
Actors in eat pray love

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2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar n tn My husband and I got married a little over a year ago. We are both 21 with a 2 year old son. All of his friends are around his age/a little younger and have no responsibilities. Their biggest concern is when the next party is and who is bringing the pot. My husband has been staying out partying with them and sometimes not coming home until late. I would call him and he would get annoyed with me and we would hang up.
Avatar f tn And think about the baby, if you stress or freak out to much you could possibly miscarriage and that would hurt worse then having the baby in a mommies eyes. Just eat healthy, stay healthy, ask your doctor any questions you have you might feel uncomfortable but it's better to know then wonder.
Avatar f tn I love the name. Are you going with Julian, or just the shortened form, Jude? Either way, it's lovely!
627086 tn?1223182482 s my passion but I could never act on stage because of drug tests but I love it so much. Is there even a future in acting at all? I just don't know any ideas to help me find out what I should with the rest of my life?
Avatar f tn I always think keeping it a secret will only make you worry more:) i told everyone i was pregnant as soon as i found out, the more postive people you get to talk to about your pregnancy the healthier you and baby will feel/be. Just my opinion:) congrats mama!
518031 tn?1295575374 I LOVE watching Charlie brown around this time of year curling up on the couch wrapped in a blanket with some hot chocolate! Gotta love it.
Avatar f tn if she has true panic attacks a dr may need to be consulted for help- I know 3 year olds that go through it after Christmas Break, Spring Break, even after the weekends they are more teary and What we want her to know is that we believe she is capable of going to school without being afraid- to let her know we love her, we realize it is hard, and of course mom does love her more than anyone, but while mom has to be away we will do our best to help her thru the day with hugs, etc.
216149 tn?1299601438 For, we have hope, and believe, that through you, all things are possible. We will continue to pray, and we thank everyone for their prayers, for us.
Avatar n tn Little did I know that I was admitted 6-7cm dilated. Lol. They are going to break my water in 3 hours. Just pray for a healthy delivery!
Avatar f tn My sweet baby boy is only 32 weeks and 3 days and I might have to deliver in a week. He is 2 weeks behind in growth. I got one of the two steroid shots and am drinking boost protein to hopefully prevent this from happening. If any of you have gone through this it would be greatly appreciated to get advice. This is my first baby.
1194973 tn?1385503904 Hey Clysta. I'm seeing this late, but still had to jump in. You know Ryder is in daycare, so we have been through a few of these now. And it is scary. But what I always tell myself is that a fever is a good thing. It means her body is fighting the virus or bug and her immune system is doing it's job. I am going to bet that in a day or two she is back to her oldself...they bounce back so unbelievably quickly. Nothing worse then our babies being sick, so thinking of you and her.
Avatar f tn or i watch hells kitchen, movies online, or any movies i want. my life is boring. lol and i go to the library once in awhile and get a book to read i love reading.
Avatar f tn I cant give you advice and tell you what is best. But as if now its all in the hands up above. Pray pray and pray. He knows what he is doing.. sending prays and love your wat. I am so sorry. But dont give up just yet.
Avatar f tn I hope that you are ok prayers are u and family
616227 tn?1251076398 I am so happy that they are both on because I love Collin Firth and Hugh Grant. Though I love Collin more. And plus Renee who plays Bridget, is quite funny. I will watch anything as long as Collin is in it. I am on antibiotics and cold medicine, so I hope I don't fall asleep during the movies because I will be so upset. I should just buy all of the movies on DVD. So tonight it's just me, my meds, tissue and Collin.
Avatar f tn Hi, if you see a low blood sugar, there is no need to go to the hospital, the correct thing to do is to take about 10 - 15 g of fast acting carbs (10 g of sugar, small glass of juice etc). Test again in 15 - 20 minutes and you should see your sugars coming up. You can then eat your next planned meal. Alternatively if you see that low number and you were going to eat, then eat already. make sure your monitor your blood sugar regularly so you can catch lows before they get too low.
4193337 tn?1355698372 Well ladies I am 27 weeks and am now in labor and delivery with bleeding and cramping. Baby has a good heartbeat and they are giving me steroids to help develop her lungs. I have placenta previa and something going wrong with my placenta. They said I am having small contractions and so far the bleeding has slowed a lot. They dont thing it is from a hematoma because of the blood being bright red. They are going to do an ultrasound to see if they can find out why im bleeding.
4059843 tn?1541419296 I just love how couples look at each other and how they express their love. I mean it doesnt happen with every couple, but the ones that i feel are perfect for each other you could say. Well anyway, i have this specific couple which i like to watch over and over again. Its nothing innapropriate of course, all it is is watching them tell each other how much they love the other. I fin dit really sweet watching them, and i always watch scenes over and over again til i have had enough.
Avatar f tn Hey, for all of you prayer warriors out there, can you please pray right now for a friend for recovery and protection? Also please pray for his family as they are in a very hard place right now. Thank you very much!