
Seroquel for insomnia and anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel for insomnia and anxiety


1021784 tn?1306363011 I have taken seroquel since I was 17 and I am now 24. Usually a doctor will start you off on a lower dose from 25 mg to 100 mg. It makes you really sleepy so don't drive. But it does help with anxiety and insomnia and bad dreams. I am now at 600 mg. Over long periods of time u will get immune to lower doses. I take seroquel xr which is extended release where u take it at night and the benefits last all day. Not just at night. U won't be sleepy all day, just at night when u first take it.
Avatar m tn You sent me a note, but I guess it's about this post. You don't describe the heart problems you're having. You don't say why you were on antibiotics or how long you were on them. You don't say how long you were on Seroquel or why you were put on it. This is an anxiety forum, but those aren't anti-anxiety drugs, so are you taking other meds for anxiety? Do you suffer from anxiety?
Avatar m tn Seroquel is a serious drug for serious mental illness. It was illegally marketed by the manufacturer (who has been fined and sued successfully for this) for just about everything. So this isn't a drug I would take for sleep (taking any drug for sleep can be a problem long-term, so I hope you're looking for the solution and not just relying on medication) given the strong side effect profile of drugs intended to treat psychosis.
Avatar f tn ive seen psychiatrists over the past year, been diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder and depression, was on numerous anti depressants for about 2 years with no relief and now i'm seeing a GP therapist but he doesnt know what meds to try so he's just trying herbal supplements. My symptoms are mind racing, heart racing, tight chest, tight throat, trouble concentrating, confusion, negative thoughts, im on 300mg of seroquel and even that cant make me fall asleep.
Avatar m tn I have been out of work for 2 months with bad anxiety, nightmares, dizziness. My physiologist prescribed zofoft 200mg. My question is about seroquel he has me taken 50mg at night. Is this drug safe and does it work for anyone . Just don't know about all the side effects. Please help if any information.
Avatar f tn She also takes medication for anxiety and depression, I can ask her what she takes and if it seems to have any interaction with the sleeping pill. She also sees a psychiatrist and has also had help from a psychologist (counselor) in the past. All but this last are MD doctors and of course they prescribe meds... overall she sleep much better than what I read is your situation.
Avatar n tn I take meclizine for the nausea, valium for the brain shocks, and now Seroquel for insomnia. Valium I can quit cold turkey(long half-life). Its seroquel that has me concerned because it antagonizes many parts of the brain that Remeron does creating a sedative effect possibly making it addictive. Am I robbing Peter To pay Paul???? Has anyone had experiences with Remeron(mirtazapine) or Seroquel (quetiapine). Particularly withdrawal Experiences.
534105 tn?1226157177 Clonazepam is classified as an addictive drug and controlled substance. Seroquel isn't. I"m not sure why your doctor wants you to take seroquel -- you don't say why here. This is a drug intended for a limited purpose that was marketed illegally for all kinds of things, mostly for sleep because an unwanted side effect of it is a lot of sedation. You'd probably find quantitatively more problems quitting clonazepam, as it's one of the hardest of brain drugs to stop taking.
Avatar f tn I'm on Cipralex 15mg for anxiety and depression and Seroquel 20mg at night for insomnia. I've been on remeron/mirtazapine before and had no sexual disfunction issues, however I haven't had the interest in sex/intimacy or ability to orgasm since a month prior to getting on the meds. I just started taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg because I'm told it should help with the sexual disfunction. How long until I notice a difference? Do you think I'm on too many medications?
Avatar f tn Doctors o Mehelp here have suggested Seroquel for sleeping for addicts. We are dependent on Seroquel to sleep. No big deal. You can take it long term with no bad effect. We could quit, and the only side effect would be that we couldn't sleep. Many people are not able to sleep with aid. Seroquel is the last thing i had to take on my journey of insomnia. Maybe it'll work for you too. You NEED sleep. Life is too hard without getting the REM that you need. We take one per night.
Avatar f tn Did he titrate down on seroquel? My son took that medication at a low dose for about 2 months. Will say he had no issue when coming off of it. The question perhaps is if your husband is having a resurgence of mental health issues even including a brief bit of psychosis related to his ptsd? Did he begin any therapy for ptsd? My son had psychosis with his depression for a period of about 5 months.
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on amitriptyline as a medication to help me sleep after all anti depressants failed to help my anxiety which caused my insomnia. It was a gift and a curse. My bowels have been obstructed so many times from the constipation that i have one bowel moment every 3 weeks. After 5 years amitriptyle stopped helping me sleep but the severe constipation didnt go away. Tired of all the side effects 3 months ago i quit cold turkey.
1255530 tn?1269867619 anyhow any suggestions on what worked for anyone else after having bad side effects. I need something for mania, insomnia panic and anxiety attacks. Side effects of amilify where as follows Hard time breathing,hyperventilating, feeling sick in respiratory, slight swelling of tongue, fast heartbeat, restless, dizzy, speech changes, tremors and shacking, eyes feel like there rolling in back of head,seeing spots when closing eyes for bed,insomnia, Mania returned in two days, agitation.
Avatar f tn Hello everyone. I am on my second pregnancy (33 weeks). I am on seroquel low dose for very bad insomnia. I've used it all along. My first pregnancy i did bot use it and my daughter is very smart. I was wondering if any of you have used seroquel and delivered a healthy baby.
Avatar m tn Actually, people with anxiety have incredibly varying physiological symptoms, while withdrawal causes more uniform problems. Insomnia, for example, is an almost universal problem of withdrawal but is not for anxiety. The way I look at it, if emotional problems are different after quitting a med than they were before starting it and the only thing that happened was different is stopping the med, the most logical answer is the med.
1349329 tn?1276985202 RUN, RUN from Seroquel!!! They are the victim of multiple lawsuits at present. I was given Seroquel by my doctor for anxiety and insomnia. Neither of these are FDA approved uses, but the VA try's to avoid any "addictive" medications. Well it WORKS for insomnia-you will sleep like a rock and FEEL like a rock the next day. I also gained 45lbs in 3 months!!! I have weighed in the 120's to lower 130's my entire adult life!
Avatar f tn I have been experiencing sort of a non-stop full blown panic attack for about 2 weeks. Dr. put me on Lamicatal and Seroquel. The Seroquel knocked me out the first night, but now I need lots more to fall asleep. For the life of me I cannot figure out what started this for me, I mean it is really bad.
Avatar f tn See if your doctor can write you a prescription for some Gabapentin for anxiety and general malaise, Requip for restlessness, some Flexeril or Soma for a few weeks for the muscle spasms and maybe some Seroquel low dose for sleep. It will make withdrawals easier. You can try ibuprofen 600mg if you have pain. Please don't start taking the opiates again as it will only throw you back into withdrawals once you stop again, or make you relapse.
Avatar m tn She told me they use it sometimes to check and see if you become manic to diagnose bi polar. It looks like extreme jitters and anxiety and constant energy and insomnia when you are on it and manic. So, you'll probably want another anti depressant like wellbutrin or something because it may be contributing to the bi polar at least the mania side of it. I don't know anything about Nuvigil. I'm sorry. I wish I did. And, I know what you mean about the Seroquel.
Avatar m tn Wow this post really caught my attention. It all started with weird burning sensations as well, and some pretty intense muscle spasms and then I could not sleep, I have lost my sense of smell and everything around me seems completely unreal like I dont recognize anything even my own family seem like strangers. I have had EEGs, cat scans and the likes which turned up nothing.
766412 tn?1234893283 Personally it works really well for me anxiety, hypomanic moments and I am darned sure my depression. This med is great, there is a lot of flexibility in dosing, personally, and I'm not going to say this is for anyone else, if I feel really anxious, I call in a "Manic Panic", I can add an extra 50-100mgs a day during those periods of time.(with permission of my pdoc). He prefers this over taking ativan or other drugs in that class. I am rapid cycling and mixed states.
Avatar n tn What I do notice is a huge increase in anxiety and my heart is racing. I usually run, and I can run without my heart feeling like its going to pop out of my chest. I have insomnia too. My dr. said its not listed as a side effect, so she's not sure what's going on. Has anybody else had this happen? She gave me seroquel to help me sleep, but I'm afraid to take it because I'm afraid it will make me hungry. Agh!!!!
Avatar m tn Seroquel is often used these days as an augmentation drug for all kinds of things, but it looks like a lot of it was fraudulent marketing by the manufacturer. So it's hard to tell how well it works for other than the two things it was approved for. The manufacturer isn't only being sued, the federal gov't has also taken action.