
Blood type o weight gain

Common Questions and Answers about Blood type o weight gain


Avatar n tn If your diabetes is not well controlled this could be the cause of your not being able to gain weight. If you have Type 1 diabetes, you may also be at risk for other diseases that can contribute to poor weight gain, like Celiac disease. The other question is, why do you want to gain weight? You can some nutrient dense foods like nuts which have good fats and proteins without too high a carb load as part of your diet. Weight bearing exercise is great as a general rule.
Avatar m tn My age is 60years,height 5'2" weight 50kgs.Iam type II diabetec for last 5 years. Diet: Breakfast: Vegitable salad+cereals or South indian idlis or Upma or Dosas and cup of tea without sugar. Lunch : Rice with vegitable curry and Sambar(Lentil boiled in tamarind juce and vegitables) +plain yoghurt Snacks at 4PM: light snacks or seasonal fruit and tea w/o sugar. Dinner : similar to Lunch at 7.
Avatar f tn They only give you O type blood if they have to because its a neutral blood type and your body wont reject it.
754352 tn?1233680090 Your body is utilizing alot of energy preparing a home for your baby for the next 9 mos, so it's common to feel hungrier than usual. But it's just as common to have absolutely no appetite from early pregnancy until sometimes the 2nd or 3rd trimester. As long as you're eating healthy and not choosing junk food with empty calories. As you continue your prenatal visits, your OB will let you know if there are concerns for weight gain or loss.
Avatar f tn ) ut im conserned on the fact that i have O- blood type and My OBGYN did say that on the 2nd time expecting it was more risking... Does any one know more info about this? I realldy didnt get much just the part that my body attacks the baby... So HELP!
Avatar f tn Reason why, the only reason why having o- blood type is a problem is if your baby has a different blood type then you and for some reason your blood is mixed during pregnancy then your body will not recognize it and try to fight it off like an infection. It will create antibodies but those antibodies only happen in second, third, or any other pregnancy in the future.Your body won't make them during your first.
Avatar f tn My blood type is also O+. I found out my blood type after I enlisted in the military plus I found my blood type on my birth certificate. I do suffer from depression and I do have anger issues but I am managing both with therapy. I know when I don't eat, I do get very cranky. I've never had a manic episode but there are times when I was darn near close. I had to remove myself from particular situations or else it may have landed me in jail. Simply because I skipped lunch.
Avatar f tn Soo my midwife informed me that I'm O-negative which means my blood can't pass thru to the babies blood because my cells will fight against it so at 28 weeks I have to have an injection to prevent this from happening in the mean time if I fall or bang my bump i have 48 hours to get this injection before it can cause harm?? Has any1 ever heard of this ??
Avatar f tn I had it before and will need it again with this little one. I'm not gonna lie the shot hurt a lot lol. Other than that your baby will be fine.
Avatar f tn If your body senses babies blood and they have a positive blood type your body will try to get rid off the foreign body, the shot prevents this from happening. You and baby are fine now just be careful and they usually give the shot at 28 weeks. Luckily both my husband and I are positive. My mom was negative so she had to go through this with me.
5889951 tn?1380316047 I was discussing with my sons father who is o negative blood type and I am o negative blood type would my son be o negative as well? If anyone has any info they could share with me I would be very appreciative.
Avatar m tn for about 6 years after my last bout of medication (Risperdal and Zoloft) that I quit due to horrible weight gain. So, I am also looking to find the most weight neutral combination as well. In the past 4 years, I have tried Luvox (increased my heart rate and I could not sleep), Prozac (gained weight), and now Effexor. I know others who take these same drugs and did not have these side effects, so I get it that it's different for everyone.
Avatar f tn Okay so my blood type is o-negative , I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow and everybody has been telling me that I'm suppose to get a shot twice so that my blood doesn't fight off the babies blood if he has a different type. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Should I call my Dr and ask?
Avatar f tn I have O- blood and I have just found out that I am expecting. My mum suffered various miscarriages due to this reason as her body rejected the baby. I'm scared incase I do the same as it's just nature. What can I do to prevent this? Someone please help.
Avatar f tn I am 19w2d and I lost 12 pounds at the 15w I have only gained 7 back so I am still in the negative. How much weight is considered a healthy weight gain by 20 or even 30 weeks? Also just now starting yo show, is this normal?
Avatar f tn I was 116 nd now I'm 130. I'm 21+3. My Dr said my weight gain was fin o urs should be .
Avatar f tn I've gained 26 lbs and i'm 24 weeks. I know that this is a lot if weight gain so soon. Anyone else experiencing this?
7458937 tn?1391882099 I Was Told I Get A Shot After Delivery And If The Baby Has A Positive Blood Type, She Will Get A Shot. If Babys Blood Type Is Negative, They Dont Need The Shot.
Avatar f tn i have a neg blood type if its the same shot my mom told me about its used bcuz ur body will fight off the baby like it would a cold No worries tho....
Avatar n tn Generally speaking no. But if you are checking for whether or not the child is yours or someone elses then they have to do further testing because the ABO blood typing isn't enough. There could be an error as well. Your physician can refer you to a testing site.
Avatar n tn this starts a vicious cycle of more insulin, more carbs and of course weight gain. You want to lower your carb intake as low as you can and lower your insulin dose accordingly. To do this you need to figure out your insulin:Carb ratio. Some doctors put their patients on set doses or sliding scales for their mealtime insulin and this also leads to weight gain. I recommend the book Using Insulin by John Walsh which teaches you to use insulin:carb ratios.
Avatar n tn My 3 year old granddaughter has gone from a active tiny girl to an overweight, sluggish, sleepy girl within the past 6 months. It started with weight gain, she has a very big belly. Lately she has been sleeping much more and doesn't want to do any type of 'physical' play. Only coloring and reading. My daughter took her to the dr. and her blood test showed increased levels of carbon dioxide. She is going back in for more tests next week but she is just not the same.