
Thyroid and depression

Common Questions and Answers about Thyroid and depression


Avatar n tn Why do I have depression and anxiety attacks since I had my thyroid removed due to cancer of the left lobe. What can I do about it? I have suicidal thoughts, but would never go through with it. At least not yet. I need help and I can't get my doctor to understand how serious this really is to me. I just want to feel good again. I am on levothyroxine 1.25 trying to get my dose adjusted to "normal." I also take generic celexa, trazodone and risperdal.
Avatar f tn I have mine tested about every 4 months and I take Armour Thyroid as my med because it is the most natural and it was suggested because of my numbers. Also, there is a Thyroid Disorder Forum on Medhelp that might help you.
Avatar m tn s true my depression/anxiety issues all started when I first had the thyroid problems and surgeries start. I do the usual which is see my endocrinologist every 6 months for ultrasound/bloodwork and test results and since the last surgery which was about 4-5 years ago(also had to have external beam radiation) my levels have been fine.
Avatar m tn ve been reading a lot about the connection between low testosterone, thyroid problems and depression. I have an appointment with my Internist next week followed by a Thyroid specialist the next week. Am I right to wait on the Lexapro? My brother in law takes it with great results but I just think it was a quick diagnosis. Would love to hear your thoughts. I feel awful. There hasn't been a day in the last three weeks I haven't cried in frustration.
Avatar n tn Please consult your physician about these symptoms and ask if they will check your thyroid function, including free T3 and free T4 levels, not just TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone that comes from the pituitary).
Avatar f tn And stress will cause these symptoms to be aggrivated and worse. Try and relax and just look at it like your on a trip, and turned off on a bumpy road, it will get better. we have all been through the depression symptoms of thyroid disease so you are not alone, we are always here to answer your questions.
Avatar n tn I have been taking 75mg of Cytomel for 4 weeks now to help with my depression, I do not have a thyroid problem. I am alslo taking 300mg of Welbutron and 75 of Effexor. How do I know if it is working? I sweat allot, I and I am not losing any weight (doctor told me I would) Can anybody answer my question.
Avatar f tn Cole and colleagues evaluated free thyroxine index and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in 65 patients with bipolar depression. A longer time to remission was significantly associated with both lower values of free thyroxine index and higher values of TSH. Patients with free thyroxine index values greater than the median and TSH values below the median had better outcomes.
Avatar m tn They are very similar and have same symptoms. Manic depression is hyperactivity. And depression is inattentive or withdrawal from interests. Start prescribing the adhd meds for depression or inattentive attention disorder, and, mood stabilization meds for maniac disorders or hyperactivity and leave psychotherapy for environmental issues and coping skills for change.
Avatar f tn endogenous depression (not thyroid caused depression) and post thyroidectomy. I know I will need meds, but is there a risk my long standing depression will get worse (because it's a delicate balance...
Avatar m tn I have lost all motivation and ambition in life. I have been diagnosed with depression and take antidepressants that help some but I just have not been able to come out of it. My personal and professional life have suffered dearly. I have my thyroid levels checked every 6 months or so and my doctor always assures me that my levels are fine. I have been on 1.5GR of Armour for a few years now. I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do.
Avatar f tn I suffer from anxiety and depression. More anxiety then depression (I think), I've had it all of my life and I could always pretty much control it,up till about 12 years a ago. I've seen countless drs and therapist and have not gotten much help. I have uncontrollable feelings of panic,fear,and excessive worry ALL the time. I also have no energy,not even to shower or do "everyday" things that normal people don't even think about.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately for me many years ago it was put down to stress and my life situation. I had surgery in Dec 07 and my meds have been changed twice. My depression worsened terribly. I found a great psychiatric nurse who explained that not many people realise the severity of the symptom of depression with thyroid problems. Any anti-depressant can take up to 6 weeks to have effect. Nice to know when a person is totally losing it! You don't mention how long you have been taking it.
Avatar f tn Recently began having recurrance of severe insomnia and anxiety/depression despite medication for both and synthroid as well. PCP ordered hormone levels FSH was normal. T3 total 115, T3 uptake ws high (41) T4 total was normal (9.5) but free T4 index was high 3.9. Dr. said tests were normal. Is this true? If not what does it mean? I had severe stress from job and quit it just last week but still miserable with sleep disturbance and night sweats, rapid heart beat etc.
Avatar m tn Your thyroid level is very high and that can cause depression and tiredness. I recommend that you see and Endocrinologist to have your thyroid levels checked again. Ask for not only TSH but also FT3, FT4 and antibodies. Medication will usually get your levels back to normal.
Avatar f tn Depression is listed as one possible outcome post surgery for thyroid disorders. is this because of the high possibility of hypothyroidism after surgery which will cause weight gain? I would like to know more about the long term effects of Graves and how to get things back to the way they were. My boyfriend has been diagnosed recently and is still trying to get the levels under control before he can have iodine treatment or surgery. He wants the surgery and to be done with this.
Avatar n tn I suffer from depression and anxiety. I take meds that help me on a daily basis. However, the days before my period my depression peaks its ugly head. Then teh day before my period I do not even know myself. I have severe mood swings and panic attacks. I have shared with my doctor but they just say to continue the meds. what would the next step be in trying to get this under control. It only makes sense to me that it is hormonal? help.
Avatar f tn It was my THYROID all along. I suspended all drugs and just took Levothryroxin and all my problems were gone... Now I am on Novotiral and life is MUCH MUCH BETTER!
Avatar n tn About 11 months ago I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and low thyroid, so I am taking red rice yeast and .088 mg of Synthroid, then about 9 months ago I was diagnosed with low testosterone and was prescribed adrogel, which after reading the small print I decided not to use it. Six months ago I began getting depressed, re-evaluating life, ( 6 months from turning 50) and my self esteem began to drop and I have been in a downward spiral ever since.
Avatar f tn I would monitor and keep monitoring the thyroid, too. The thyroid can be affected or can affect the female organs. It also plays a huge role in our moods.
Avatar f tn m afraid of taking it because I take seizure meds (carbamazepine) and I am now taking Diazepam as needed. Do you believe as well that this is in fact all due to anxiety and depression and not something else. Also, I need to know if this medication is the only option for me. And does Paxil interact with Diazepam and does paxil interact with carbamazepine? Does carbamazepine interact with diazepam and vice versa? Please help! Write me back!
Avatar m tn //synthroidhaters.wordpress.
Avatar n tn OK, I think it is safe to say that the thyroid does change moods!(from reading those posts)... Both gimel and thypatient were very helpful to me. I didn't know much about the thyroid and how is F's everything up!!! Ye both have valid points and different opinions, lets just agree to disagree..Lifes to short to have enemies!! To give my input into the inital question, I haven't had the experience of thyroid cancer but being hypot.