
Appendicitis treatment medications

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis treatment medications


Avatar n tn My son rarely drank, but when he did he would sometimes end up in the hospital. He no longer drinks at all and it has helped. There are medications that can also help. Please let us know how you are doing in any case. As I said before, this may not be the case with you. Your pain and nausea could be symptoms of many different problems. It could even be an ulcer, but in any case, I would recommend that you seek help from a doctor who specialize's in stomach problems.
Avatar f tn I was just considering that maybe this would be a symptom of appendicitis, a rupture or potential burst? I always figured that the symptoms would appear and then the problem would occur, but I have been having these symptoms for a little less than a month, really. The thing is though I'm not sure if my symptoms are enough to match up with an appendicitis.. and it could be other things, maybe. Less severe problems. Anyway, I wanted to put this out there.
Avatar n tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! I would recommend that you talk to your gastroenterologist about this.
Avatar n tn Last week I suffered from appendicitis and my doctor cured me by administering antibiotics. Now have a relief the inflamation is gone. But from today morning I am suffering pain in the groin area which is similar to the pain I suffered for appendicitis I wanted to know that is the pain caused by Fungal infection or medicinal reaction which was provided for appendicitis. I have not experienced similar pain in groin area before and there is no blister or rashes.
Avatar f tn Hello. I don't really like posting things about myself online, but it's worth a shot if someone can help. I'm 20, female and in the past 24 hours have developed a dry mouth and throat and have subsequently drunk approximately 12 pints of water over the course of 6ish hours. That's not usual for me. I feel like I NEED to be drinking. I've also had a dull abdominal ache, similar to period cramps bit not quite. I'm not due on for a while.
Avatar f tn Im wondering why when all I have been reading from this forum is the 2 treatment solvadi and ribafarin . Now im really scared and upset. I have to wait until feb 10 to actually see my doctor to discuss. Im hoping he will not do the 3 treatments. all my labs have low counts and no scarring on the liver does anyone out there have any suggestions for me on what to expect at this point. Im not rich I have to work and now im faced with possibly losing my job if my doctor wont put me on disability.
1725558 tn?1309737496 Four years ago I started seeing a new doc who started prescribing opiates for the treatment of my bipolar. I suffer mostly with the depressive side of the condition, is this an unusual med to be on for bipolar? Has anyone else been treated with or heard of this treatment??
Avatar n tn Secondly, it can be due to hiatus hernia (occurs when the upper part of your stomach protrudes into your chest cavity through a weakness in the hiatus (opening) in your diaphragm.)Treatment is antacids and prilosec.Also eat smaller meals, especially at night. Don't lie down right after you eat. Use 2 or 3 pillows, or a foam wedge, or raise the head of your bed to prevent discomfort.. Thirdly it can be gall stones or pancreatitis.
4734947 tn?1358531198 Before your took the magnesium, had you suffered any other gastro discomfort? Are you on any medications, prescription or other? What were your bowel habits before the time you took the magnesium? Any GI issues run in your family?
Avatar m tn It hurts to walk and I must sit down with great care, I have performed some of the tests for appendicitis such as lying supine with my right leg bent and pushing over to the left...this results in much pain. Having been an EMT for many years I understand this could be appendicitis, however, I am confused about the pain free lapses. I live in the middle of no where with poor hospitals about 2 and a half hours away.
Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.
Avatar n tn When I had appendecitis I woke up in pain with a lot of abdominal pressure and was admitted for surgery that day. It felt like I was really constipated or something (sorry TMI), and was nauseous. It sounds like the pain you are having is more likely related to the pcos. I have had ovarian cysts in the past and it felt a lot like what you are describing. I'm not an expert, just my personal experience.
Avatar m tn An appendix is usually on the right side of your stomach and you will usually run a high fever with appendicitis. However, if you are still concerned, you can call your doctor and ask to speak to a nurse.
Avatar f tn now i am developing the same pain again after about 20 hours, so i want to ask can it be appendicitis even if ultrasound doesnt show it? one of my friend got operated last month, she was having the same pain but ultrasound didnt show anything even then she got operated n now is fine!
Avatar f tn Now the next day my lower right stomach is pretty tender, nowhere else, just lower right side. Should I be worried about appendicitis? Could it be tender from extreme gas and bloating? Thoughts?
501792 tn?1261111106 Since I have tried many IC treatments and medications. I have tried Installments, a distention and IC mediactions OTC and prescribed. I have always prefered an all natural approach to medicine but my pain has not responded to those options enough to stop taking the narcotic pain meds. I eat as naturally and organically as possible and follow an IC diet. I have SVT which interferes with alot of the options I've tried like Lupron and being able to consitantly use NSAIDS.
Avatar m tn At first my mom and i thought it was food poisoning or stomach flu and decided to treat it at home with prescribed medications, however in the last two days i started feeling a not so intense dull pain in the middle of my ribcage, it then moved further to my stomach, pelvis and even leg and back, my first thought was that it could indicate appendicitis, given how it runs on my dads side of the family, but im not quite sure, the pain is not as severe as it should be, i can walk, cough and eat ju
Avatar m tn Does anyone have experience with anxiety in the short term. Is this something that with treatment will subside over a few months and allow me to stop the medication? Also how long have people felt that Prozac takes to really be effective. Finally when I have these attacks it seems to invole loss of appetite, numbness or weakness always on the right side and at times a ringing in the ear.... Any insight would be great and hopefully let me be less anxious...
Avatar f tn HI, Right lower quadrant pain can be due to ovarian cyst or appendicitis. The intermittent nature of the pain is typical of appendicitis. However it can also be found when the ovarian cyst undergoes torsion. The fever suggests the possibility of infection. Hence it would be best to see your Doctor again. Once a correct diagnosis is made the appropriate treatment can be initiated. The answer is based on information provided.
20925474 tn?1672552982 (Retro-caecal appendage ascending along of the left iliac axis, slight infiltration of fat at the tip of it next to L5: compatible with early appendicitis.) and then I did an ultrasound to exclude: (Cholecystitis, appendicitis, dilation of the cavities pyelocalicielles) and here are the results of the echo: (No ultrasound argument in favor of cholecystitis, No dilation of the pyƩlocalicielles cavities, Appendix not visualized.) and I was put an appointment with a gastro- enterologist.
Avatar f tn According to WebMD diagnosing appendicitis can be tricky: "Symptoms of appendicitis are frequently vague or extremely similar to other ailments, including gallbladder problems, bladder or urinary tract infection, Crohn's disease, gastritis, intestinal infection, and ovary problems. The following tests are usually used to make the diagnosis.