
Break up with someone you still love

Common Questions and Answers about Break up with someone you still love


Avatar f tn t think it means you still love someone or are supposed to be with them if you continue to have dreams about them after you break up. Dreams are our subconscious way of working things out. I dream about things/people and it's 'just a dream'. Now, you very well may have moved on too fast with another person. I agree to break it off.
376148 tn?1309899577 When I was pregnant with my daughter (1st baby), my husband and I got into a big fight he took everything that was his and I helped him put it in his car! I dont even remember WHY we were fighting! But the point to my story is I waited about 2 hrs and I called him and was crying and told him I didnt mean it I love him and I want him to come home, and hung up! The next morning at 4:30 am he was there knocking on the door and we had a huge tell all and here we are 4 years later!
1067212 tn?1353960402 If she has no intention of marrying him, then she needs to let him go and be single. I think it's mean to string someone along when you don't think you have any future with that person. He's 24 and looking for a spouse, so if she doesn't want him in that way, then they should break up.
1710121 tn?1326476935 I will pray to God that you find strength to go on, that you find peace at heart and true love to help you get through this. Thinking of you! Let me know if I can help in any way!
Avatar m tn Remind her that you love her and always will. That you want to help her as much as you can but not with money or pills. Instead choose love and guidence.
Avatar f tn ve done it. You can love someone while recognizing that a long term situation with them would be hard to make work. I walked away for that very reason after 4 years of dating someone. I realized that I would not ultimately have the relationship and life I wanted with the person I'd invested so much time with. It was really hard. I cried and cried and cried. I did love him. But I had to be realistic. I then dated a few different people for a couple of years and finally met my husband.
Avatar m tn I agree give her space but let her know that you are there for her when she is ready. The fact that she still openly communicates with you is a good sign. She hasn't shut you put completely. Give her time to heal and I'm sure she will appreciate you for that.
Avatar m tn its been a month now since we broke up and the days are still long and very difficult. All I do is think of her. I will just cry. I try and get myslef to do things. I will go to the gym and hangout with friends but every night it all comes back to me. Its like I dont know what to do anymore. I know she loves me. She had told me in a text "as much as I want to be with brain tells me I desevre someone who doesnt do that." I feel horrible for what i did.
Avatar f tn I agree with specialmom, just because he was bad for you doesn't mean you will just get over it. He is a routine for you. At some point he was your best friend. You called him when something happened, you called him probably all throughout the day so you have to just get out of that routine of wanting to talk to him. When I went through a major breakup I would find solace in the gym. I used to work out like crazy.
Avatar n tn I am 20 years old and have a boyfriend of 4 years who has a little girl. I also have a best friend who is also an ex and says he still loves me. We broke up when we were younger because he had to move. Now I love my current boyfriend but I'm afraid our relationship in not changing. What I mean by this ishis mother an ex call the shots. His mother always tries to control us and wants us to do everything she says of course I say nothing cuz his daughter is not mine.
Avatar f tn I know how you feel. I broke up with my boyfriend last week because the way he was treating me was disgraceful. Apparently it was all my fault though because I'm pregnant and I'm a "drama queen". But mine wasn't just other girls...he ended up treating me like he hated me, and treated other girls ("friends") better than he treated me...he wouldn't even go in public with me because he was embarrassed that I'm pregnant and "fat".
Avatar m tn Semi-serious question - definitely a social one... Have you noticed how when you find someone who you love/fall in love with/ Reeeeally like suddenly their little flaws doesn't bother you? As some of you know I am just like Ross and Rachel - on a break - but I notice when I talk to others that they point out things that would annoy them in my ex... little things.. bigger things...
Avatar m tn This is a tough situation to be in.You obviously still love her but realized to that she has moved on.You probably need to move on to.It will probably help take your mind of her.It seems to me that you are a great father and love your children dearly.You are an inspiration to all fathers out there.The focus and love you have for your children is to be admired.All the best for the future.
Avatar f tn So im 15 & I dont wanna break up with this guy ive beeen with for nine months but I want a break whats a nice way to tell him?
Avatar n tn So, talk to him and see what he says. You may still end up with your spiffy rims (is that the hub cap?????)--------- but you won't have all of this worry and stress over it.
Avatar f tn Well mine was along time ago. I didn't even get the chance to break up with him which would've helped my anger and hurt!! the jerk! Oh i still get mad about it about how stupid i was not to see all the signs that were right there in front of my face like a blazing "hello, wake up!" UGH. Then it hurt even more that he didn't even want to try to make our relationship work, he wanted to go to the other person!
Avatar f tn Busy yourself with other things and you will get over this guy. Maybe you are very lonely and that is why you put up with him in the first place. Work on this so that you are not in this situation. I'd not stay with someone for two seconds that made me feel like he didn't think I was good enough for him. You did. Why? Work on your self esteem as well. And don't let your ego be drawn back to him because it wants to prove subconsiously that you are good enough.
Avatar m tn It seems like this feeling will never go away and you cannot imagine yourself with someone else...what a bleak, depressing and dangerous feeling. But please remember there is hope. I know it's an old cliche but time really does heal...when I left my husband after 16 yrs. I was a mess. I missed my "old life" so much and I truly felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Avatar f tn He now knows the truth which is that you WILL find someone else when you become unhappy with him if you so desire. Maybe even while the two of you are still together. So, that is why, relationships that start through infidelity fail 98% of the time. Trust issues and a general lack of boundaries with one or both partners. I've reread what you wrote and that you lied to him. He thinks you are divorced. I'm not sure why you were compelled to do this.
Avatar f tn I know the pain of heartbreak is pretty bad and you would do anything to make it go away right away but the reality is that you have to go day by day. If you are having a very hard time with it you may just want to seek counseling to help you through this rough patch in your life. Once the initial shock and sadness wear off you need to take a look at yourself and tell yourself you deserve better.
Avatar m tn It would be shameful for you to break up with a girl over a skin condition. The only reason you're considering breaking up with her is because you're falling for the stigma that genital herpes comes with. Half of people have oral cold sores but nobody thinks twice about it, yet when they have it genitally, all of a sudden it's taboo. If you're in a relationship with her, it's easy to know through communication when she's having an outbreak.
Avatar f tn If it were me, i would just put this behind you and move on to meet someone your more compatable with.
Avatar m tn Hi, I have read just about everyone's responses. Biblically, love is not a random, uncontrollable, cupid's bow-and-arrow force. We do choose who we love. The only misconception is that not too many people understand true love. Just about all the responses are from women. I am a woman myself and we are much more emotional creatures than men are. One day our spouse could be doing all the right things in bed and we climax and feel this sensual attraction to them.