
Protonix or prevacid

Common Questions and Answers about Protonix or prevacid


Avatar f tn I am aware of Protonix generic Pantoprazole. I have now been advised by a Pharmacist that Prevacid will help me. Will it?? Is this a Beta Blocker only or more? Are there ANY Proton pump Inhibitors out there other than Protonix and generic?. Is there a hospital injection of medicine that can be given? I will anxiously await any and all replys. I am living on Pepcid now with little relief. My Pharmacy puts Protonix at $737. for 180 40mg.tabs of Protonix and $570 for Pantoprazole.
Avatar m tn I have taken GERD medication for about 20 years. I was on Prevacid for many years. My GERD is severe, and nothing else worked as well. Protonix and Nexium did NOTHING for me, nor did Aciphex. Prevacid works OK, and my doc suggested Kapidex and I took it for a month. I did about as well on it as the Prevacid if not a tad better. I think Prevacid and/or Kapidex blow away Nexium; although what may be right for me will not be guaranteed for you.
Avatar n tn Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, Zantac, and Pepcid are all used to treat reflux. You can ask you doctor who will know best which one is least likely to cause you dizzyness.
Avatar f tn actually medicaid will pay for protonix or a generic version of it...I had gotten it filled three X just recently.
Avatar n tn I too have been suffering for about 17 years for what I thought and still am thinking is acid reflux. I did fine for many years taking zantac and or prilosec. I lost 55 lbs and everything went away even though I stayed on zantac because I could feel some shortness of breath if I didn't take it. I gained about 30 lbs back and this past summer all the meds stopped working. My biggest problem with my Gerd from the start is that I feel like my food gets stuck in my throat or down in my chest.
Avatar n tn I too have been suffering for about 17 years for what I thought and still am thinking is acid reflux. I did fine for many years taking zantac and or prilosec. I lost 55 lbs and everything went away even though I stayed on zantac because I could feel some shortness of breath if I didn't take it. I gained about 30 lbs back and this past summer all the meds stopped working. My biggest problem with my Gerd from the start is that I feel like my food gets stuck in my throat or down in my chest.
Avatar m tn Hello, I am new to the boards but am really looking for some help. My Dr. gave me Protonix because I was experiencing some acid reflux...I took Protonix for 2 weeks (1 per day at 40mg) .. I have been having very bad side effects... Naseous, dizzy, increased anxiety, palpitations, gagging, insomnia, rapid heart beat. I thought I was dying. I called my Dr and he blew me off saying he never heard of such side effects and that I am getting anxious maybe I should see a therapist.
1176471 tn?1263733305 Hi Sheila - I'm sorry you've been having tummy troubles. Yes, you can develop a lactose intolerance at any time, same as you could with any "true" allergy. Although changing to fat free milk helps to cut down/out the fat from your diet, it does nothing to elminate the lactose from the milk. Also keep in mind that the lactose from the milk will be present in all other dairy products as well, such as cheese. Are you now off the protonix?
Avatar m tn 4 PPIs: Nexium, Prevacid, Aciphex, Protonix; 2 H2blockers: Zantac and Pepcid; 2 antiacids: Gaviscon and Riopan. I couldn't take any of these more than a few days (from 1 to 13 days) because of their side effects. The 2 bad side effects I've most often had are: worsened IBS - bad abdominal cramps (caused by Nexium together with fever and Zantac) a white-coated and burning tongue (caused by Prevacid, Zantac, Protonix, Pepcid, Riopan).
Avatar n tn which is the safer drug, nexium or prevacid? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/312420'>Nexium VS Protonix</a>.
Avatar n tn Has anyone tried Zegerid? So far I have tried Prevacid, Aciphex, Prilosec,Protonix, and Nexium. Aciphex gave me bad side effects and Nexium made my reflux symptoms worse. Prilosec did absolutely nothing for me. I was successfully treated for H. Pylori in Nov 07. Since then I have been suffering from Water Brash and now heartburn. I don't know where to turn. My GI now wants me to take Zegerid(isn't this med just like Prilosec with sodium?).
268911 tn?1213744781 Hmm...I took Protonix and Prilosec for a few years. I can't really say that there are any side effects...or any that I experienced. I definitely didn't get dizzy or anything like that. But one thing to remember if you take Prilosec with food..its almost like you didn't even take it. You need to take it on an empty stomach..prefereably as soon as your feet hit the floor in the am getting out of bed. Then eat breakfast about 30 minutes after you take it.
228936 tn?1249094248 hello my friend, i had the same problem myself , I went so long with reflux it tore me up, raspy irritated throat and alot of the time was trying to cure a cough that wasn't quite a cough if that makes any sense to ya. protonix is a PPI, or proton pump inhibitor which will cut the supply of acid being produced. it might take a little while before you lose the rasp, but it will go away. i was started off with prevacid and was even upped to taking it twice a day before i lost all symptoms.
1479013 tn?1330699762 t help but had to try that first before insurance would pay for Protonix. I have been on Protonix for over a year now and am having problems again. Right after I eat, I get bloated; I liken it to when you are full and you bend over to tie your shoe and you feel so much pressure on your stomach and diaphragm area and your head feels full of pressure. That's what I feel like after I eat and I am NOT bending over.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had to try more then 1 type of medicine to relieve their stomach pain from too much acid, gerd or whatever reason they are on the meds. I tried prevacid for 5 weeks and it didn't help at all. I am now trying prilosec and have been on it for a week now, It does seem to have helped somewhat but I still do have problems. I know some of my problems could be from not eating a lot. I don't know what to eat so sometimes I will skip eating which probably isn't good for my stomach.
1806721 tn?1554333407 I have never taken Prevacid before. Are these two the same thing? Can I use Prilosec to substitute the Prevacid in the pack? I'm scared of stopping Prilosec as my symptoms always get worse when I tried to wean myself off the drug in the past. I'm also horrified by the idea of combined antibiotics for extended time. I can barely tolerate a single antibiotic agent for 5d in the past. How much probiotics should I take to counteract the side effects of antibiotics? Thank you!
Avatar n tn pylori at that time. He put me on Prevacid and I have been on it untill about 6 months ago. The prevacid was no longer working that well so the doctor switched me to Protonix.
Avatar m tn t know what to do or where to turn? Can anyone offer advice or suggestions?
268911 tn?1213744781 I have been suffering from chronic stomach problems for quite some time and each time I go to my doc he tells me to continue taking Prevacid. Prevacid is a Proton Pump Inhibitor which means it tells your stomach to quit producing acid to break down food...which means undigested food passes into your large and small intestine..the food sits there...and bad bacteria begins to develop...which causes MORE STOMACH PROBLEMS. I just found this out on in the GI forum here. WTF!!!!
Avatar f tn This is my third pregnancy and I have never had a heartburn/indigestion problem till this time. Mine started in my second trimester and I tried tums to start but it didn't help a darn thing, I killed a bottle in a week or two. They put me on prevacid which worked really well till insurance decided I could only have 90 pills in 365 days :/ they then told me to try prevacid and pepcid but they did not work very well at all.
Avatar f tn But right now I am taking a break for 7 months. My problem is I started having heart burn for 3 months now, I HAVE TAKEN PREVACID, PRILOSAC AND NOW i AM ON NEXIUM.But they ar not helping me at all. I saw my oncho yesterday and she said ther is nothing they can do, and to avoid spicy food. But I havevn't been eating any spicy or hard food for several months now, what shall I do? Please help me.
Avatar n tn Yes,this is just like me.The protonix has helped some,but every two or three days,I still have a severe pain episode,with every meal,no heartburn,but severe pain.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have had acid reflux for years. Have taken multiple meds (prilosec, prevacid, protonix, etc.) and the all seem to work for awhile then i need to switch. Actually don't have much heartburn but bloating, burping, gassy, etc. Now have a very sour taste in mouth all the time. Am on 20 mg prilosec and have stepped it up to 2 a day. seems like it's getting worse. definitely not getting better. feel sick alot. have a doctor's appt.
Avatar f tn Since August of 2010 I've had chest pain, difficulty breathing, incredible stomach bloating/distention (even after just drinking a glass of water), burping, reflux, and heartburn. My main concern is the bloating and difficulty breathing. I can barely function on a day to day basis. I eat little bites all day long because I can't eat a full meal or I start hyperventilating. I have had an EGD which showed a polyp (was removed) and some mild esophagitis. I don't have H.
Avatar f tn Hi, have you ever tried Zantac? Take the Zantac 150 (or two 75's) in the morning and before dinner at night, or before bed, whichever you prefer. I have had heartburn forever and I tried the prescription meds, but I feel the Zantac works the best. But 75 is not enough, make sure you take 150 mg. twice a day. Also, you can supplement it with Mylanta or Maalox liquid if it's really bad. I'm not saying this will be a miracle cure, but it's worth a try.
Avatar m tn Does anyone know best medication for GERD? I am using prevacid but does not last all day. My doc told me to take it before bedtime but I have to take before dinner. Otherwis I get pain in chest and the feeling that there is alot of air or gas in middle of chest. I have to stretch and force myelf to burb to try to let it out. It is extremely uncomfortable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am 31 and just started having problem this year MAN it SUCKS !!!