
Arimidex in canada

Common Questions and Answers about Arimidex in canada


Avatar n tn Thanks for replying! So, tubular is a type of ductal, or comes under the ductal umbrella? Unfortunately I can't do radiation. I was really interested in Intraoperative RT, even if it's after the operation, but it's not offered in Canada, I guess (or do you know?).
Avatar n tn Thank you very much for your prompt and informative response. I am now taking a two- week Arimidex holiday with my oncologist's blessing because my bp is now in a range of 133/77 to 170/100. As you can see the high end is still not acceptable. Will see internist this Friday to further discuss bp management. This is a great site, and I am glad I came across it.
Avatar f tn Hi, I found this information for you.I am also taking Arimidex and of course I am very interested in knowing more about this medication.My breast surgeon told me also that by taking Arimidex reduces the development of new breast cancers by 50 per cent. ----------------------------------------- Arimidex most effective in breast cancer study.
Avatar m tn Dear madwilson, Hairloss is not a usual side effect associated with Arimidex. Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor. This means it blocks the enzyme aromatase (found in the body's muscle, skin, breast and fat), which is used to convert androgens (hormones produced by the adrenal glands) into estrogen. In the absence of estrogen, tumors dependent on this hormone for growth will shrink. For more information regarding this drug and side effects you can check out the website
Avatar n tn m not looking to replace arimidex with the supplement, just use it to enhance the AI effect of arimidex (the supplement works in the liver, not in the adrenals like arimidex). In addition to the feedback from my oncologist, I would like more professional opinions as well. If my estradion/estrone blood tests remain low, can I trust that the estrogen results are accurate -- or could there still be an interaction between arimidex and the supplement that the blood test wouldn't show?
Avatar f tn I just completed 5 years on arimidex and have been asked to be part of a study and go on it for another 5 years. Has cancer reoccurred in patients while they have been on arimidex, not due to the drug, but due to the cancer. In other words, does taking arimidex prevent cancer from reoccurring while a patient is on it?
Avatar n tn Been on Arimidex 26 months. Having numbness in hands and feet. Oncologist doesn't think it's related to Arimidex. Anyone have this problem while on this drug?
Avatar n tn I saw my eye doctor again last week and my vision has deteriorated from 20/40 to 20/70 (with correction) in just a few months. Eye problems are not listed as a side effect of Arimidex in any of the information I have been given, but I am wondering if this could be a less common side effect. Is this something I should discuss with my oncologist?
Avatar m tn Armidex may not prolong his growth period much longer with such an advanced bone age, it is a medication used to block estrogen effect, also used in breast cancer, there are concerns with the liver but if monitored carefully most have few side effects. However with a bone age of 17 1/2 growth is near completion. I would work with the peds endocrinologist and talk with them to discuss your concerns, plan of care and monitoring.
Avatar n tn Does Arimidex have to actually kill you vs. maiming you for life, in order to be pulled off the market? At 58, I may need a hip replacement because I took Arimidex for two years! DeeDee This discussion is related to <a href=''>Arimidex Long Term Side Effects</a>.
Avatar n tn I am 42 and have been on Arimidex since Feb. 20, 2009. I have had a hysterectomy in May to remove my ovaries. I have gained 15 pounds. I am on a 1600 calorie/day diet and walk six miles a day, four days a week. I would like to know if there is any thing else I can do to battle this weight gain. I will be on Arimidex for another four years.
Avatar f tn 2 months on tamoxifen, then Onc switched me to Arimidex in Feb 2004. I have had increasing debilitating severe pain in left hip, left foot and both hands. DEXA scan showed increased bone density loss to that of a DEXA scan done before bc (ordered by gastro due to 30+ yrs of steroids). BC surgeon prescribed Fosamax and Calcichew/Vit.D3. A bone scan showed osteo arthritis in both hips, hands and feet. No meds prescribed. I am on weekly injections of 12.5 mg methotrexate for Crohn's.
Avatar n tn s side effects while Herceptin does cause weakness but I doubt what you are experiencing is from your treatment in 2009. I would think that Arimidex is the culprit in this case. Regards ....
Avatar f tn I think it's fine, and especially if your physician recommends it. You see, we here in the US have these BELIFS about stuff that we are told and that is just assumed to be 'so'. One of them is never to buy drugs from other countries because you cannot trust them. This has especially become a popular fear inducing warning since many of us purchase medications from other countries on the Internet.
Avatar n tn I am 63 and just diagnosed with Stage 1, ER/PR Positive, node negative invasive ductal carcinoma. My oncologist is in the process of deciding whether to prescribe Letrozole/Femara or Anastrozole/Arimidex. What considerations factor into which of these two drugs to use? Has anyone had experience with either of them? How serious are the side effects?
Avatar n tn I have been on Arimidex for seven months and experienced an increase in libido, I am 72. The Oncologist checked for an increase in testosterone. Result: normal. The Doctor checked with an endocrinologist. The Arimidex is blocking the estrogen production and the body recognizes the testosterone more readily and reacts. Are there other women with this reaction?
Avatar f tn My friend has been taking Arimidex for two years and has all the usual side effects--hot flashes, muscle aches, lack of sleep but, in spite of all her exercising and walking and careful eating, all of the weight gain has been in her stomach and she is at a loss of what to do to lose it. Nothing seems to work and she's very unhappy with that particular location? Anyone else know of weight gain from the drug at that spot specifically?
Avatar m tn Did you give the arimidex to your son? My son is 11 and has been in puberty a little over a year. They want to give him more time to grow and suggested this medicine. I don’t like the side affects I’m seeing though. I know this post is old but I would appreciate any feedback.
Avatar n tn I have been taking Arimidex for almost 2 years. Outside of hot-flashes, no other side-effects. About 3 weeks I got a rash or acne in a small area on my face. It now goes over my nose, on my upper lip and some on lower lip areas. Iam 57 and always had a good complection so I'm not sure if this is acne or a rash. Could this be caused by Arimidex?
107366 tn?1305680375 Yup, joint pain is a very common complaint with aromatase inhibitors. I'm taking Arimidex and commiserate with Rusty, in fact that's how if feel in the morning ... rusty! I was on Arimidex for 6 weeks when I found out I needed chemo. The joint pain was very minimal and I already had some osteoarthritis. However after the chemo (4 cycles TC) I resumed the Arimidex and the joint pain has been much more marked.
Avatar n tn IDC, stage 1, 1cm., e.r. +, grade 3, negative lymph nodes. I had chemo (1 infusion TC, 6 infusions CMF) Aug. 2007 to Jan. 2008, radiation for 7 weeks from Feb. to mid March 2008. I had a severe reaction to Neulasta, so I had to stop taking it and my WBC count was a major issue throughout the chemo. After chemo my WBC count was slow to come back up, and it was determined that under the best of circumstances my WBC count is low normal. The highest it has been post-chemo and post-rads was 4.
Avatar f tn Hi Kelsey: Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated. I will see my family doctor on Tuesday to get my dexa score. But for now I'm concerned with my reaction to the Arimidex. I took my first dose last Tuesday morning at 9:30am, at 12:30p I went to bed for a few hours. Long story, short....I've been feeling horrible since last Tuesday. No energy, very tired and shaky, MENTAL FOG, very emotional, I've cried at least one time everyday since.
Avatar f tn m curious to see who can answer this as I too, am interested in trying Arimidex (or something similar) sometime in the future. Do you know if your tumors are estrogen receptive? I'm just wondering why your doctor would recommend an anti-estrogen. Thanks...and I hope someone comes along whose more helpful than me!
Avatar f tn I switched to Aromasin from Arimidex and my I began losing my hair immediately. Changed back after 6 days but a week later, I'm still losing hair. Any ideas on how long this will continue?