
Augmentin for acute otitis media

Common Questions and Answers about Augmentin for acute otitis media


Avatar m tn I think, this problem of yours goes in the favor of Acute Suppurative Otitis Media. This condition appears because of the closure of the eustachian tube following common cold. Due to which there is negative pressure created inside the middle ear and the inflammatory exudates get accumulated. Once this exceeds the pressure, the ear drum gives way and one experiences discharge from the ear.
Avatar f tn Chronic otitis media may result in a persistent ear discharge and some of the other symptoms of an acute otitis media may not be present. Usually the discharge is yellow to brown and has a foul odor and can affect hearing and balance or may be reported as dizziness. Chronic otitis media is also called ‘glue ear’ due to the thick, sticky discharge. Antibiotics may be necessary for long standing bacterial infections. Corticosteroids may be necessary to reduce swelling and secretions.
Avatar n tn Mastoiditis is very often a complication of acute otitis media. It occurs due to bacterial infection of honey comb like mastoid air cells. The most common symptoms are pain the ear, swelling and redness. Fever and headache can also occur. There is a possibility that your symptoms are due to mastoiditis since you have a positive history of otitis media. It is therefore worth to check out the possibility of mastoiditis. So please go ahead with the MRI scan and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm curious if you were able to see the doctor about this and what they said! My understanding is that this could be something as simple as a pimple. Sign, pimples. What a pain! But also something like 'swimmer's ear'. Acute otitis media also could cause it. Since she was sick in general, I hope the doctor was able to diagnose her. I'd be really curious what the outcome was.
Avatar n tn re probably have an upper respiratory track infection (not HIV related) and it causing your middle ear to develop another infection/Acute Otitis Media=middle ear infection, this can happen because there's a link via a tract from your pharyng to your middle ear. About your groin discomfort, I can't tell you anything but certainly it's not HIV related too... Just go to your GP and discuss your symptoms with him/her... Be well GOD Bless!
Avatar n tn It is usually not the drug of choice for UTI but is mostly used in otitis media (infection of the middle ear), tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinusitis. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar n tn Hi, Your son is having Acute sinusitis with Otitis media with effusion. In the first instance you need to consult an ENT specialist at the earliest. An aural swab has to be sent for culture and sensitivity, followed by ear cleaning and instilling of ear drops. The thick green pus from the ear suggests of Pseudomonas infection. The ear complaints are because of the sinusitis your son is having. Visit your ENT specialist and request for a change in the antibiotics.
1487690 tn?1316760585 Hi, According to the symptoms you have mentioned, it appears that he is having either acute otitis media or ear trauma. He needs to be examined by an ENT specialist to look for any trauma to the ear. Irrespective of the above conditions, he should avoid water getting into the ear, medications such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol and an antibiotic (such as Amox-clavunate) would be helpful. Any more doubts you are welcome.
Avatar n tn sorry for my poor english doactor but i want to ask if could media otitis is a simptom of hiv.I aked because 1 year and half i had unprotected sex but the man di not complete inside me and after 7 weeks i had earache.I had gone to a doctor and she saied to me that i had media otitis and in 3 days i was okey again.After 2 months i went also to my gynaicolostic and i was ok i did have any trasmittede disease.But i am worried if i have hiv.Please tell me i have to worry about it ??
Avatar m tn The sensation is not only fullness, but has the feeling of Otitis Media which I was quite familiar with as a child. This is why I suspected there might be evidence in the inner(middle) ear. Apparently not.
Avatar n tn Hi, untreated middle ear infections or acute otitis media can lead to infection of mastoid process which is a part of temporal bone giving rise to bump behind ear. Usually treatment with antibiotics can cure this condition but resistant cases are treated with surgery. “The diagnosis of mastoiditis is clinical—based on the medical history and physical examination.
Avatar f tn what kind of ear infection do you have? Do you have otitis media (an infection of the middle ear, with pressure behind your eardrum) or do you have swimmer's ear - an infection of the ear canal that comes from swimming in too much chlorine?
Avatar f tn It only hurts on the outside so I know for a fact it is not otitis media. I just put hydrogen peroxide on where I picked at it and I can hear it bubbling. I looked in the mirror to see that my ear was red. I never had anything like this and I am seeing my doctor next week, but right now I am anxious. It only hurts when I touch it and when I lie down on a pillow. Does anyone have a clue what this could be? It's so new to me...the only ear disorder that I am familiar with is otitis media.
Avatar n tn he complained of pain in his ears in may 2011, then was put on Lactoclav for 13 days by hz pediatrician. things went fine untill this February when we noted him making us repeat the words or increasing the volume of TV. We took him to ENT who suggested insertion of some tube, but we changed the doctor switshed to another ENT spt. He put him on Augmentin since feb. till may. although the medice was stopped in between by the doctor but need arised to give him again due to flu.
Avatar m tn also the ER doctor stated that he did not think it was vertigo that i was experiencing, he diagnosed me with otitis media and gave me an antibiotic. however, i stopped taking to antibiotic due to increased anxiety which has subsided since stopping the antibiotic, although i am not positive that the anxiety was caused by the antibiotic, i am still not taking it. i saw my gp, and he advised that i discontinue the antibiotic as well, and told me to just wait it out and see what happens.
Avatar f tn A cyclic pattern of fever is seen in EBV or infectious mononeucleosis, malaria, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, otitis media, endocarditis, IBS, STDs and cancers. Rare causes of unexplained fevers include (but are not limited to) taking certain medications, adrenal disease, hematomas, hyperthyroidism, pulmonary emboli, and previously undetected thrombophlebitis You can go over all these possibilities to see what has not been tested for. Hope this helps.
1310630 tn?1275273002 Its Basically Otitis Media And Is It Normal For Bleeding After Pain Subsides Any Help Please
Avatar n tn My boyfriend was prescribed 1 gram of Augmentin twice daily for 3 weeks for acute bacterial prostatitis. He hasn't actually received his urine test results yet though, so not sure what type of bacteria it actually is. Is this an appropriate treatment?
Avatar m tn Lyme and Syphilis tests were negative (though the p14 protein in case of Lyme disease test was positive). I had a very bad otitis media in February-March 2015. After that, a tinnitus remained in my right ear. Now, the otitis reappeared (both ears). Besides these investigations, I went to the psychiatry and took meds for anxiety and depression with no results. Actually, they worsen my condition.
Avatar n tn Hi, antibiotics, such as amoxicillin for 2 weeks, have been the recommended first-line treatment of uncomplicated acute sinusitis. Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin) is also an appropriate first-line treatment of uncomplicated acute sinusitis. Other options include cephalosporins such as cefpodoxime proxetil (Vantin) and cefuroxime (Ceftin). In patients allergic to beta-lactams, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim), clarithromycin (Biaxin), and azithromycin.