
Amoxicillin in lactation

Common Questions and Answers about Amoxicillin in lactation


Avatar f tn So I caught a bacteria on my throat last month and was prescribed with Amoxicillin. It got rid of the infection, but then right after my tonsils from inside my throat was swollen and was taking Prednisone. It went away. I felt better and now I have it again. A bacteria on my tonsils and I found out I am getting it from my filthy fan. This time the doctor gave me Clindamycin.
Avatar f tn Yes u will cuz some women dont start getting their milk in till a few days after bb arrives b patient it will come in soon!
Avatar f tn Hi I have noticed today while in the bath that both of my breasts are lactating I am Not PREGNANT I had my last child 18 months ago but never breast fed....nothing like thiws has happened before anyone one got any ideas as to what maybe the problem.... I wear a bra everday nothing has changed in my breasts ie when i was pregnant they were sore and heavy none of that is happening...
Avatar n tn didn't you JUST post in the teenpregnancy forum that you THINK YOU ARE pregnant? now you're saying you're not pregnant? so which is it...are you or aren't you?
Avatar f tn You don't get breast milk in until 2-6 days after you give birth. First thing that is produced is colostrum, which is clear, milky, orange or yellow in color. That is the nutrient rich and thick stuff baby gets first. The more baby breast feeds the more your body will make the milk. Breast size doesn't matter in production of milk, you should make milk just fine. But you do need to drink a lot of water to produce enough breast milk. So keep hydrated after you give birth.
2112967 tn?1339022368 I am 28 weeks along and by this time in my first pregnancy I was leaking (or lactating) and so far with this pregnancy I have yet to start leaking/lactating. Is this ok or normal? The baby is fine and is actively moving every day and every test and ultrasound I've had has been normal. Could there be some other reason as to why I haven't started leaking/lactating yet?
7585726 tn?1397871765 My right nipple hurts & something came out of it. Some sort of liquid, I kno bcuz its a little spot in my top that's harden. Does this mean the milk is getting ready for the baby? & how much more is more than likely expected to come out.
Avatar f tn Thank u so much for your input! It is most appreciated.
Avatar f tn If your having nipple issues I would get it checked. Idididn't know you could "lactate" that early in pregnancy, and I didn't know your colostrum could clog you.. I'd just probably get it checked to be in the safe side.
8171031 tn?1399327634 I'm 22 weeks and I just noticed in one cup of my bra it's wet... is this breast milk? And if so is it normal for it to start on one side?
Avatar f tn i was going threw the same thing but i took test after test and they should up negitive. After about 7 1/2 weeks of pain in my breast and fluid i went to the hospital for throwing up and little did I know I was pregnant wait a while and take another one okay...Hope everything works out.
Avatar n tn Yes- it can be! It's usually not milk but you can leak colostrum- which is what comes in before the milk will.
Avatar n tn I am in my 34th week and I am not lactating yet. during what stage should I be expecting lactation?
Avatar f tn This may sound silly but I'm wondering when I will know that I have milk in my boobs.....
Avatar n tn She is probably producing colustrum. Comes at all different times, very often even a day or two after delivery! Don't worry. Just consider yourself lucky you aren't leaking yet!!
Avatar n tn Clear lactation of colostrum is normal but I'm not sure about the brownish color, you may need to go to the doctor just in case. I had to wear nursing pads a few months before my baby was born because i leaked clear stuff. HOpe this helps!
541196 tn?1293552936 Out of curiousity... those of you with PCOS, have you ever experienced lactation without pregnancy? I have PCOS, but also thyroid disorder (controlled easily with synthroid), diabetes and a possible pituitary tumor. The possible tumor is likely the cause of lactation, however it seems like it is too small to see on imaging. So I am looking to see what other options are out there for causing lactation. Any help would be much appreciated.