
Antibiotics for throat infection

Common Questions and Answers about Antibiotics for throat infection


242516 tn?1368223905 The flu has passed epidemic rates in much of the country, and if you don't have a cold, I'm sure you have a friend who has the sniffles, fever, chills, aches and pains of a viral upper respiratory infection. This is different from a bacterial infection such as sinusitis, bronchitis, or pneumonia. A viral infection doesn't improve with antibiotics as these infections do. A virus hijacks your own body's healthy cells and uses it to reproduce and spread.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed azithromycin before i new i was pregnant.. I have a throat infection and i am afraid to take the meds.. But i wa reading that if the infection isnt cleared it can go to the baby..
Avatar m tn t sound like an STD related issue it is an infection or a cyst that is draining (regarding the labial area). If the throat or the labial area don't clear up and/or if you re-develop a fever see your doctor.
Avatar m tn This could be the infection spread to your guns. Go get some more antibiotics. You also should get a mouth wash that is for canker sores and swollen guns. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I was taking cephalexin for a really bad throat and ear infection I had two weeks ago.
Avatar m tn Part of the illness included an infection in the throat. The infection was cleared up with antibiotics but i was still very tired for a few weeks. Could this have been acute infection? Do people ever get sore throat that clear up with antibiotics during the window period? I know that antibiotics don't help viral infections but I wonder if it could have been an opportunistic infection. Is it common to have opportunistic throat infections during the acute phase?
Avatar m tn call the dentist and let him/her know you have a sore throat. the antibiotics will not make it worse, may even make it better. I just had my abscessed wisdom tooth pulled 2 weeks ago and was in the middle of taking the antibiotics, hadnt finished them yet. he may give you another rx for them or you may have to see your general practitioner. But definitely call them and give them a heads up!
Avatar f tn My 8 year old daughter has a reoccuring throat infection that requires antibiotics. She took 7 or 8 rounds of it last year and again this year seems to be getting it again. I do not want her to build up antibodies or become allergic to it. I know antibiotics are good here and there, but too much isn't good for you and if I can find a way to help her avoid her throat infections, I'd like to eliminate the need for antibiotics.
Avatar n tn First diagnosis was sore throat take antibiotics, went away for a while, came back with vengeance, and has not gone away for several months, ent said I have eagle syndrome, he then sent me to another ent and he said he doesn't agree he looked at both ct's he said no calasification. More antibiotics. Any help please.
Avatar f tn At the end of February I took a 10 day round of antibiotics to treat strep throat. On the last day of treatment I discovered a largish discoloured, reddish spot on my shoulder. I left it alone, within a couple of days, my one spot had went to a few spots. I tried to get into my doctor and was unable to for one week. Instead I went to a walk-in, they gave me ketocozonole 2% and a steroid 1%. Two weeks later, the spots are starting to lose the redness, just look a little white and dry now.
Avatar n tn The fever started a month back, and then after 2 weeks when it still persisted with sore throat, I went to doctor who described it as bacterial infection, gave antibiotics for a week but it didn't help. All blood tests came up normal too. I am not able to understand the reason as it's been so long and fever again starts..paracetamol does give relief but I want to know and cure my condition..anyone have similar issues..And solutions, please share..
Avatar f tn Ive been living with genital herpes for about two years now, and i recently have an infection in my throat that i think might tie to oral herpes. My symptoms started off as fever, chills, and body aches then my upper throat on the right side became very swollen and soar. im having diffulculties swallowing and its just super soar and painful. My doctor diagnosed me for pharyngitis eventhough i tested negative and the antibiotics arnt working. Could it be a herpes infection?
17450684 tn?1456814882 If your throat and sinus infections are caused by a virus, the antibiotics will not help. Antibiotics will only be useful if the infection is caused by bacteria. As your throat is persistently unwell, it may well be that you have a problem with the tonsils. Another home help remedy to help ease sore and painful throats is to gargle with salty water. Just dissolve some salt into a cup of water, gargle and spit it out. Ask your parent to book you in to see your doctor.
Avatar f tn I went to the emergency dentist yesterday morning BC I was up allll night before with a horrible toothache. Well I guess I have a slight infection in my wisdom tooth and it needs to be extracted asap but he wanted me to take the med first for a few days. Its on my sheet of same meds from my doctor and both dentist and pharmacist said it was fine but I'm so Leary! I guess infection is more harmful. I've never taken it before and intact, having taking any medication since I was about 15..
1580703 tn?1651904887 s 600-625 for a few weeks. when I took prednisone and solumedrol I came down with sore throat and a bad infection that didn't respond to antibiotics and lasted 1 month. I am still wheezing several months later. what could have caused this and what can I do to treat it? the doctor seems to say it is due to vocal chord problems. I noticed on 40-50mg of prednisone a day my FVC increased from 70 to 80. thanks so much!
459853 tn?1283140514 She discovered an ear infection and what she said was an extremely red throat. She immediately started me on a course on antibiotics. After which I still had the ear infection and the sore throat. So round two of antibiotics... After that I still had some of the ear infection and still a really bad sore, extremely red, raw feeling throat.
Avatar n tn I am a 50-year-old man. About a week ago, I started experiencing frequent urination with urgency and waking at night to urinate. I visited my family doctor who did a simple test for blood in the urine, which was positive. He diagnosed prostatitis and prescribed 2 weeks of cipro. I tried it for two days but experienced anxiety and insomnia, although I must say by the second day the urinary symptoms were completely gone.
Avatar n tn i have had 16 rounds of antibiotics for an ear infection, in 2 years. if the second time you take a round and they clear it up but comes back, then a third round will not work either. read my comments to others above here. you may gain some insight into the problem, or not.
Avatar f tn I've been sick for the past two months and I just don't seem to be able to shake it off. It started with a sore throat and stuffy nose just before Christmas (which I wasn't surprised as I always get sick when I have a winter vacation). It started getting better for a couple of days but, then I got strep throat. I was really good with taking my meds and took days off work.
Avatar f tn Hi, the symptoms described could be due to an infection, most probably streptococcal or a viral infection. Strep sore throat needs to be treated with an antibiotic as strep is a bacteria. Viral sore throat is best treated with rest, warm oral fluids and (OTC) tylenol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen for pain.
Avatar f tn hey i really worried and in pain. my wisdom tooth has been bothering me for two days, this pain has lead to my throat and into my ear as well as caused a headache. i went to the dentist and he's told me that i have a infection although the problem is that I'm deathly allergic to penicillin and all five of them that fall under the category of penicillin. So in the end I'm screwed for antibiotics and so far have no way to kill the infection.
Avatar m tn You may have infected your eye from the throat infection and it might be cleared by the Azithromycin if it is the same organism that is causing the problem. But usually they give you eye drops for an eye infection that have antibiotics in them, so I'm not sure if the oral med will care of the problem. You could also have an allergy, virus in the eye or have accidently got something else in your eye. Try eye drops and if it doesn't clear up in a day or two then see an eye doctor.
Avatar f tn Hello, my boyfriend, who lives in another country, has been sick for a few weeks. It started with what seemed to be a cold or flu, but he has been getting worse. His throat has been very sore. A couple weeks ago a doctor gave him antibiotics without doing a test, the prescription was for 5 days, unfortunately he doesn't remember which antibiotic it was. His throat was still hurting and he said he could see pus, so I told him he should get tested for strep.
Avatar f tn e march 10with kidney pain also had endoscoppy for abdo pain diagnose h pylori peviuosly been treated 4 times anti b prior was told never radicated got antibiotics and await follow-p b test aalso awaiting e n t for throat had lft at resp clinic have appointment for histamine test and in not clear result said may get ct scan what do you think
457438 tn?1302068407 Now she is having fever (103 degree) and throat infection for last couple of days. We consult a doctor on this Monday and she found a throat infection and prescribed Amoxilin and potassium clavulanate oral suspension (3.5 ml X 8 hours interval) for 3 days.Medicine started very same day noon and still continuing. But fever is continuing and also sometimes she has been vomiting and loosmotion. We again consulted Doctor yesterday and she adviced to continue medicine for another 2 days.
Avatar n tn The second time was in February and I had a sinus infection that clogged my throat, turned my eyes red and gave me an ear ache in my left ear. The third time was in April and I got bit by another bug while I was sleeping and once again it turned into lymphangitis. For the latest round of antibiotics I was outside last week in the middle of the afternoon and I looked down at my legs and there was a big rash going up my shin.
Avatar n tn Next week i had stomach upsets and diarhea for two days. The throat infection was not the same like i had before. Something which is itching on the right tonsils and white color and red color spot on the tonsils also appears. The seriousness of infection reduced and a mild infection (like some thing itching on the tonsil area) continuous for about three months.