
Seroquel weight gain side effect

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel weight gain side effect


1246883 tn?1285547973 Could this rapid weight gain be the side effect of the Seroquel, even through I stopped taking it months ago?
Avatar f tn s no way your doctor would be able to predetermine how a med would affect you, including if you would experience the side effect of weight gain. There are a few commonly listed side effects of Seroquel, which can be found on any educational monograph included with the medication. Keep in mind that it is a general list, and again, everyone responds differently to medications, there is just no way of knowing. Again, just try not to get hung up on worrying about it.
Avatar f tn Seroquel like all atypical antipsychotics has the potential of weight gain although each person responds differently to each medication. The other side effects you mentioned are most probably temporary and should go away in time. However you should definitely discuss all this with your psychiatrist.
Avatar f tn I wouldn't be put off starting a drug that has weight gain listed as a side effect unless you had specific reason, such as the one mentioned by Xila. Not everyone gains weight on the drugs. For instance I am on 500mg seroquel and have been on higher dose. Since starting I have lost 37lb! and am now slightly underweight so it can have the opposite effect as well! But then again I'm weird like that and drugs often effect me in ways their not supposed to!
Avatar f tn I specifically stated to my doctor that when I said I needed to go on meds that I do NOT want anything which will cause more weight gain. And he put me on Seroquel. I've been on a week and now wondering if I should stop immediately as I see here everyone says that it causes weight gain. I'm so pissed off. I don't understand why the doctors I see ignore me when I talk about this. I'm 150 pounds on a 5'3" frame (I gained 15 pounds on epival) ...
Avatar f tn Risperidone was the best antipsychotic for me but it does have its own side effect probs one being weight gain and blood sugar probs.
Avatar f tn Has anyone in here experienced an extreme amount of weight gain when on Seroquel XR? I was overweight before but it seemed like I really can't keep a hold on my weight. It just keeps climbing. Help!!
Avatar f tn Now that I have stopped taking Geodon, I would like to know if anyone out there has been through the same experience with weight gain AND if weight loss is a side effect of coming off of Geodon? If not, is it easier to lose weight once you are off of the medication? I have my mind back and now I want my body back! Hope to hear some good news!
Avatar m tn But it is the only thing that has worked for me with my sleep problems thus i have stayed on it. Also the side effects of weight gain and some other negative side effects are the reason I would love to get off of it. If anyone knows of any medications instead of seroquel that might work.....
7773352 tn?1394065574 Hello, I take Lithium and Seroquel . The Seroquel increase's appetite and weight gain but i have no issue's with Lithium except dry mouth and dehydration sometime's ,so i drink lot's of water . It's a mood stabilizer and work's well for me and you need regular blood test's so your Lithium levels are not too high .
Avatar n tn I have been on Seroquel for quite some time now and I have noticed that my memory has decreased immensely. I was wondering if this is a normal side effect from the Seroquel? Also, if I discontinue using Seroquel, will my memory return to normal?
Avatar f tn An individual may be predisposed to weight gain when taking seroquel. And perhaps being tired -- a known side effect -- will cause a person to not have the energy they had before taking the drug. You might not have a problem on 50mg. I'm on 400mg and i'm tired.
202665 tn?1248806733 Yes I did gain weight on lithium. That is relatively common although each person responds differently to each medication. Weight gain can occur on Seroquel as with all atypical antipsychotics. Sleep apnea can occur for a variety of reasons but weight gain can be associated with it. Perhaps your psychiatrist could adjust or change your medications as needed. You could discuss that with them and see what might be of help.
Avatar n tn i know risperidone and seroquel do cause "rapid" weight gain, as my brother takes both for schizophrenia. he is actually up 80-90 lbs now. i was on seroquel for about a month and did see a noticeable difference in my weight going up. i stopped taking it for other reason other then the weight part but i am now on latuda which seem to be helping me loose weight without really trying. everything i've read about the weight gain though is that there is really no official reason for it.
Avatar f tn Not sure I am going to take it after the weight gain side effect..........any info or experience would be greatly appreciated.
1240654 tn?1268317515 My first experience with Abilify was an abnormal one (so please do not take this too seriously, as it seems I was an exception), since it threw me into a manic state; however, my Psychiatrist has come to the conclusion that I'm just wired completely different. After being weaned off the stuff for about a week, my Psychiatrist put me back on it, but a fourth of what I was taking.
Avatar n tn Yes Seroquel like all currently available antipsychotics can cause weight gain and the potential of diabetes. I did gain weight on Seroquel as I did with other antipsychotics. You could ask your doctor about a specific diet that would help you cut back sugar and carbohydrates and help reduce weight and regular exercise is essential as well.
585414 tn?1288941302 Abilify works in a manner somewhat different from the other antipsychotics and Saphris was based on Abilify (Serotonin-Dopamine agonists) so it should have a similar side effect profile of having less sedation and less of a potential for weight gain and diabetes (though all current antipsychotics can cause this). If you want to know the full side effect profile as well as beneficial results go to the medication website.
Avatar f tn I have tried olanzapine before, and like ILADVOCATE, I also have a big problem with the side effect (weight gain). So if you are really very concern about your weight, my advice to you is that don't try olanzapine, I know the feeling of being over weight, it feels really terrible. You can discuss with your pdoc about Lamictal, the only side effect I have with Lamictal is that I can't take it at night, as I can't sleep so I take it in the morning, which helps alot.
Avatar n tn If the seraquel is causing the constipation, increasing the dose is only going to make matters worse. Weight gain is a side effect of Seraquel. I did not gain weight on Lithium and their are other weight nuetral meds to choose from. Talk to your dr and see which meds you would like to try that are weight neutral. Your bloating is probably from the constipation. See your dr about "cleaning your system out". Many meds cause constipation.
Avatar n tn I was happier than I had ever been, but the Seroquel caused major weight gain and major sleepiness-I was falling asleeo at work. I went off Seroquel and tried Abilify and one other (cant remember) but they did not work. I am now backon Seroquel 300 miligrams along with my Lithium and Pexeva. I feel like it doesnt work as well as it did the first time. I went up to 450 with Seroquel, but I am just way too sleepy. Does anyone know a drug that works well with Pexeva and Lithium?
Avatar f tn Yes I did experience agitation at higher doses of Seroquel and that is a potential side effect but each person responds differently.However that is a very low dose of Seroquel so that should be less of a concern. Also sometimes when antipsychotics cause temporary movement disorders such as akathesia that create motor restlessness that can create feelings of agitation and that can be treated with a side effect pill within your psychiatrist's discretion.
Avatar n tn Is it that the seroquel makes you more hungry or is weight gain a side effect? Is there any way you can eat a healthier lower cal diet and add exercise? I am just trying to see if there is another way around it.
518117 tn?1429276273 All medications have side effects, some less than others, but they all do. Weight gain can be a side effect of many meds use to treat mental illness. When looking at these things you have to weigh the pro's and con's. You also must be sure that the patients are always honest about all there possible health conditions because yes, certain drugs shouldn't be given to people with certain conditions. I recently saw a post say that effexor kills people...
Avatar n tn It might be made more complicated by the divalproex--Lamictal titration certainly depends on whether or not you're taking divalproex or carbamazapine. Rashes are actually a rare side effect of a lot of medications (like some antibiotics). Lamictal tends to cause a benign rash in 1/10 people, but the incidence of SJS (the really bad rash) is around 1/3000, and the risk is higher in children and if you go up too fast.
Avatar f tn I had some problem with weight gain from Seroquel and especially Risperdal. Abilify is less likely to do that but from what you say the Seroquel is tolerable except for the weight gain. Complex. It is important to keep the weight gain in check so I'd suggest having your psychiatrist refer you to a nutrionist and definitely get a test (at least once a year) for blood sugar levels and the like (on any antipsychotic).
698408 tn?1256958348 Both medications carry a risk of weight gain but if you know this in advance you can take steps to reduce this. The weight tends to be "water weight", so drinking plenty can help along with the normal steps of regular exercise and watching your diet.
Avatar f tn I'm really worried about my sudden weight gain...I gained 9 pounds so fast (few weeks) and I don't know how that is possible because I have always eaten the same and I exercise (even more now) seems to be all around my belly at the front but it's hard not v. flabby as you'd expect when it sticks out that much ...I'm really worried I might be pregnant...