
Low blood sugar high blood sugar

Common Questions and Answers about Low blood sugar high blood sugar


1058898 tn?1275675151 all she told me was that my diet is my problem. first thing she does not know what diet i have. so they put me on a diet of all wheat or whole grains no white, lots of protein with every meal and to eat 6 times a day and eat fat. She said nothing with my high number. that's why i think my a1c was not so low as to high because i would get lows and high. I feel low all the time so i have to eat all day to keep them up. she said my number for high are not high and not to worry about them.
Avatar n tn After I gave him something really sweet to drink about 45 minutes later he was ready to eat. So do we have a problem with low sugar or high sugar? Is this something to worry about? He cant't talk so he can't tell us how he feels. My husband won't have insurance until the end of April. So were kinda stuck at the moment with being able to get anyone to help us. We were also told that since his seizures last that long we should really be worrying about brain deteriation.
Avatar f tn Well I found out the next day my blood pressure was high. It has been fine since. But this morning I got really lightheaded and a headache all of a sudden(which I know is normal in pregnancy) but I checked my blood pressure again to see if that was it, and it was perfect. So I checked my blood sugar and it was 79, I had just had a fruit smoothie. The medical assistant at work told me it was low, and then another told me it was slightly low. My question is does anyone know what it should be?
Avatar f tn My blood sugar is 78, feeling cold and jittery and wondering if that is too high of a number to be causing it. Since last Thursday I have been unable to eat much, and what I do eat has been immediately removed (diarrhea). I was diabetic in my last pregnancy and still needing to lose weight so I have been checking my sugars just to see if maybe that is why I feeling so low right now. Thanks for the help.
Avatar f tn My mom and both grandmothers have/had diabetes but they also were overweight, had big bellies and ate horribly, smoked and never exercised. I have low blood pressure sometimes too...never had high blood pressure. I would think diabetes would be highly unlikely.....???
Avatar n tn I tested my blood sugar this morning and it was 105. Would you say this is out of the normal range. I had blood work done about a month ago when I had my annual physical and my sugar level came back at 109. My doctor didn't seem to alarmed.
Avatar n tn Is 130 high for blood sugar?
Avatar f tn Well I found out the next day my blood pressure was high. It has been fine since. But this morning I got really lightheaded and a headache all of a sudden(which I know is normal in pregnancy) but I checked my blood pressure again to see if that was it, and it was perfect. So I checked my blood sugar and it was 79, I had just had a fruit smoothie. The medical assistant at work told me it was low, and then another told me it was slightly low. My question is does anyone know what it should be?
Avatar f tn Has anyone dealt with low blood sugar during pregnancy? I took my 1 hr glucose test- I had black coffee prior to the drinking the glucose drink, then 1 hr of nothing and my blood draw. My level came back at 65. My midwiNenmade a passing comment about it bein low and watching for symptoms of lightheadedness but wasn't concerned. What were your numbers if you were deemed low blood sugar? Any other symptoms? Thanks!
Avatar f tn If you have problems with low blood sugar that is called hypoglycemia. Anybody can become hypoglycemic, especially if they aren't eating enough or have a high metabolism. You could talk to your doctor about your specific situation but it sounds like your nurse already gave suggestions about eating more often to keep your sugars up to a normal level.
Avatar f tn I've been hypoglycemic (have low blood sugar) since I was very little. You need to have peanut butter crackers or some almonds on hand at all times if you're getting low blood sugar. Gum will only help for a little while. Candies and stuff are high in sugar but they don't last as long. The protein in nuts and peanut butter raises your sugar and keeps it up for a good while.
1058898 tn?1275675151 I notice my blood sugar at night between 2-3 am are over 120 and my fasting blood sugar in the morning is over 100. When i get the fealing of low it is around 80 and it will keep dropping. the last time it went to 67 and i had to eat some thing i couldnt wait. i had a cup of oj and checked in 15 min and it went to 137. I have also notice that i spike about 1 hour after eating and come down around 2 hours after which is mostly in the 130. and i notice if i drink a can of pop.
246464 tn?1249452147 Also suggest you carry glucose tablets or hard candies [not sugar free] with you in case a crash occurs. Eat one to elevate your blood sugar rapidly. Dropping below 60 is dangerous, down to 34 is life threatening.
Avatar f tn It really depends if u need insulin or pills, if you cant control your blood sugar then you take pills if your blood sugar is not high. But if normally your fasting numbers are high then thats why they put you on insulin. I have a coworker that went straight to insulin and shes a diabetic now but her numbers were crazy high like in the 500 when she did the glucose test. The doc just prob know that pills wont help you.
4250330 tn?1388621179 What Can I Eat For Low Blood Sugar I Feel Really Shaky And My Hearts Beating Fast And Everything This Happened Last Time I Thought My Blood Sugar Was Low.. Im 31 Weeks and 6 Days pregnant..
Avatar f tn I agree with troytroy that you need to meet with a doctor or diabetic educater to learn the basics of diabetes care. First of all being continually over 130 for fasting blood sugar is too high. Your wife needs to have her doctor evaluate her medication regimen and see if something needs to be changed. Also I'm guessing you don't know much about diet and exercise to help control Type II diabetes and this is very important to learn.
1773108 tn?1314158067 Good Morning, I have a question about high blood sugar levels that don't seem to stabilize. My boyfriend has been struggling for years with high blood sugar. He told me this morning that his level was at 480+!!!! He says he doesn't feel any different whether it's high or low. The lowest it's been (to my knowledge) is still in the high range of 200+.
Avatar f tn Various things can lead to low blood sugars. If you go without eating for a period of time, your blood sugar can drop, or if you exercise strenuously (especially if you do both in combination). If you are on insulin than taking too much insulin for the carbs you are eating can definitely cause low blood sugars and these can be the more dangerous kind because you can drop very rapidly. If you are getting frequent lows, talk to your doctor.
Avatar f tn salad, grilled fajita chicken, small amounts of cheese and sour cream, 3 oz guacamole, 2 chicken flautas. Took my blood sugar and it was 67. What does this mean?