
Almost fainting during exercise

Common Questions and Answers about Almost fainting during exercise


Avatar f tn Second, gokart racing will probably get your heart rate up, but mostly from the adrenaline rush, which may trigger arrhythmias. Having arrhythmias during this type of exercise is different from having arrhythmias while jogging or running. PVCs usually stay away or at least reduce in amount during aerobic exercise. PACs and supraventricular arrhythmias are far more likely to happen both with aerobic exercise and adrenaline rush.
Avatar f tn I think you need to slowly increase your exercise level, not push so hard during warm up drills. The drills might be too intense for you. If it happens again, you should definitely slow down and rest...stop before you faint. Also, be sure you're well-hydrated before exercising. Do you have low blood pressure? If so, you might be prone to fainting.
Avatar n tn Yes I am with Spade, it is probably best you go and see a doctor. It is not normal to pass out during exercise though if you were not properly hydrated before you exercised it could cause you to become dehydrated and lead you to pass out. However, if it feels like you might always pass out every time you exercise I might suggest avoiding exercise until you have been properly seen.
Avatar f tn Anyways today I woke up felt fine actually felt great went to the park for about 5 or 6 hours was playing basketball and after a bit I felt like I was like fainting almost. Really weird it passed pretty quick but do you think it was more to the exercise? It was beautiful today in Dallas so we went up the park and I got carried away with the game. Just seeing if this is opiate withdrawal or I was just dehydrated and was over doing it.
378273 tn?1262097621 Thanks to both Musikbox and Jerry: Your information was very helpful!. From what Musikbox said about low heart rates it is possible my heart rate was that low and that was the reason I passed out last week while in Afibs. It seems odd though, because usually when in Afibs the heart speeds up. I guess there is just no way of knowing exactly what my heart was doing. The blood tests are back and everything is normal.
1211508 tn?1343079605 They happen almost randomly, unrelated to the intensity of the exercise. And normally when the exercise requires sudden changes in body position (box jumps up and down for instance, or being laid down in the ground and having to get up quicly and sprint, or duck diving below breaking waves). I just had another one surfing today, had to sit there in the lineup and wait until my heart rate normalized: took 90 seconds or so.
Avatar n tn Shortly after passing my annual physical last week, I fainted during the following blood test (fainting in the clinic quite normal for me following needle sticks). After fainting, my pulse was 110 and my BP was 104/59, and stayed that way for the 20 minutes the nurses insisted I lay in the chair. After fainting, I could feel my heartbeat, and it felt fluttering or irregular. I have felt the sensation before, and it usually quickly clears up on it's own.
Avatar f tn Hi, i am 16years old. Recently, i've always been feeling dizzy after exercise. Even the exercise wasnt a tired one or even after i keep walking around for some time, once i stop i'll feel very dizzy and feels like almost fainting. At the same time, i'll feel very weak and short of breath. And my body temperature will get very low. Since i'm a athlete in school, I always have training. Always feel very sick after dat, especially when i sit down.
Avatar f tn For those who do, the most common are breathlessness and chest discomfort. Other signs are fainting during physical activity, (are your symptoms...strong rapid heartbeats that feel like a pounding in the chest..., and fatigue, especially with physical exertion. You should get a doctor's evaluation regarding the proper exercise if any for heart muscle desease. Your dx of IHSS is 11 years ago?! Usually, and the guidelines for a stent implant is for an artery occlusion greater than 70%.
Avatar f tn My doc sed eat protein nd less Carb customer my body releases tons of insullin nd causes fainting. My friend fainted during pregnancy for being anemic nd iron deficant.
Avatar n tn My 20-year-old son keeps fainting with exercise. He has no other health conditions, and has had a stress echo, basic blood work, chest x-ray. He has seen 2 cardiologists and has only been diagnosed with a high voltage ekg. He does not use drugs or alcohol. He fainted twice in his Ju Jitzu class and today playing flag football. He often skips breakfast, and probably doesn't drink enough fluids.
Avatar f tn I have been experiencing odd symptoms for about a month. I feel extremely dizzy and a warm, tingling feeling moves down my face and neck. I feel like I am going to lose conciousness. I struggle not to pass out and my heart beats fast. I usually panic at this point and I feel like my breathing is slowing down. I experienced this today and I was brought to the ER from work. It happened two other times this month. It usually happens in the morning.
Avatar f tn Im a healthy active 25 year old woman. For the past 5 months ive experiences these strange, unexplainable, black out fainting episodes. The only medication I take is 30mg vyvance in the morning, 75mg trazadone at night for sleep, then ocella for birth control. I also take multi viamins b12, zinc. So these only have occurred at night and ive found a slight common factor. I get these weird sleeping fazes for maybe one week every 5-6 weeks where I have trouble staying asleep for a couple nights.
Avatar n tn I cannot hold my breath at all anymore, with going into a headrush and fainting (and, when I do get these near fainting, and start breathing again, I feel very nauseated as my heart begins pounding away in my chest and abdomen again)
1622431 tn?1299070442 Do you have lots of PACs while you exercise? I did, and it was terrible! If you do, beta blockers may be helpful, but the best cure is, like I said, keep going. They are probably caused by your fear and anxiety, reducing that will most likely make them go away. Again: PACs are the most benign arrhythmia there is, and it's considered a normal phenomenon that we all have but most of us don't notice. PACs during exercise is not dangerous. PVCs during exercise can indicate something.
Avatar n tn It is always important to give the name of your diabetes medication/s, the dosage, when you test, the glucose test ranges, your diabetes lifestyle [diet, weight, exercise regimen], and how often the symptom has occurred. Usually this helps to pinpoint a reason for the disturbance, or a search on the intet produces favorable results.
1616038 tn?1315954103 Had a problem with PVCs during exercise for months. Had 500+ during 4 hours of xc skiing while wearing a Holter. Then I read about rice contaminated with arsenic and things clicked - problem started when I began eating a lot of organic brown rice - ~5 cups of flour, gbars with brown rice syrup and hot rice mush for 2 or 3 breakfasts per week. I stopped the rice and took an over the counter heavy metal cleanse and in 3 days NO MORE PVCS! Hope this helps.
Avatar n tn This terrible the reduced blood supply to the brain is more likely to occur during waking up during the day than during sleep at night. For example, almost everyone suddenly stands up when their blood pressure is low in summer, and has experienced the terrible symptoms of the reduced blood supply to the brain caused by orthostatic hypotension.
Avatar f tn s doing. There are two possibilities. Fainting after standing for a long time or during rest, is usually caused by vagal hyperactivity that causes a drop in the blood pressure, usually with a slow heart rate. This is more or less normal. Diagnosis is usually confirmed with a head up tilt table test, where he's "flipped" from supine to standing position when EKG and blood pressure is measured. Fainting with activity or high heart rate is almost never benign.