
Valtrex for eye herpes

Common Questions and Answers about Valtrex for eye herpes


Avatar n tn valtrex only helps with herpes issues. unless you tested + for herpes being active in your eye, no reason to start valtrex. corneal ulcers are a side effect of contact wearing.
Avatar n tn Hi, I was diagnosed and treated with Valtrex for genital HSV 2 about 3 weeks ago and all of my lesions have since dried up and disappeared for the most part. Ever since I have been diagnosed with HSV 2 I have only been sleeping about 2-3 hours per night for 3 weeks which has been awful. Both of my eyes have turned slightly red, slightly irritated at times, and were watery about 3-4 times during the last two weeks mostly at night before bed, but there are no tears pouring down my face.
Avatar f tn mean also if i got infection herpes in my mouse or throat and it share eyes in same nerve , will it cause eye herpes because virus can travel in same nerve of eye ( which is same nerve for a mouse or throat ) .
Avatar f tn In july 2010, I got an eye infection cause I slept with contacts lenses for about six months with out taking them off, I was diagnosed with having either chicken pox in the eye or herpes in the eye, they werent sure, the docs priscribe valtrex and eye drops, my eye cleared and conrea was perfect. I just did a blood work and hsv 1 was negative >500 and my hsv 2 was positive 1.11, doc used the iGg test, he told me not to worry and want to retest in 3 weeks time.
Avatar f tn I have only i bump on the side of the top of the crack of my butt,dr did a culture called me told me its herpes simplex virus and told me to take valtrex i took 1 pill last night and this morning i feel kinda wierd like my right eye is all messed up and side of my face feels burning i also feel nauseated and very afraid to take more of the med as im home alone,i have bad anxiety..
Avatar f tn In july, I got an eye infection cause I slept with contacts lenses for about six months with out taking them off, I was diagnosed with having either chicken pox in the eye or herpes in the eye, they werent sure, the docs priscribe valtrex and eye drops, my eye cleared and conrea was perfect. I just did a blood work and hsv 1 was negative >500 and my hsv 2 was positive 1.11, doc used the iGg test, he told me not to worry and want to retest in 3 weeks time.
Avatar m tn Yeah Terri, I'm having a lot of problems with it. The only thing that calms it is the Valtrex, but the bumps don't go away. Now I have some eye issues going on in my right eye and all I can do is think that I've contaminated my eye on accident with herpes. I'm not at home until Thursday and my eye is really becoming irritated. Shouldn't the Valtrex take care of all of this if it's Herpes?
Avatar n tn Most cases of eye herpes are from the virus going up the nerve to the eye, not from transmitting the virus from the mouth to the eye. that said, you should never lick your finger and then rub your eye. that is a good way to transmit all sorts of infections into your body and do you more harm than good! It's actually best to rub your eyes as little as possible since cold and flu germs are easily transmitted from the hands into the body through the eyes.
Avatar m tn I am really worrying that I have contracted disseminated, drug-resistant herpes, including ocular herpes and herpes encephalitis, and don’t know what to do. I am currently still taking Valtrex 1g twice a day, but feeling that it’s not working. I am considering increasing it to 2g twice a day again, which seems the only way that helps. Meanwhile, I am concerned that this may cause further drug resistant. What should I do now? Please advice and help!!!
Avatar m tn Good Day Dr. I am male 39yrs old, athletic and healthy. Recently discovered herpes style lesion on my penis shaft. I went to my STD clinic and had test done for the std family, Tests came back negative. Since my lesions were healing a culture could not be done. I had my primary infection, took valtrex for 5 days, as it cleared a secondary lesion started I took valtrex and now it's cleared up and haven't had a outbreak in 3 mths. The doctor is almost positive I have herpes.
6869297 tn?1385577414 DO you see an Eye MD ophthalmologist? or an optometrist? The choice of eye drops for ocular herpes is not a good choice. Tobradex has a steroid in it (dexamethasone) and steroids make HSV-1 WORSE and are contraindicated (in some cases steroids are used cautiously for intraocular herpes uvieitis or cornea stromal disease) but not the common superficial epetheial disease. If you see a non MD optometrist I suggest you see an Eye MD.
7868606 tn?1410358984 Valtrex is usually for herpes infections and they usually just treat gbs with IV antibiotics when you're in labor so idk id call them back and ask why they gave you that?
Avatar n tn hi no they never tested for herpes in my eyes, i only started thinking about it since a dr from the eye health on here suggested somthing like it, my burning has stopped adter i was on anti biotics and anti inflamory drops, ive been off them and the pain and burning is slowly comming back, eyes are still red, they were burning constantly, needed icepacks on them, but water did make them worse
Avatar m tn After thinking about it around 12 hours later I realized I was at risk for infection. I took 1500 MG of Valtrex and will continue with 1000MG twice a day for a few more days. It makes some sense that the Valtrex could interfere with the HSV1 virus spreading from the initial infection sight to the nerves if you have Valtrex in your system prior to of soon after an initial exposure. Does anyone have any insight?
Avatar m tn d stop taking valtrex at this point and get a repeat blood test done. The herpes WB or the biokit igg hsv2 test would be the best ones but wait until 4 months since the last possible time of infection to get it done in case this really is a newly acquired infection and you are still in the process of seroconverting. Herpes eye infections are usually hsv1 in adults. Even the best blood tests we have now still miss 1 out of every 10 hsv1 infections.
Avatar n tn yes, this time I had a very bad injury, I fell on ice and broke my pelvic in 3 diff. places. I was in rehab for two weeks and then started to feel very fatigued after i got home. i then had to have eye surgery for a detached retna, and then my body just fell apart. For the last 5 days i have been taken 500mg valtrex 2x/day. I hope that helps me to recovery. thanks for your help.
Avatar m tn we treat herpes simplex and herpes zoster with the same medications. it's just a matter of dose.
Avatar f tn What are you taking for medication? Perhaps you need a higher dose, if this is indeed herpes, like 1000 mg of valtrex instead of 500 mg, or switch to acyclovir if you are on valtrex, or even famvir. If these things weren't cultured, and you were diagnosed by sight, get them cultured ASAP. You should be seeing an ophthalmologist for your eye - don't let your regular doctor handle this.
Avatar f tn My doctor took blood tests as well as swabs for a battery of diseases, including Herpes, which I am awaiting results on. My question is regarding my "lesions". They have persisted mostly now for almost 6 weeks. They have not been painful, I haven't really noticed any tingling, no pain during urination, and as I mentioned, no blistering but some itchiness. The other thing I noticed is that they seem to be worse at different times in the day.
Avatar n tn No fever noticed. Is the itching on my face herpes and could valtrex lessen the outbreak? Would herpes appear on my thigh without appearing on my genitals or is this autoinnoculation? And are my girlfriends symptoms possibly possible std and could she have facial herpes from my face?
55646 tn?1263660809 Nationally, there are at least three different studies beginning for the treatment of genital herpes. First, the Genocea phase one (first in humans) trial. Instead of an oral medication to treat herpes, Genocea out of Boston has taken the approach of stimulating the immune system to respond more robustly to the herpes virus in people who are already infected with the virus.
Avatar m tn I doubt it. However, your treatment will not work. Get a prescription for Valtrex from you doctor. Dr. O.
Avatar m tn Hello, I recently noticed a few small red spots on the bottom of my scrotum. Naturally, I assumed the worst and saw a dermatologist. She couldnt culture the spots because they were too small. SHe wrote me a perscription for Valtrex to see if they would go away. The Valtrex didn't work. I also took a herpes titer which came back negative for hsv 1 and 2. My concern is the window period for the test. My previous sexual encounter was two weeks prior to the blood test. The spots are still there.
Avatar n tn I started taking Valtrex for Herpes2, and I feel anxious,depressed, and I have been waking up with bad headaches in the middle of the night. I don't know if it is all in my head, because I just tested postive for this, and I have been dealing with this for about 15 yrs. I am still shocked. I have been to several doctors who blew it off as a yeast infection. Does anyone know of any alternatives that work?
Avatar m tn I have never heard of Herpes being ongoing for 2 years I think you should go back to your Doctor about this,if the lesions were swabbed and tested negative for both HSV1 and 2 then this is not genital Herpes .... the blood work would suggest you have HSV1 orally.
Avatar n tn Oh and the test he gave me was a blood test. I'm not sure what kind but it said negative for Herpes 2 but yes for Herpes 1.