. Best of luck to you!
Avatar n tn I have tried atenolol, but makes me sooooo tired, I am also tired on Bystolic not as much. Could the Bystolic be causing circulatory problems? No edema to feet or ankles but, some to medial knees. Thank you. This discussion is related to <a href=''>Side effects of Bystolic</a>.
343006 tn?1314446471 nightmares or no sleep found with verapamil ,bystolic and dieuretic meds. I didnt have the nightmare problems or spikes in b.p untill the cardio doctor put me on bystolic with verapamil . then it got worse with dieuretic med both bystolic and verapamil cause swelling of ankles - dizzyness and shortness of breath and tired feelings. when in hell did this well known, cardio doctor give me a mix of toxic drugs to take !
Avatar f tn My doc LOVES Bystolic. Both are Selective Betablockers and they say Bystolic has little or no side effect. I would give it a try. I have not used either but have heard very good things about it.
Avatar m tn My Cadiologist Recently prescribed Bystolic 5 Mg tablets I per day . I have since begun having dizzy spells Can they be a side effect from the Bystolic?
Avatar m tn •Have a slow heartbeat or your heart skips beats (irregular heartbeat) I'm guessing that my doctor thinks my heart palpitations are not considered an irregular heartbeat? I'll ask him but I found this a little scary.
214864 tn?1229715239 I have been taking 20 mg of Coreg CR (continuous release) and have gained a lot of weight in a short period of time. I am considering talking to my cardio and trying a switch to Bystolic. Both are the latest generation of beta blockers, and do more than the older beta blockers. Another thing that would help me is to know if Bystolic drains the energy from you like most beta blockers because of what they do.