
Sore nipples iud

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Avatar n tn My nipples are super sore and tender. I haven't had them hurting this bad since almost 2 years ago after I had my daughter and never before that. I got the IUD in January and recently my nipples are starting to sore real bad and have become extra tender. I am menstruating now and I am a little confuse because I am not sure why all of a sudden they are starting to sore. Please help !
Avatar f tn My nipples have been super tender lately. Only my nipples, my breasts aren’t. They’ve never been this sensitive before even while in my period. I don’t really get a period anymore due to the UTI and I’m pretty sure I’m not pregnant because of that too. What could it be? Should I be worried? How can I make them feel less uncomfortable? Thanks!
Avatar f tn Her doctor probably didn a pregnancy test before inserting the Mirena. Anything is possible, but it could just be her body adjusting to the IUD and there is a little hormone in Mirena so that could be part of it as well. she can always go on their website to look at side effects.
Avatar f tn I had light spotting a few weeks ago and later sharp cramps/pains. My breasts are sore and sensitive, as well as my nipples. I have gained a lot of weight in the passed two months and I haven't gained weight in over 6 years. I have very thin watery discharge in the morning and thick discharge intermittently lately. I haven't had periods since the IUD was put in. I'm very emotional. My heart palpitations are really bad. Could I possibly be pregnant?
Avatar n tn ve experienced pain in my left ovary, vaginal discharge, sore nipples, and dizziness when I stand up. The pain in my left ovary is a shooting pain that is on and off. Sometimes it is mild, while other times it is quite discomforting. My nipples have been really sore and seem bigger. The vaginal discharge is white and occurs on and off. Also, when I was having sex with my boyfriend a few days ago, I felt extreme pain in my left ovary. It hurt so bad that we had to stop.
1293858 tn?1272396271 On the 7th day I noticed around my nipples were sore and still to this day they are still sore. So is there a chance I could be pregnant or could his be due to the NuvaRing?
Avatar f tn i am 3 days late and having sore breasts on the sides, my nipples hurt only if u push in on them, my back is killing me, slight heartburn at night, major leg cramps start around 10:00pm every night, MAJOR insomia did not go to bed until 2:30am last night, waking up before my alarm and constantly having to go pee. went to doc 11 days ago to get checked cause i was haivng symptoms, negative result. i am waiting again until this friday to take another test, could have been to early.
Avatar f tn I got it removed Feb having pregnancy signs. Tired and very sore breasts/nipples. My nipples surprised me, I lost feeling in them nearly 13yrs ago with my only child. *crossing fingers* hoping actually happened that quickly, but I'd be ok too if didn't.
1689024 tn?1308326866 Sore nipples/Breasts are a couple of the many signs of pregnancy as well as an impending period. Since you've already had your cycle this month on the 1st you should be expecting yours within a week or so. I have to ask, have you had unprotected sex? .
Avatar f tn My husband and I were not preventing getting pregnant and really tried around my ovulation time. I am bloated my nipples were sore up until last week and I am tired and I am now 22 days late. My body is changing. My breasts have gotten larger and my stomach bigger but my weight is still the same. My dr found a lump on my right breast 2 weeks ago so she did a blood test to see if I was pregnant (it was neg) so that I could go for my mammogram.
Avatar f tn Point is im on my second week of this patch and had some crazy syptoms (Throwing up everything i ate or drank, sore jaw, sore back, extreme fatigue) and well last night my Nipples ONLY started to hurt extremly touching them slightly hurts bad... what does it mean when they hurt that bad?
Avatar f tn I stopped getting a period after my last one in July. For the last four days or so I have been feeling tired, emotional, my breasts are sore (especially my nipples), lower abdominal cramping, dizziness, feeling gassy, a slight increase in urination frequency, I am eating everything in sight and now today a white, odorless discharge (TMI, sorry.)... Like I said, I am concerned. I took a pregnancy test at home yesterday. It was negative. What is going on? Are these side effects?
Avatar f tn re always negative even when I was pregnant with my son but now my nipples are extremely sore very sensitive to the touch and my nipples stay very hard and my areola looks bigger and darker some cramps which this has never happened before even with my body being so confusing I took a hpt 2 days ago n negative plus I already had period could this just be I'm getting older or what I know it's not my hormones because I've been dealing with that since I was 20!
Avatar f tn ve been having dizzy spells,nausea a.d sore nipples. This will be my 4th child. Does anyone know if u can have symptoms this early? I'm also having some light cramping and I feel kind of bloated, gassy maybe. I also have had heart burn tonight...and i only experience that when I'm pregnant! Help?
Avatar f tn I am not on any other type of BC at the moment but for the last week or more my nipples have been EXTREMELY sore that a touch makes me cringe and back away immediately. After removing the Nuvaring, I got my period from July 29th-Aug 1 so I am due to get it again in about a week. I would think that maybe the nipple soreness is associated with my oncoming period but NEVER ONCE have my boobs been affected by my menstrual cycle. On top of the nipple soreness, I am constantly tired.
Avatar f tn Then on the last day of the second period I noticed a very light thick sticky tan brown discharge when I wiped.
Avatar f tn Hi! Help!! I've had my Mirena for 18 mnths. My strings went missing the first month. I've had 2 ultrasounds (for cysts) and it was in there, a year ago. I stopped having periods for the last 9 + months. :) in june I had a very heavy period, out of the norm! I've been feeling pregnant (as I did with my 10 and 7yr old). My nipples are so sore I can't take it, sick,puked, tired, bloated..u name it! Is there a chance the iud failed? Or is it a fluke of its hormones?
Avatar f tn I had blured vison
Avatar f tn My partner and I are ttc baby number 2. Feel I have not been listened to by my doctor. I have been pregnant twice before, with my first pregnancy ending in miscarriage at 8 weeks. In both pregnancies I conciwved within 6 weeks of trying! (I do know this was very lucky). In January 2012 I had my copper IUD removed, waited until I had had a period and started ttc. My periods both with an without IUD have always been every 5-6 weeks apart and heavy.
Avatar n tn I have had the more a iud since June 18, 2012. I have had very sore nipples for the past 3 days, some pain and "enlargement/bump" in my lower abdomin, and some other common pregnancy symptoms. I took a home pregnancy test that said negative tonight, and shortly (almost immediately) after taking the hpt I had what seemed to milk leak from both nipples. I'm sorry if this is too much information, but I'm a bit confused!
11105206 tn?1415328155 I have been on the IUD for 2 years and never have a period. But I have tender nipples and my stomach feels like it kicks out. I have taken 3 pg test all negative.
11226391 tn?1416358941 I have had an IUD placement for almost a year now. It's the first time I use a method of birth control, the first three months I had painful cramps and heavy bleeding, but then it went away and now I dont have a period. After ten months from the IUD placement now I am experiencing some weight gain, darkening and sensitivity of the nipples and I feel like I may be pregnant again?. Is it possible I am really pregnant though I have the IUD placement?
Avatar f tn My nipples r so sore one of them feel like they r on 30weeks has this happened to anyone else if so wat did u do to stop the pain.....