
Amoxicillin and dizziness

Common Questions and Answers about Amoxicillin and dizziness


Avatar f tn I had a dental procedure done last week and extracting of a tooth with a very strong and long root and then bone grafting there. I had to take antibiotics and some pain killers. My face was very swollen as the doctor predicted and I still feel very weak and get dizzy. Could this be the side effect of amoxicillin I took?
Avatar f tn Hello, All the symptoms that your daughter is having are clearly a sign of doxycycline allergy.Doxycycline is not related to amoxicillin and sulfa drugs as it belongs to a different category of drugs(tetracyclines).Side effects of doxycycline are headache, dizziness, blurred vision, body aches, flu symptoms,skin rashes,chest tightness,respiratory difficulty,nausea,vomiting etc.
Avatar f tn I was just alarmed because my previous antibiotic of amoxicillin had very few warnings or side effects that were common on the bottle. And so when I got this one, having Dizziness and nausea, as well as a few other things such as rash or trouble breathing, plastered on the side in bold letters kind of startled me. But I should be fine if I handled amoxicillin with no problem at all? Is that what you mean by friendly?
Avatar n tn Allergic reactions to antibiotics do not typically manifest as dizziness or fogginess, but rather rash, itching, angioedema (swelling of the mouth, and in severe cases the airway). Corticosteroids can lead to several side effects including a sense of fogginess (and in others a sense of euphoria/insomnia), typically high rather than low blood pressure, and other side effects (even one dose of high doses of steroids can lead to acute confusion in older adults).
Avatar m tn If I suspect Mono, and took a 3 day course of Amoxicillin (10 pills) and developed no rash, can I pretty much rule out mono? Some sources state 80-90% of those taking Amoxicillin with Mono develop the rash, while I've even seen 99% as a percentage. I actually want it to be Mono, instead of something worse, but I'm starting to fear the worst. Have any of you had Mono, been misdiagnosed with Strep and took Amoxicillin, and NOT get the rash?
1487801 tn?1288629234 I was told it could be an ear infection causeing me to feel unbalanced/vertigo but i took Amoxicillin for that and begining to thinks its not that. I have had anxiety in the past but nothing to bad and not to this degree of making me lightheaded. my head always feels funny now, it messes with my concentration and makes me fearful and unable to do anything active. What is this......all I read gives vague answers.
Avatar m tn Almost a month ago I was taken to the ER with a feeling of dizziness, unbalance, anxiety, etc. A CT scan revealed sinusitis. I was given amoxicillin for a week and meclizine as needed for dizziness. The symptoms remained of sinusitis, heavy head, etc., but I had no drainage of sinuses. I saw an ENT who said he thought it was normally on its way out, and a culture revealed no active infection.
Avatar n tn Today, nine days after beginning to feel sick, I visited my doctor and was prescribed Amoxicillin 875mg tabs to be taken twice a day for the next ten days. My doctor believes I have a sinus infection, hence the Amoxicillin prescription. I did not mention my unsafe sexual encounter to my doctor and I am not having any outward symptoms of any kind of STD. My question is, can you tell me what if any STD the Amoxicillin would cure if I did contract one from my friend?
Avatar f tn There is no connection between amoxicillin and Hepatitis C. Sorry you relapsed. What treatment were you on?
Avatar n tn She blacked out last week out of nowhere and complained about a stiff neck, dizziness, and headache afterward. She recently had an MRI and they said something about a Nodule or inflammation, maybe growth in the brain.. I don't really remember the conversation, they're going to the neurologist monday, but I want to know if maybe this is a small thing not to worry about because quite frankly, I'm very nervous. I do not know much about the Brain and Im still getting scared.
Avatar n tn I am trying to get my daughter to take Amoxicillin for a throat infection. She won't swallow the capsule. Is it ok to break the pink and blue A45 Amoxicillin capsule in half and mix it in applesauce?
Avatar f tn This sounds like it has 100% to do with the Amoxicillin, and not Mono combined with Amoxicillin and so forth. Amoxicillin can cause joint pain although this is not a common side effect, but can occur and should NOT be permanent, but temporary. If this hasn't subsided, this definitely needs to be further investigated by your physician.
Avatar f tn Is strenuous exercise contraindicated when taking amoxicillin?Also, is sun exposure a factor, and if so, how long after you complete the round of antibiotics should you wait before you are able to go back out in the sun?
Avatar f tn t notice any herx patterns, my symptoms seem to come and go with no warning. I started Amoxicillin about two weeks ago, and started feeling better within the week, but then about 10 days later, the more annoying symptoms returned. Anyone know if you can herx 10 days after a change of meds? I thought it would happen within the first couple vs. almost two weeks later. Any feedback or similar experiences would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend within the first couple of days of taking Amoxicillin. Now my period is late and I am concerned that I may be pregnant. What are my chances?
Avatar m tn Dear Grace, Thank you for the being the angel of this forum. My problem is that I really lacked the basic education about many STDs. Until a year ago, an incurable STD meant HIV. Herpes was a foreign topic to me. I did a lot of research in this forum and I kinda learned from your posts and those of Dr. HHH. I noticed that sore throat are common symptoms during the initial outbreak which explains the symptoms I had a year ago. Also, my symptoms now are even stronger than before.
Avatar n tn I had no symptoms just the bullseye. The dizziness and vertigo was due to an ear infection and that came while I was on my first round of antibiotics. Had audiogram and other tests. Now I'm on my 2nd round of antibiotics and I'm a bit off-balance and wake up shaking. I had no symptoms of anything until I started on antibiotics. I know that antibiotics can do a job on one's system so I'm taking a probiotic every day. I have appt with Neurologist in a couple of weeks.
Avatar m tn about 3 weeks ago, I have developed some unexplained dizziness and a heavy head feeling. I remember the first dizziness spell came after I drank 2 espressos in about 5 hours. No other symptoms, I am otherwise normal and strong, I am working out four days a week at the gym. My girlfriend suffers from dizziness (especially when standing up) and severe short headaches a few times a day.
Avatar m tn I then started to experience pain in my ears so my Dr. thought it could be an inner ear infection and I started taking Amoxicillin. I also noticed I started to get headaches everyday, eye pain, nausea, blurry vision and the dizziness still.By dizziness I mean I feel I am off balance and that I have been on a boat all day. I just feel swimmy. That I am in some sort of haze, if that makes any sense. I also was having constant tingling in my fingers and toes.
Avatar m tn I typically take 2 grams of amoxicillin before all dental procedures (and some medical ones, too) due to Mitral Valve Prolapse with regurgition and a PFO in the heart. I am currently taking a round of amoxicillin for another problem (strep throat, 2 pills twice a day for 10 days.) These will be finished on this Friday. I postponed my regularly scheduled teeth cleaning/check-up, because it was only a few weeks away. I re-scheduled it for one month from the end of this amoxicillin treatment.
Avatar f tn However I recently had a sinus infection and took Amoxicillin for 7 days. Here it is, 2 weeks after stopping the Amoxicillin, I am having severe heartburn again. Did the antibiotic have anything to do with this?
Avatar f tn Hey! Ever since March I've been experiencing problems with my middle and outer ear. 1) It started from a simple middle ear infection of the right ear that went untreated for a month. After going to a doctor, I got amoxicillin pills for 10 days. The symptoms went away but came back pretty quickly. 2) May: I went to a doctor again, they took samples from my ear and the result was Enterococcus faecalis bacteria.
Avatar f tn I m 27 years old male. 3 weeks before I had sex with one unknown guy without condom. Now I found a painless sore on my penis shaft ( inside of foreskin ). When I consulted a doctor she prescribed to take 3 Amoxicillin (500mg) per day for 5 days and a cream to apply on the sore but I didn't tell her that I had sex with a guy. 5 days not yet completed.This is 3rd day but I feel sore is getting dry now. My question is, 1. Is this sore related to syphilis or allergy sore? 2.
Avatar f tn I went in the shower and felt faint, called for my Mum and after a few seconds I did actually faint and lose consciousness. For the next few weeks I was feeling really tired all the time, nauseated and getting bouts of dizziness so I basically spent weeks in bed. Due to being so inactive and hardly eating I ended up in hospital for 5 days with painful impacted constipation.
Avatar n tn I had sinus infection and got Amoxicillin for it. Had diarrhea, then a rash all over stomach, back, thighs, then yeast infection. I stopped taking the Amoxicillin and the doctor told my husband I was allergic to Penicillin. A week later I vomited several times and had cramping (like the stomach flu) and now my forehead has broken out with an itchy ***** rash like poison oak! Could the rash be associated with the Amoxicillin or the Sinus infection?
1487801 tn?1288629234 i am glad someone else gets this feeling i feel dizzy everyday off balance and have been back and forth to the docs and she swears its anxiety and like u i dont believe her i walk all over the place i get a funny feeling as if my head is spinning when i go shops i rush around then stop in my tracks cause i feel like i cant walk i feel like people look at me i dont have any friends now there is only so many times they will ask u out but if u keep saying no they stop asking i feel at my wits end i
Avatar f tn is it safe to take amoxicillin while you areabout 13-14 weeks pregnant and if so what are the risks to your baby while you are takeing it ?