
Sneezing causes

Common Questions and Answers about Sneezing causes


307500 tn?1302116146 You are the firsr one that has brought that subject up. Know I dont feel alone with this sneezing thing. I think it might have something to do with the way our neurotransmitter's were effected by our use. I was told that could also take a very long time to heal them.
Avatar f tn Yea I would say let it out..
Avatar f tn When your uterus begins to grow ans the muslces get tighter and tighter it causes a tension on your ligaments! But enjoy in the mean time not almost peeing your pants with every sneeze or cough! Congrats ladies! You will be as far along as i am before ya know it!
Avatar f tn I have no idea, but I really doubt it! I had a sch at 6 weeks, I'm now 31 weeks about to turn 32 on Sunday!
Avatar f tn This happens to me too, and am also curious to know what it means or what is happening....
Avatar f tn It could be round ligament pains. When u sneeze u move ur uterus and that causes the ligament s that hold it to stretch. U will feel these little pains every once in a while throught ur whole pregnancy. I used to get them when I laughed.. it s u c k e d because I laugh a lot. Lol.
Avatar f tn I wonder what causes the sneezing. It's so annoying! But I'll take it over those stupid pills!! Congrats on day 23!!!
4154844 tn?1351603363 Its the ligaments in your belly and uterus stretching to make room for baby. One time i sneezed so hard on the couch I literally ended up on the floor in tears lol. It was the worst. It started for me around 10 weeks.
1350993 tn?1277493222 Dont know what causes it...but I know I thought I was gonna sneeze my head off...
Avatar m tn Sometimes even simple things like the smell of perfume and dust causes sneezing. Also once the sneezing starts it goes on continuously till i take some anti allergy medicines like cetzine.This has been going on for the past 10-12 year. It is always followed by a throat infections which gets relieved after a dose of antibiotics. But now the problems are getting worse. After even one sneeze i get to feel heaviness in breathing and start getting a pain in my upper back and neck.
Avatar n tn This is kind of strange but every time any form of heat turns on my nose and sinuses go crazy. I get incredible sinus pressure, my eyes water, I start sneezing continuously, and sometimes it is so hard to breath that I can't talk (It just feels like my throat is closing up). It won't take long for this to happen but it is especially fast/bad when I am in a car right next to the vent, which makes things interesting in the wintertime.
Avatar n tn Only a handful of those allergies are on the usual allergy tests. I actually discovered the causes through trial and error instead of an allergist. (Doesn't take a genius to figure out what a migraine, sneezing attack, hives, eczema, and asthma attack whenever I'm around lavender or lavender products means.) Anyway if you're allergic reactions are severe (headaches/migraines, nausea, skin rashes) I suggest asking for a more extensive allergy test.
Avatar m tn Hi, The common causes for severe sneezing include allergies( to dust, pollen, pets, food etc), vasomotor rhinitis, upper respiratory infection, common cold or flu etc. You need to make note of what is causing a bout of sneezing in your case and try avoid it. Sudden severe sneezing is most commonly due to allergies, also as your symptoms are relieved by Claritin allergic etiology could be present. If severe allergy is present for multiple factors then immunotherapy should b e considered.
Avatar n tn It last soooo long too. I thought I was going crazy from the sneezing what causes that does anyone know?
Avatar f tn For about almost the past week, I seem to go into a sneezing fit every couple of hours or so. Usually its maybe 5-7 sneezes but for the past day its just been sneezing like crazy. There's no other symptom besides the sneezing either. I haven't changed anything about my life, I never get seasonal allergies in the middle of summer, and I've never been allergic to anything so I don't know what could be causing it.
Avatar f tn I just sneezed while sitying down. It hurt really bad on my lower left side for about half a minute. I wanted to scream. Anyone else experience this?. && what causes this to happen?.
2200368 tn?1345848512 I have allergies and asthma,but this sneezing is morbid,wherever I go in public I start sneezing like 20 times in the row,and at first people are like:Heeey,bless you,then they are like:What the heell,are you going to stop?! It doesn't matter if I am at my bedroom,at living room,in classroom,in the bar,every now and then I get a crazy sneezing attack,and it mostly happens early in the morning when I wake up,or late at night.
1017452 tn?1254904998 For the same reason men have heightened sexual sensitivity, the increased sensitivity in the nose causes irritation that invokes sneezing.
Avatar f tn When I sleaze it sometimes causes sharp pains in my lower tummy area. I'm 15 weeks pregnant now.aanyone had this before? Or know what it is?
1198664 tn?1368647812 Is it just getting sensation back in your nostrils that causes it? Because I can pobably count on one hand the number of times I sneezed in a years time on one hand while on pain killers. And when comin off it's like half a dozen times a day. I told my gf that if you ever really want to know if I am staying clean just watch for the sneezes. I don't mind them though. It's kind of a good reminder everytime I sneeze it's like GREAT JOB you are still clean!
4777693 tn?1386678319 I have found my allergies to me unreal since becoming pregnant!!! Sneezing and runny nose and I'm not sick.
4341997 tn?1514588688 Yes, sneezing is part of withdrawals and very normal! I still have sneezing fits at times! I'm not sure what causes it! Just be glad that you are young, and that your sneezing fits don't cause any, ahem, bladder control issues! Tee Hee! Take care Toothfairie! You are doing great! Oh, and Bless You!
Avatar f tn Is it a proper sneeze (air blowing outward) or what's commonly referred to as "reverse sneezing"? Reverse sneezing can be frightening to see if it keeps on for a few minutes, but it's harmless - basically a kind of a hiccup. Our Dal gets reverse sneezing fits sometimes and we can usually stop it by rubbing his throat and getting him to move around a bit. That technique might help when your dog gets the sneezes from excitement.
Avatar m tn Since a year i am sneezing about 6-7 times in a row and the stuff do come out of the nose as well. A lot of the time of the day i can't breath by nose. please suggest what should i take..
1451427 tn?1303205628 i am 33 years old recently i am getting pain in between lungs and stomach when sneezing. this is particularly left or right corner of lungs and upper part of stomach. please suggest if this is serous.