
Animal hoarders tv show

Common Questions and Answers about Animal hoarders tv show


662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
Avatar f tn Was watching one of those sort of horridly-fascinating shows last night on TV that is about hoarders, except this one is about pet hoarders. They visited a couple's house who had 24 cats. The vet who was talking to the couple and she went into the room where the catboxes were, and commented on the smell, and she had handheld meter that she set down on the floor. It measured ammonia in the air.
681148 tn?1437661591 I just caught Hunter watching TV! It was so amusing I had to take a picture of him watching the show about cats that he was watching. Guess what else? I got lucky, because he walks on a harness and leash!
662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
3828469 tn?1358462325 That show is so weird but it makes me feel better about my house cleaning lol.
Avatar f tn s parents are hoarders and I've never been to their house but our daughter has. She's 3 years old. We have a little boy on the way and I just don't know if I want my kids going over there especially if I'm not allowed to.. Idk how bad the situation is and I know my husband is embarrassed. I've never talked to my in laws about it. They make me uncomfortable as is. I have been distant from them for the last couple months. They haven't seen us in a couple months...
483733 tn?1326798446 OK, I don't understand, whats the problem with Eastwick? It's just a TV show with actors. I mean, one wouldn't actually think it was real, would they? Nobody really thought "The Munsters" was real, right?, or "the Simpons? Am I missing something here?
19899004 tn?1486232828 There was a TV show when they put people under hypnosis and make them to act funny. And when they asked the TV audience to follow the hypnotist instructions if we wanna check it on ourselves, i din't believe it was real so i followed. It took like 30 seconds. In a moment I quickly started to loose consciousness and this scared me really hard so made mental effort to interrupt it so i didn't fall asleep completely and i stayed awake. After this it felt like smth changed in my head.
1310633 tn?1430224091
874521 tn?1424116797 I knew about Oscar. Isn't he cute? :-) I watched a TV show on Animal Planet about him. He is so fluffy!
212705 tn?1221620650 Tonite, there was a celebrity show featuring Pam Anderson. After speaking about her career, it was mentioned that she had Hep C. They had a doctor on who was asked how you get it. He said, "blood products, blood transfusions, IVDU, tattoo needles it comes...."having sex." The rest was about eating organically and milk thistle...nothing about tx. This is almost word for word. Isn't that something?...too bad they didn't have Dr.
Avatar f tn The first person would post a piece of dialog, a link to a scene of the TV show or Movie (if possible), some info about it, or a name of an actor or actress that have stared in it. The next person then would try to guess the TV show or Movie that the first person gave a hint to. (May ask questions) Once someone guesses the TV show or Movie, they (The first person it guess it right, after being told so) would then post the next. The game would then continue so forth.
362249 tn?1441315018 m going to say ONE line from the theme song of a TV show you have to name the TV show then post your own line to another TV show and so on and so forth K? And I like older TV shows so dont be surprised if its 90's or even 80's!!
Avatar m tn they dont tell you that nor the people watching I think they give a rather distorted view of just how sick someone gets when they kick the show is a fasid....not my cup of tea if your going to show it then show just how sick people get and stay sick noone is well in 4 days as there show depicts just my 2 cents..........
Avatar f tn How could I not mention Seinfeld, probably my favorite TV show of all time...Oh, and St my opinion one of the best show ever on TV.
Avatar f tn Anyone obsessed with a TV show? I have been addicted to the show bones. My bf can't stand the show. He says it makes his stomach hurt cause they r detailed and show all the nasty stuff.....
Avatar f tn Do any off you ladies watch bring it on lifetime??? I love that show I'm going to move to Jackson Mississippi do my girls can be on the dancing lol!!!
82861 tn?1333453911 Oh, man, I COMPLETELY agree with you! The New York Animal Cops are good about it, Victoria Wells is extremely willing to give dogs with possible food aggression issues any re-training she can in order to make them adoptable. Even the Miami group has no problem working with an aggressive dog, as witnessed when a rottweiler bit one of their officers not once, but twice, one time AFTER a couple of weeks of rehab.
2177836 tn?1355173877 t want TV to be my babysitter but I hope she does see TV and dinner as family time if that makes sense lol
Avatar f tn Jennys Man of the day status (WHICH HAS BEEN TONS OF FUN) has really got me thinking about TV shows and CHARACTERS that I LOVE!! HA! I hate to admit it but ya know the show FRIENDS?? I'm definitely most like PHOEBE personality wise and I love Joey!! The perfect man is a combo of Ross, Joey, and Chandler Bing!! Anyway, WHAT TV SHOWS, & CHARACTERS do you just love or love to hate??? For example I can't stand Janice on friends but she's definitely funny so I Love to hate her! Ha!!
Avatar m tn My dogs need to eat it quickly gained weight ? It had lost weight in the past 3 days. This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Dogs/Congestive-Heart-Failure---What-if-I-made-a-different-decision/show/2045754">Congestive Heart Failure - What if I made a different decision?</a>.