
Arimidex no prescription

Common Questions and Answers about Arimidex no prescription


Avatar n tn Will broccoli seed extract capsules interfere with Arimidex if I take them both? Apparently broccoli seed extract is also an aromatase inhibitor. I am on Arimidex and blood tests indicate that it is working, as my estrogen levels are low. But a 24-hour urine test prescribed by an M.D. with a holistic practice showed a problem in one of my estrogen pathways, and recommended a broccoli seed extract with SGS (sulforaphane glucosinolate). Might it enhance or interfere with Arimidex?
Avatar m tn Dear madwilson, Hairloss is not a usual side effect associated with Arimidex. Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor. This means it blocks the enzyme aromatase (found in the body's muscle, skin, breast and fat), which is used to convert androgens (hormones produced by the adrenal glands) into estrogen. In the absence of estrogen, tumors dependent on this hormone for growth will shrink. For more information regarding this drug and side effects you can check out the website
Avatar n tn I know, because I had my eyes checked and a new eye prescription just before I started taking Arimidex. I saw my eye doctor again last week and my vision has deteriorated from 20/40 to 20/70 (with correction) in just a few months. Eye problems are not listed as a side effect of Arimidex in any of the information I have been given, but I am wondering if this could be a less common side effect. Is this something I should discuss with my oncologist?
Avatar n tn I just made my bi-annual visit to my opthamologist. Two years ago no material change: I've had the same glasses for six years and the same prescription sun glasses for almost ten. This year, cataracts such that he advised me to consider surgery, if not now within a year or two. I've been on Armidex a little over three years.
Avatar n tn I have been taking Anastrozole for about two and half years for stage 1 ER/PR positive breast cancer. About a year after I started taking the drug, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that is not particularly well controlled, even though I take two different prescriptions. A few months after that I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. For that I now take Lipitor, which has lowered the total cholesterol quite a bit.
Avatar n tn I learned that some weman experienced elevated blood pressure and blood clots while on Arimidex. And Arimidex is known to cause high blood pressure and blood clots. How do know for sure that Arimidex is the cause of my high blood pressure?
Avatar f tn I saw a Professor of Endocrinology in Feb 2008, referred by my bc surgeon, as this guy has an academic interest in side effects of Arimidex. He suggested I continue with Arimidex and Fosamax to prevent further bone loss, but I cannot stand the pain and disturbance to my sleep. Does anyone have any experience of stopping Arimidex and getting a different med that does not have the side effect of bone pain?
Avatar n tn I also had my ovaries removed in Jan09 so it is hard to tell if the Arimidex causes the hot flushes or the surgical menopause. No depression or mood swings. All these things are more inconvenient than anything else. Whatever your doctor prescribes just try and if you find it intolerable, tell the doctor and try another. Anything that can prevent a recurrence is worth it. Good luck.
Avatar n tn t be reached even for a biopsy to be taken the Arimidex cleared it by the next scan (6 months). I should point out that Arimidex was the only medication I was taking, no other treatment. The only reason my cancer has now returned is because a relief GP gave me the results of a bone scan and found that I had osteoporosis so she took me off it and by the time I saw my oncologist (another 6 months) the cancer had returned and metasized in my intestines and spine and ribs. Great fun!
Avatar n tn Hello. I am taking Arimidex (dx May 2007, IDC, 1 cm., grade 3, negative lymph nodes; had lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy, chemo, radiation; I was 54 and perimenopausal at time of dx and chemo put me in menopause.) I also now occasionally consult a holistic MD (referred by my oncologist) for nutritional advice.
Avatar f tn In about 20 % of women, it will slow the grow of cancer cells. It is reasonable to consider this when there is no obvious sign of cancer. I know it must be very anxiety producing!
Avatar n tn I have been taking Arimidex for almost 2 years. Outside of hot-flashes, no other side-effects. About 3 weeks I got a rash or acne in a small area on my face. It now goes over my nose, on my upper lip and some on lower lip areas. Iam 57 and always had a good complection so I'm not sure if this is acne or a rash. Could this be caused by Arimidex?
Avatar n tn 5 mg and worked up to 75mg which I took for 5 years. A month ago he changed my prescription to 37.5 mg and said to stop once the medicine ran out. I took my last pill 3 days ago. I feel horrible. I have nausea, dizziness, a swoshing feeling when I turn my head from side to side and just feel bad overall. I have been cranky and moody. What can I do to get through this. I know that before if I missed a pill whithin a few hours I would feel sick but once I took one I was okay.
Avatar n tn Please inform me of side effects of Arimidex. Also confirm whether clinical tests proved that arimidex really prevent cancer from returning. Recently I had a lumpectomy. The cancer was confined to the lump in my breast and did not spread to the limph nodes. I had a serie of 30 radiation treatments. My bone density is deteriorating, thus I would like to know whether I have to take osteobond 70mg weekly. Will arimidex contribute to loss of bone density? Thank you very much. Susan.
Avatar f tn I do not want to do chemo and radiation but am very willing to do arimidex i am post menopausal 53 yrs old. If arimidex does the job it says why do chemo? Radiation? I have been out of work and my life disrupted for a month and am already loosing everything due to financial stress 6 more months of treatment with chemo and work disruption i fear will ruin me. What are my chances with just arimidex treatment? PET scan shows negative to any cancer anywhere else.
Avatar f tn My friend has been taking Arimidex for two years and has all the usual side effects--hot flashes, muscle aches, lack of sleep but, in spite of all her exercising and walking and careful eating, all of the weight gain has been in her stomach and she is at a loss of what to do to lose it. Nothing seems to work and she's very unhappy with that particular location? Anyone else know of weight gain from the drug at that spot specifically?
Avatar n tn Been on Arimidex 26 months. Having numbness in hands and feet. Oncologist doesn't think it's related to Arimidex. Anyone have this problem while on this drug?
Avatar f tn I just completed 5 years on arimidex and have been asked to be part of a study and go on it for another 5 years. Has cancer reoccurred in patients while they have been on arimidex, not due to the drug, but due to the cancer. In other words, does taking arimidex prevent cancer from reoccurring while a patient is on it?
Avatar m tn Armidex may not prolong his growth period much longer with such an advanced bone age, it is a medication used to block estrogen effect, also used in breast cancer, there are concerns with the liver but if monitored carefully most have few side effects. However with a bone age of 17 1/2 growth is near completion. I would work with the peds endocrinologist and talk with them to discuss your concerns, plan of care and monitoring.
Avatar f tn I had an ooferectomy almost 2 weeks ago as a precaution, as my mother died of ovarian cancer at the age of 59. I felt great until I started Arimidex on Tuesday, and now I feel horrible. I feel constantly tired and weak and my mind is not alert, I'm having trouble focusing on simple puzzles. I've also been emotionally fragile since Tuesday, crying or on the verge of crying. Will this pass?
Avatar f tn s been 9 months now since I started Arimidex and so far, the side effects are (Thank God) minimal.I too have arthritis and the pain is really not much worse than before.Each person reacts differently to certain medications and if you see that the Arimidex does give you too many problems,your oncologist can prescribe another one that will suit you better.
Avatar m tn I am 75 years old and live alone Yesterday I decided to quit taking the Arimidex. I phoned my oncologist and left a message on the nurse voice mail. No one has returned my call. What are the statistics of recurrance with / without Arimidex treatment? I have been told I am in the 2% range.. which to me is not worth the horrible side effects of Arimidex.
Avatar n tn I understand the ongoing fatigue,however the headache continues with no abatement.I have tried medicine for migraine as well as traditional non steroid meds and prednesone.I have no history of any headaches.The headache feels like a constant squeeze around my head.No pounding or sharp pain exists however they persist.My doctor says this is not associated with radiation??? I am otherwise a healthy strong and active professional. I would appreciate feedback I alone with these symptoms?
Avatar f tn Anyone taking Arimidex or has taken it in the past. I am looking for feedback if it helped lower the ca 125??? My CA 125 is rising from 93 to 156 and now in the 230's... however nothing has changed on my pet scan and no measurable disease... I am seeing my onc on Monday...and he had recommended to try if i want Arimidex. I have other options like trying different chemo's... but then we are just treating the number... I wanted to give this a try.... what do you think...
Avatar n tn Does Arimidex have to actually kill you vs. maiming you for life, in order to be pulled off the market? At 58, I may need a hip replacement because I took Arimidex for two years! DeeDee This discussion is related to <a href=''>Arimidex Long Term Side Effects</a>.