
Amoxicillin yeast

Common Questions and Answers about Amoxicillin yeast


Avatar f tn Sounds like a yeast infection antibiotics like amoxicillin can give u a yeast
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on amoxicillin for 7 days because of small infection. Is it okay to be taking this while I'm pregnant.?
Avatar f tn is it safe to take amoxicillin while you areabout 13-14 weeks pregnant and if so what are the risks to your baby while you are takeing it ?
Avatar f tn will amoxicillin harm my baby? I've got a water infection and the doctor prescribed me them. Also, if I take them does it cause thrush? I'm curious.
Avatar f tn m fine with, but to add to dealing with the pain, the amoxicillin gave me a yeast infection! So here I am, 30 weeks pregnant, mouth still aching, and a yeast infection to top it all off. This has not been my week at all!
Avatar n tn I was prescribed a round of amoxicillin for my tonsils, as well as two doses of Diflucan for potential yeast. About 2/3 of the way through the amoxicillin, I developed severe tongue pain and was told to take the Diflucan. I took one pill, noticed some improvement. When symptoms worsened, I was told to take another one. Same story. Was next prescribed Nystatin swish and swallow. Same story (took for 5 days).
1697869 tn?1306766843 Okay guys. I'm freaking out because I found out a 4 weeks I was pregnant, then at 5 I got strep throat. Dr. prescribed Amoxicillin and I took it. Now, looking back I'm really really afraid I may have hurt my baby (I'm 9 weeks now) I understand that I had to take it or it the strep could have hurt the baby. Now, to top it all off, I got a yeast infection from the antibiotics and I don't know what to do. I'm mortified at the idea of taking another medicine. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn Ibprophen and hydrocodone are not antibiotics BUT Amoxicillin is and can cause yeast infections. The yeast infection should not interfere with your period. It is very uncommon for men to get these infections through intercourse, but he can get it in his mouth if you have oral sex. The period probably won't flush out the infection, you need meds to help get rid of it. Go to Walgeens, CVS, or RITEAID and go to the isle with the condoms and lubrication, that's where the Monistat is.
Avatar n tn I thought I had yeast infection turns out to be a Uti. In 10 weeks pregnant tomorrow has anyone took penicillin in first trimester? Worries about it causing a miscarriage or birth defects..
Avatar f tn Im 36 weeks and 1 cm dilated and ive been taking amoxicillin and I have a horrible yeast infection what is safe for me to cure it with ....
Avatar f tn I was tested for strep and mono. Strep came back positive (Strep C) and negative for mono. I was prescribed amoxicillin and was feeling much better on day 3 until I developed a horrible yeast infection. I was then prescribed the one dose of fluconazole and the yeast infection was cleared. My original symptoms were gone so I didn't bother taking the rest of the antibiotic. (I know, my fault).
Avatar f tn Thursday I went to the doctor and I have an infection of poop cells in my pee. They put me on Amoxicillin of 500 Mg a capsule and I have to.take three a day for a week. I just hope it's not hurting my Baby. I haven't felt her.move today and i'm 19 Weeks and 1 day.
Avatar f tn I am 99% sure I have Trichinosis, but I will be getting checked in the next few days. I tend to get yeast infections fairly often, mostly right before my period, so my symptoms were unpleasant but not alarming. However, this time, I was having many other weird symptoms as well. My labia was so sore and swollen and itchy and I developed a small red blotch that was itchy right on my inner thigh.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Amoxicillin for an ear infection since 6/2. On Thursday, I began to feel like I was getting a yeast infection. No cottage cheese discharge, but lots of pain and itching. I have had many yeast infections in the past, which began this way. Should I treat with OTC meds?
1315373 tn?1274193185 Do I just go to a doctor or can I do something about it myself?
Avatar f tn I've been taking amoxicillin for a tooth infection but i felt a little weird i know it can cause a yeast infection but im scared because i have a little blood in my discharge and im not on my menstrual
Avatar m tn Hello Doctors, I am a 24 year old male, uncircumcised. I always use condoms with penetrative sex, but I don't use condoms with frottage (which I do often, but my understanding is that this is more a theoretical risk and not high risk for STDs), and I don't use condoms for oral sex. About five days ago I had oral surgery for wisdom teeth removal and my doctor put me on Amoxicillin for a week. It's been five days since I've taken the drugs and still have two days left.
Avatar f tn Anti biotics cause yeast infections all the time:) go back and see if they can give you some thing for it
Avatar m tn If your discharge is diminishing, it could be physiologic. It is also possible that you have some residual yeast, or that the yeast has recurred. If it is diminishing, I would wait and see if it would go away before doing anything about it. Good luck!
2075937 tn?1334884194 Sounds like a yeast infection, very common in pregnancies.
Avatar n tn Had diarrhea, then a rash all over stomach, back, thighs, then yeast infection. I stopped taking the Amoxicillin and the doctor told my husband I was allergic to Penicillin. A week later I vomited several times and had cramping (like the stomach flu) and now my forehead has broken out with an itchy ***** rash like poison oak! Could the rash be associated with the Amoxicillin or the Sinus infection?
Avatar f tn Over the counter treatments are allowed while prego
Avatar n tn should i keep taking amoxicillin even if it cause a yeast infection or should i stop and treat the yeast infection
7558356 tn?1410715309 Ive been on amoxicillin twice this pregnancy and both times they gave me a raging yeast infection! -_- i dont recall having trouble sleeping, i do remember the thirst though.
Avatar m tn Amoxicillin ALWAYS gives me a yeast infection. That might be what you have. When i get it prescribed I always ask for yeast infection medicine too! Get some vagisil for the outside itchiness and some monistat or whatever other brand you want for the inside.
Avatar m tn Can someone help me connect the dots? Do I have an std or a simple yeast infection? How do I get tested for a yeast infection? It seems that treatment for yeast is a long,impossible, diet of zero sugar. Is there an easier way? Please help.