
Angiogram hand injection

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram hand injection


Avatar m tn CT scan 64-slice angiogram as well as a cath angiogram is by definition an angiogram as both involve a dye injection, but there is more intense radiation exposure with CT angiogram. It is fast becoming the radiological test of choice to look at disease of blood vessels. The next generation of a ct scan will reduce the individual's radiation exposure. The ct angiogram involves an assessment of the body of the vessels as well as the lumen.
Avatar f tn Towards the end of the test, I had heart attack symptoms ( which resolved with 3 squirts of nitro) and was sent to the hosp for an angiogram. Results of the angiogram were good , except for a 25% occlusion in a distal aeortic vessel on the back of my heart down by the apex. The Dr. said that my heart had "spasmed" during the stress test. I had never had a problem with the treadmill test. With the med stress echo, my heart was beating faster than I think it ever has....
Avatar n tn Angiogram is when the doctors go up through your groin into your heart, use some dye, and checked for blocked arteries. Sometimes they check the pressure in the valves. A mild sedative is given before to relax you. It will definitely show if there is anything wrong with your heart and it is worth it. If they see blocked arteries they may choose to stent them to keep them open at that time.
Avatar f tn for some reason that same hand is tender over the top of my hand, where they put in the Angiogram camera tubing. I have had a groin Angiogram about 7 years ago. Even though I had this wrist discomfort, I would seriously ONLY ever recommend the wrist Angiogram, should you be reading my experience here.
Avatar n tn I had an angiogram three weeks ago. Except for a minor pricking from the injection of painkiller at the top of the leg I felt nothing whatever, watched the arteries moving on the screen and talked to the doctor while he was maneuvring around them.. As it happened, a stent was put in but again, I felt nothing. I was in truth a bit uncomfortable afterwards when the anesthetic (which is only given to avoid discomfort at the entry point) wore off but I asked for a painkiller and calmed down.
Avatar n tn Went to family physician who was concerned and suggested nuclear stress test or CAT angiogram and gave me a choice. He ruled out blood work to look for enzymes. He told me the CAT would require prior insurance approval and recommended nuclear stress test. Like the EKG's I am sure that nothing will show up on the stress test. Should I save the insurance co pays etc and go straight to CAT angiogram? This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn The heart DR wants me to have a CT angiogram to rule out heart disease and them might put me on a heart regulating medicine so I can go off the coumadin. Any ideas with all my other "stats" why my heart is acting up?
Avatar n tn My father is going in for an angiogram. The cardio MD said that he is very conservative and that unless the tests indicate there is a blockage of 80% or more, he wouldn't recommend the stent insertion. This percentage sounds high before action is taken. Your opinion? In lieu of stents, would medication such as the stations and beta blockers be appropriate or other treatments? Thank you. Kathy.
Avatar f tn I have just been scheduled for an angiogram and I'm scared to no end I have a 3 year old son I love to death same as my soon to be wife. I'm so scared something will go wrong during the surgery how coming are complications? Also my ej is 73 is this bad?
Avatar n tn Sent to another hospital for angiogram which showed everything normal and not had MI, yet they discharged me with a statin, beta blocker & GNT spry.
Avatar f tn I had a heart attack almost 2 months ago on 9th of November 2013. I was given SK injection. I went for Angiography on 21st November 2013 who's report is mentioned Below.
Avatar m tn I saw a new cardiologist at a different hospital and he thinks I should have a CT Angiogram.. A CT Angiogram is a none invasive procedure, it takes 3d pictures of the heart using a ct scane 64 slice method. The scane can pic up blocked blood flow and narrow blood vessels.. But I would like to know witch one of the two is more reliable test.. Considering I had a negative nuclear stress test.. Will the ct angiogram be a more persised test at pinpointing and finding a possible problem..
Avatar m tn My dad has a lot of chest pain and pain going down his hand , then doctor advise to go for an angiogram.
554422 tn?1220575366 I've seen ranges as wide as 50-70% being "normal" but generally 55% and up is what the literature says. Below 35% is considered significantly inhibited function and is one of the benchmarks for ICD indication. Your ejection fraction varies somewhat from day to day and hour to hour and measurements have something like a 6%+- margin of error. If your measurement comes in above 50% you're probably in the normal category.
Avatar m tn The tests indicated a blockage. I am now waiting for an angiogram. They put me on drugs after the test. I am on 1.25mg Monocor, 5mg Norvasc, 10mg Crestor as well as ASA 81mg - one per day. Now I wait for Angiogram. I am quite freaked out. So I am scheduled for an angiogram on Feb 5th. They tell me there are risks in this test. The risk is 1 in 1000 people die, stroke or have a heart attack during this proceedure. My question is this, Should I get a 64-slice Coronary CT Angiograph​y?
Avatar m tn I had an angiogram through my wrist 4 days ago...they said they nicked a vein but that my arm will bruise. I had a blood pressure cuff around my forearm and the thing on my wrist. Its been very painful and is still a little swollen. Today the bruise is almost to to my elbow, now aching and my hand has began tingling.
Avatar f tn My dad has a lot of chest pain and pain going down his hand , then doctor advise to go for an angiogram.
Avatar f tn Under many hospital protocols in the United States most all patients who are deemed bedridden are heparinized with an intramuscular injection on a daily basis. The amount is very small, but I always refuse to have it.
Avatar f tn If you are given Localised steroid injection in the hand is there any side effect pls let me know asap... Cause someone told me that it might do with the steriod injection that i was given. But i was given three/four months back. Why do i have the cramps now when i should have had them then...
Avatar m tn An angiogram is a test that views the coronary vessels for any blockage. It is irrelevant for mitral valve rgurgitation and the left ventricle's filling capacity. If there is chest pain (angina pectoris) that is not relieved with medication, then an angiogram would be appropriate. Thanks for sharing your father's experience and if there are any further questions, you are welcome to respond. Take care.
Avatar n tn What were the reasons for the angiogram and what were the findings? Joan.
Avatar f tn A question was recently posted about blood after an injection and it got me to thinking that I had questions along that line myself. I have only taken 2 injections so far and I have not done the "draw back" to check for blood before injecting because it seems both of my hands are busy. One is pinching my skin and the other is holding the injector. How do I manage to free a hand to pull the thing back a bit to check for blood before injecting?
Avatar n tn I have had a chest pain 2 months and went and admitted in the hospita under observation and they have taken all the tests related to heart(ECG,Thread Mill,Blood tests,ultra sound and angiogram).After checking all these tests doctors told every thing is normal and you dont need to worry.But in angiogram it is showing 30% blockage.
Avatar f tn Recently I had a Angiogram done and the report reads as follows. Can someone help me understand what this means, my Cardiologist doesn't do a very good job of explaining things. And is this reversable? Cardiac Cathertherization Results: Selective injection of the left main coronary artery reveals a moderate sized vessel with short left main, which is a codominant system. The vessels, LAD, circumfle, and all of their branches are free of any significant stenosis.
Avatar m tn the last time he consulted a doctor he has been told to take 3 times avastin injection subsequently for 3 months one injection each month but he has already taken 2 times avastin few months back and doesn't help him much to improve his vision.I noticed that the blood presure in eye always use to rise because of which doctors are unable to inject avastin injection until it comes to normal.