
Break up murs fm

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1143609 tn?1261479235 Well it's Sunday morning and I awake with a lot of a roller coaster I'm up and down with this thing we call Fibormyalgia.. For the most part I keep moving and working with the pain but sometimes it gets very hard. How do you manage your pain? Do you keep going? I cannot seem to find a happy media..
209591 tn?1267414714 I am new to this forum I am 33 yrs old and have suffered with FMS for three years now after a car accident. I notice flare ups are quite comman when immune system is low. Around ovulation and AF seem to be quite comman for flare ups and of course changes in weather do not help. I am trying to conceive and have been having a flare up because of the hormone medication for the last two weeks.
728731 tn?1235638999 I believe that EBV is Glandular Fever and from past research that I have read it seems to be at the top of the list as possible cause for CFS, but I am not sure in regards to FM. You bring up an interesting question as to the possibility of EBV being related to one/any of the Herpes virus'. There is so much that is unknown and I always seem to come up with more questions than answers.
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn just wondering. I've tried several times, and I get an error message fm MedHelp saying that the post failed. -- ???
Avatar m tn This was my last post: had unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex with a sex worker last month. I was drunk, what made me a little scared is that when I fingered her and I used the same hand to masturbate myself, because Im having troubble with my erection. so far, the symptoms that I had appeared few days ago (sore feeling inside of the hed of the penis, but no disccharge).
Avatar f tn I posted my experience with my vl going up from 10,000 to150,000 after doc lowered riba fm 1000 to 800 on 7/14/08....I think, well it was this wk. I seen him yesterday and he feels i'm doing fine. claims if he upped my riba could be in danger of heart attack or transfusion. I explained "let me inject procrit every wk or bi-wkly"he thinks my hbg at 9.5 is ok. Doing blood work in 3 wks and thinks I should be fine. Very conservative guy, but I couldnt get him to budge.
874521 tn?1424116797 I was dx'd with FM abt 12 yrs ago....I always wondered if it was just an easy out for my doctor who couldn't find any thing on the numerous tests, muscle pain ESPECIALLY LEGS and constantly tired...I just lived with it aft trying almost everything recommended by others. I also developed sciatica which I thought was FM and have been on gabapentin for last 5 yrs(works good)...I found out this is totally unrelated to FM...but rather neuropathy from degenerative disk disease.
Avatar n tn I went to my GP today who suggested FM. She did not refer me out to a rhumatologist yet but gave me samples of cymbalta to try. At this point I'm not sure what to do. I have many of the classic symptoms but also a fre things that dont seem to add up. If anyone has any wisdom on this and would like to talk it would be greatly appriciated.
Avatar f tn I have people tell me it is because of plague build up. The side underneath the right side of the chin is swollen and they thought maybe lymph nodes, but the MRI did not show anything and the MRI of the spine was okay as well, they even did an ultra sound. The area is hard so my new doctor told me when she felt it felt like cartiod artery was hard. I have not had the healthiest eating habits, I should actually be obese considering what i eat.
8924846 tn?1410572901 I'm considering leaving my bf. He is not the father of my baby, but wants to be since he is sterile and the actual father doesn't want to be involved. We dated on and off for a few years and I got pregnant while we were broken up and got back together before I found out. I had no plans of getting back with him it just kind of happened. I've been trying to convince myself I'm happy, because I know how excited him and his family are and I don't want a messy break up.
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
Avatar m tn I have tried a few times not to talk to her and each time i end up failing and messaging her. BUt everytime I do i just end up crying and in more pain. So you are right I do need to just leave her be. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
Avatar f tn t even have the energy to cut up a melon, much less make my own juice, but it has made a big difference in my energy. During the day, when I get sluggish and foggy, I eat fruit. I also put on some fun music and stretch. A five minute snack and stretch break produces immediate results, whereas a pill will take 20-25 minutes to work, and the only side effect I have to worry about is weight loss and increase in muscle tone.
Avatar f tn I woke up this morning with a FM headache that is from my shoulders, up my head to my face. I have a headache every day, but this one :0P My brain already feels like its burning. That usually comes later. I'm cranky which usually never happens, I feel all out of sorts. Friday night I took a Soma before bed, to help me sleep and felt pretty good Saturday. So I took one Saturday night. Today Sunday I feel awful. It wasn't the meds that helped.
560501 tn?1383612740 I have been diagnosed with both CFS and FM. I think it's rather odd since all the sypmtoms of CFS also fall under FM. But, my fatigue can get so severe that the docs also list me under CFS. I am one of the very few with FM that does NOT have IBS. Thank God! But, I do have EVERY other sypmtom of FM. I have FM (pain,pain, and more pain!
Avatar n tn I would recommend seeking out a Rhuemotologist as their specialty is more likely to be versed in FM then the regular general practicioner (and also, if you are diagnosed with FM you will probably end up needing/wanting to see a Rhuemy anyways so having them in on the beginning of your diagnosis is a beneficial thing.
Avatar f tn Although FM can APPEAR in early stage Lyme it doesn't mean it IS Lyme disease. Other diseases/conditions/disorders also have FM associated with them--- the list below is not the complete list. "Rheumatic diseases. Disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome and lupus all can begin with generalized aches and pain." Mental health problems. Disorders such as depression and anxiety often feature generalized aches and pain. Neurological disorders.