
Appendicitis causes gas

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis causes gas


Avatar f tn 30 am with bad stomach pain (top middle), bloating, and gas. I went the the ER about 6 hours later and received indigestion meds. I felt much better outside of mild abdominal discomfort from gas still. Now the next day my lower right stomach is pretty tender, nowhere else, just lower right side. Should I be worried about appendicitis? Could it be tender from extreme gas and bloating? Thoughts?
Avatar f tn The other symptoms for Appendicitis are fever, nausea, vomiting and malaise. The other causes for pain could be urinary tract infection, pelvic infections, renal colic and sometimes bowel infections. So, please consult your primary care physician and if you cannot reach him soon enough go to the concerned hospitals emergency. Regards.
Avatar f tn I'm scared out of my mind that I have appendicitis but also I don't know whether it could be something psychological or a muscle pull. It's in my abdominal area, kind of lower but sometimes goes up and on the right hand side. I've been passing gas a bit which relieves me a bit but the achy pain is still there.
Avatar f tn He described abdominal pain that sounded like it could be gas or early appendicitis. I told him to take Gas-Ex and lie down. When I got home, he still had the pain, even lying down. I pressed on his abdomen and he had more pain. Didn't really know what I was doing, but just gently pressed around and he moaned. The pain had moved from his umbilicus to more in the right lower quadrant.
Avatar f tn Appendicitis usually causes lower right quadrant pain, but there are plenty of exceptions. Based on what you describe, I think you're having some trouble moving things through your GI system. The waves of pain can be caused by the motion of the gut as it tries to push something too firm through, and every time a wave of gut motion comes through, it hurts.
5441042 tn?1368009773 Well, there can be many causes for this pain such as muscle pull, colitis, IBS or trapped gas. However, since it is in right side and in appendix area, it is important to rule out appendicitis immediately. Please consult your doctor regarding this or go to the ER. Hope this helps. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you.
Avatar m tn I had a UTI about 2 months ago could i have another? Oh and i feel like i have trappe gas and it travels all over my stomach.
Avatar m tn Exercise makes it more worse and even sitting in the car because the belly touches the belt and also it presses. Even if gas is passed the pain gets 10% better but still the pain is out there. I don't eat spicy, no tomato sauce or greasy food. I know it will get worse. Sometimes feel like muscular problem but not sure whether its muscular or gall bladder.
Avatar f tn Hi, The severe pain can be because of some pelvic pathology or due to gas and bloating or colitis etc. If anti-spasmodic medications do not help then it would be best to see your Doctor. Hope this helps. Take care and good luck.
Avatar m tn Also, I would ask for a blood test to rule out appendicitis, sometimes this can be a sign of beginning appendicitis, you certainly do not want it to get worse.
Avatar f tn t aware that laying on their right side can cause gas to build up in your colon and form a gas bubble. The way the colon is shaped and with the gas rising upward, when laying on the right side it gets trapped in the ascending and transverse sections of the colon and is not as easily expelled as it is when laying on the left side. I recommend trying some OTC treatments like beano, gas X, prilosec, prevacid, Mylanta, mylox etc. for a few days.
Avatar m tn It could be a combo of period and gas! Gas is terrible painful at times, but combining menstrual cramping with gas is super painful! I've had it. I'd eat some bland foods (if that helps) and get a hot water bottle to ease the cramps.
1003498 tn?1263919526 at first i though that it was my birth control because my periods have been all out of whack, but as of the past few days it has been strictly related to gas and bowel movements. i have pain 24/7, but i get really bad sharp pains right before a bowel movement or passing gas. i can't sit, laugh, cough, stand, bend over, or anything without it hurting. i get no relief from heating pads. my bowel movements are pretty normal which leads me to believe that i am not constipated...
Avatar n tn I have had my gallbladder removed lapo 2 weeks ago… I’m NOW expercing this sharp pain on my right lower abdominal area by my belly button, what are my chances of having appendicitis after gall bladder surgery? I want to avoid the ER, doctors and GI’s I went through so many test and so many trips to the ER during the period of 3 months to finally find out my gall bladder was only functioning at 1.
Avatar f tn Possible causes that may need to be considered include GI/ GU infections/ inflammations, GI motility causes, causes related to the respiratory tract/ chest/ abdominal wall, hormonal/ endocrine issues, growths/ masses, neuro-muscular causes, medication side effects etc. I would suggest getting this evaluated by an internist initially and depending on the cause diagnosed/ suspected it can be managed accordingly or specialist care may be sought. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar f tn I just had to go see my ob for that and it turned out to be appendicitis! I had to undergo emergency surgery for it. This was last week. It was very risky being 26 weeks along so I would not take pain in that area lightly. They tried to tell me it was round ligament pain at first. Fortunately I have a wonderful ob who could tell something was very wrong. He had a surgeon and a whole team on standby for me.
Avatar n tn It could be a number of things, and, if I were you, if it kept up, I would see the doctor and have them do some blood work to rule some things out, sometimes appendicitis can mimic gas pains, it would not hurt to check.
Avatar f tn I have not vomited or had diarrhea nor do I have a fever. Do I have appendicitis or is it just gas?
Avatar n tn Could you be pregnant or have your appendix still? Is it on the right lower part of your lower belly. Is there any fever, vomiting? Are you sexually active and have you missed your period? It could be a tubal pregnancy. You really need to go to the ER if it doesn't subside. Or could it be gas, is it traveling pain? Have you taken anything for the pain yet? Gas pills, Tylenol, Advil, anything at all?
Avatar f tn Can be appendicitis. Go see a doctor asap.
Avatar n tn I've had a lot of stress and anxiety for 5 years now (I'm a teen) so I'm not that surprised when my intestines are doing weird stuff like roughly shifting my food around, giving me either constipation or diarrhea, waking me up in the morning because I need to go to the bathroom... But this evening I started having pain on the right side of my belly, a little higher than my bone but still pretty low.
Avatar f tn They did an Ultrasound which was highly susceptible for appendicitis it showed that it was not compressable, had minimal hypermiea, I was very tender and showed top normally enlarged. So since on Ultrasound it was highly showed appendicitis they took me right away to have a CT Scan with contrast which didn’t show any inflammation of appendix but showed two cysts on right ovary largest measures 2.1cm. So doctor in ER confirmed that my right quadrant stomach pain is due to the cysts.
1552748 tn?1294211776 I seen a doctor and have an ultrasound form to exclude appendicitis and am also on pain killers which are safe through pregnancy.
Avatar f tn Never in my life I have ever been so desperate to pass gas. Today i bough ultra strength gas x and some suppositories. I took the gas x , took a walk in the park to see if that would break the gas. This morning I did do yoga poses and yes I farted but by straining. It’s like yes I pass gas but not enough for relief. The dull ache is still there. I am barely able to eat because of the indigestion and not being able to fart. I did a suppository it worked but barely anything came out.