
Appendicitis location pictures

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis location pictures


Avatar n tn I have had my gallbladder removed lapo 2 weeks ago… I’m NOW expercing this sharp pain on my right lower abdominal area by my belly button, what are my chances of having appendicitis after gall bladder surgery? I want to avoid the ER, doctors and GI’s I went through so many test and so many trips to the ER during the period of 3 months to finally find out my gall bladder was only functioning at 1.
Avatar m tn It hurts to walk and I must sit down with great care, I have performed some of the tests for appendicitis such as lying supine with my right leg bent and pushing over to the left...this results in much pain. Having been an EMT for many years I understand this could be appendicitis, however, I am confused about the pain free lapses. I live in the middle of no where with poor hospitals about 2 and a half hours away.
782550 tn?1333484257 Yeh I was trying not to bring up appendicitis.
231441 tn?1333892766 Saw Dr on Sun and had ultrasound on Monday, results today and referred to gastro who thinks I have gall stones/sludge (mind you this was in a 10 min consult, no history, and no examination, no checking for differentials - the pain is not typical location or pattern for gall bladder problems, even considering the U/S findings - and she didn't look at the U/s pictures, only the report. No further testing for anything else.
1391441 tn?1333847961 I have tried repeatedly to post additional pictures on my profile but have only had one to actually post - don't know that I did anything different on it but there it is. Would someone please advise me on this. I Browse and find and select the picture, add a caption and then hit the upload button. All it does is erase the box showing the location of the picture.
Avatar f tn Today he is complaining of abdominal pain and refuses to eat. He also has a temp 101.6. When asked to pinpoint the exact location he points to his left lower abdominal quadrant. Could it be appendicitis?
Avatar n tn I have gained a significant amount of weight over the last few years after having surgery for a ruptured appendix. Prior to the appendicitis, i had lost 85 pounds and maintained the weight loss. Could the low cortisol and high thyroglobulin AB be related to the weight gain? The dr. is retesting the cortisol for a morning reading. Thank you.
Avatar f tn when is a good time to take your maternity pictures? how far along should you be?
Avatar n tn He operated the next day and removed my appendix, This was over 20 years ago and I have not had another problem. He took pictures and told me to take it to all the doctors I had gone to and show them.
Avatar f tn when he means redness at the opening, he is saying basicly stoll can get stuck at the opening of the apendics causeing inflamation and then the stoll may release, and not harm the apendics anymore, its vary difficult to diagnose problems like that, the best thing to do is if your having alot of pain there and you cant walk, lay on your back and have someone hit the base of your foot and if you get pain in your stomach from that, there is a good chance you have appendicitis, but you would get rea
Avatar f tn They started near my belly button then moved around my stomach. While at the hospital I had a blood test, and an ultrasound done to check for appendicitis. And everything came back normal. For the last five days I have been having pains in my back, kidneys, right side, right side abdominal pain, pain near my belly button, pelvic pain, pain right next to my hip bone, headaches, and nausea.
Avatar m tn on dec 14 2012 i had a sleep study done and i had a whole alot of wires put all around me but am not sure if wires were put in that location with tape,i know i was put on a ekg tape but not sure if it was the same location. i went to urgrent care yesterday and they gave me a cream so today is the full day am starting to use it. but what the helll is this,the urgent care lady said its perfect circle marks on the chests.
Avatar f tn If it is in place other causes of abdominal pain should be considered depending on the precise location of the pain. Reflux disease, appendicitis, PID, kidney stones, twisted ovarian cyst are few common causes of abdominal pain. For exact diagnosis and management a clinical examination and ultrasound abdomen is necessary. Do write to me again. Best luck and take care!
Avatar f tn when the pain became too severe and went to the ER for assistance. He was given an antispasmodic and pain medication. It was not appendicitis, of course. The pain continued. Fecal sample was negative for parasites. His doctor took urine, blood, and had a CT scan performed yesterday. The WBC was "slightly elevated", as it was a year ago, and lymph nodes in his abdomen were slightly enlarged. His abdomen was tender to pressure in one location yesterday.
Avatar m tn t have medical coverage, and would really like to put my mind at ease. This is not the first time this has happened, and I thought perhaps posting pictures would help. Thank You
Avatar f tn He could look up the symptoms of chronic appendicitis, and see if he thinks there is a risk that is what is going on. Or he could go and get checked by a doctor.
304970 tn?1331425994 You can go online and find a location nearest you to find out where you can get it done. I had mine done at 32 weeks also.
Avatar f tn For 3 years I have been dealing with bouts of acute RLQ pain and went to ER countless times. I try to avoid it now despite how bad my symptoms get. I have been diagnosed with IBS, ovarian cysts and a "twisted gut" ( which is a bowel obstruction that self resolves. I just feel like the doctors are not taking me the point that after the acute phase does subside I do it in myour head?
740419 tn?1309278186 Here's some follow-up info, I just had an upper GI X-ray w/ small bowel follow-through, and it looks like I have an obstructed appendix (at least partially obstructed, the contrast liquid definitely did not go into it).
Avatar n tn What you describe could be a number of things, including pancreatitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis, ... or something else altogether. This set of symptoms doesn't seem to be the type one can afford to ignore. Pls see a doc/urgent care right away. Hope you'll write again to let us know how you're doing.
Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.