
Appendicitis and stool

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis and stool


Avatar f tn Now when I have the urge to go, sometimes only one or two small stool comes out and then straining again but nothing comes out. I was wondering if I might have appendicitis or IBS. I read that one of the symptoms of appendicitis is having a slight fever but I don't have a fever. Do you have to have a fever to have appendicitis? Also, is having lower back pain causing me to have constipation? Please help.
Avatar m tn 4. Appendicitis goes with nausea, vomiting and raised leukocytes in the blood. Appendicitis is painfull at any time you press on area. Bouncing sign is present: lye down on the back and press deeply sopmewhere on your lower LEFT abdomen, then release the pressure quickly. In peritonitis or appendicitis you should feel a sharp pain on the LRQ area. Peritonitis would also show marked inflammation in the blood.
Avatar n tn t be concerned about tumors. Also in the past, I have managed to get very backed up and full of stool even though I was having a bowel movement every day. I don't know exactly what it is but because your pain is so localized, you might want to talk to your doctor about a ct scan if this continues. Sorry I can't tell you what it is exactly.
Avatar m tn Not every patient presents with the classic symptoms of acute appendicitis, and chronic appendicitis can be very difficult to diagnose. Whatever it is, you need to see a doctor.
Avatar f tn Take a stool softener daily, and all a good amount of fiber like psyllium seed daily. It sounds like a slow digestive problem from where you described the discomfort. It started in small intestine.
Avatar m tn If you are 18 year old male it sounds to me like you have appendicitis, Go to a surgeon tell him you are having problems passing gas and constipation and diarrhea and he will order a laporscopy but tell him to take it out no matter what. I had mine out last week and it I feel remarkably better, and I want to explain to people that the appendix has strange symptoms and will cause real damage if you don't get it removed. Remember contact a SURGEON in your area not a Gastro specialist.
Avatar m tn Hi, appendicitis is usually a clinical diagnosis. This is correlated with imaging studies and blood tests. The pain in appendicitis generally starts around the umbilicus and moves to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Now you can consult a general surgeon or a gastroenterologist for this problem. As we do not maintain a directory of doctors we may not be able to help you. You can talk to your insurance agents they may be able to direct you appropriately. Regards.
Avatar m tn t necessarily rule out appendix issues either - The symptoms of appendicitis can vary. It can be hard to diagnose appendicitis in young children, the elderly, and women of childbearing age. The first symptom is often pain around your belly button. (See: Abdominal pain) The pain may be minor at first, but it becomes more sharp and severe. Your appetite will be reduced and you may have nausea, vomiting, and a low fever.
Avatar n tn In ER Abdominal XRAY was done- results large amount of stool and gas on right side. Blood work checked- Mono and crp slightly evalated ( not enough for them to say appendicitis). they gave a popsicle to him that caused him to have increased painin RLQ. They were still concerned with the pain in right lower quad so a CT was done-results apendix stone. the surgent wasn,t concerned about that and sent home after 2 days in hospital with normal activity .
Avatar m tn showed that I had borderline appendicitis due to the appendicitis not filling with the contrast fully and the mesenteric lymph nodes of the area being “shoddy”. I was given Cipro and Flagyl for two weeks to see if that would fight the infection. After an ultrasound, they found my appendix healed completely. While the yellow explosive diarrhea has returned to coming 2-3 times/week (rather than the daily occurances) the pain in my lower right abdomen and back continued at the same intensity.
Avatar m tn He got to the point in which he was quite ill with cramps and nausea. We went to the ER because we thought it was a possible appendicitis. When they did the X ray, the doc told us that it was the fecal matter and it made sense after being on antibiotics. An enema cured him. That was his story. So, keep your eye on it and for most people this resolves. If you are truly concerned, run it by your doctor.
Avatar n tn She has bearable tummy aches every now and then. Otherwise, she is healthy and active. What could be the cause of her condition? Please advise.
Avatar m tn For about a week now, I've been having a dull-crampy (3 out of 10) pain in the right side of my abdomen and back area. The first day, it came on relatively suddenly while I was sitting at my computer desk.
Avatar f tn I went to the ER and was told that i had a ruptured ovarian cyst that was bleeding, and that i also had a large amount of fluid and blood in my ovary and that I have another cyst. I am supposed to be meting with my gynecologist here in a few days to figure out what needs to be done, but my mom thinks that they are going to want to do surgery on me.
Avatar n tn With you having back pain and pain down your leg, you may have a herniated disc. I have sciatica and that's what caused mine. I would see a gastroenterologist to verify that the bright red blood you see is indeed from hemorrhoids....I feel it is, but it will give you some peace of mind to find out for sure. There are several things this could be, and it's good that your are ruling them out one by one. I wouldn't worry about cancer. Best wishes.
Avatar m tn I've been having a sharp to dull pain on my lower to upper abdomen for the past three days. The pain radiates from my belly button to the left side of my abdomen than back to my ride upper and lower abdomen. I've also been experiencing a gurgling stomach, excess gas and loose stool.
Avatar m tn I get bloated and pain radiates to sternum and mid and lower back and sometimes right hand side ribs hurts too. Feel like pulling sensation and cramps(twisted) around belly. Last year Doctor did a minor hernia repair behind the belly but pain still remains the same. I don't get nasuea or constipated or loose stools.
Avatar n tn When you repost this please include any and all labs and values you have currently, what the doctors have said, and what his symptoms are. Yes, unlike doctors we are very interested in symptoms. We believe that is the heart of auto immune and it goes so commonly ignored. I really hope you get some answers soon!
Avatar f tn About 10 minutes after waking up this morning, I got severe pain in my right lower abdomen. I did some googling and it all pointed to appendicitis or kidney stones. After 3 hours of endouring the pain I went to our local small town Urgent Care. They did blood and urine labs which all came back normal. They did a abdominal CT scan because they don't have a ultra sound machine. The only thing they said and showed me was solid white spots in my stool.
Avatar n tn 2 weeks ago, I had pains in my lower right abdomen, got it tested, its not appendicitis, but I figured out it was dehydration, cause I drank more water and it gradually went away, cause its been over 100 degrees here, but for the past 2 weeks I have had no appetite, no nausea, no vomiting, just no appetite, but yet I've been eating and drinking (drinking mostly) and using the bathroom as usual, when this started I wasn't doing too good emotionally, and I'm still not doing so good in
Avatar m tn The Bristol stool chart indicates the hard stool is a sign of dehydration and the color and consistency of the “tail” is normal. While not being able to completely evacuate is not normal. I drink water regularly though. Even tried drinking more often with no sign of change. (Hard to do if your not thirsty). So what gives? If its different then described it because I'm currently sick.
Avatar m tn s immediate fever fast acting, I said to this doc, well sure I read could be chronic appendicitis, he said, yeah great theory, he said me telling him mum stated appendicitis is immediate rapd onset, he said no mate your gave a great one there yes your right there is something called chronic appendicitis which can belive it take years or months etc to become serious or critical, and yeah you may be right but i think it's potential gallstones or your less likely chronic appencicitis slow