
Jaw pain earache headache

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain earache headache


Avatar f tn Onset of headache at age of 62, which is attributed to tmd, is extremely rare. I would suspect intracranial pathology. Seeing a neurologist is advised.
Avatar m tn Good luck Brooke Biting or chewing difficulty or discomfort Clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth Dull, aching pain in the face Earache (particularly in the morning) Headache (particularly in the morning) Hearing loss Migraine (particularly in the morning) Jaw pain or tenderness of the jaw Reduced ability to open or close the mouth Tinnitus Neck and shoulder pain
Avatar f tn I have been having muscle twitching in my left temporalis muscle (the muscle above the ear) on and off for years now. During my bad periods, it'll twitch multiple days a week and once it starts it twitches for hours on end (like 6+ hours). I've noticed that in the past 2 years sometimes when the twitching starts I'll have ear pain, earache, pressure, and headache. Also been noticing bite problems and jaw pain.
Avatar f tn I have been having muscle twitching in my left temporalis muscle (the muscle above the ear) on and off for years now. During my bad periods, it'll twitch multiple days a week and once it starts it twitches for hours on end (like 6+ hours). I've noticed that in the past 2 years sometimes when the twitching starts I'll have ear pain, earache, pressure, and headache. Also been noticing bite problems and jaw pain.
Avatar f tn Hi mila21, Oh boy, you're in that "fun" waiting stage between biopsy and results. It's like torture, isn't it? I hope you get good news next week. I can't imagine that a needle biopsy could cause a sore throat and earache, but I'm not a doctor. If it does have to do with the lump itself, maybe it's pressing on something that is causing the pain. You should call your doctor's office and talk to the nurse.
Avatar f tn A winter storm blew in bringing extremely low temps. Between work & errands I have been in & out during the cold snap. Saturday I developed pain inside my ear. It hurts when I move my jaw, yawn etc.. I am taking acetaminophen. I get grief relief but then it's back to throbbing pain again. I cannot sleep on my right side because of the pain. Their is no drainage & I have had no fever. Could it be an ear infection, possibly just a blockage of fluid?
Avatar f tn The jaw pain can be due to TMJ and this causes earache, and tension in jaw with cracking sounds and even headaches. The other thing that you should look at is sleep disorders. Especially since your routine is now different, you may not have been able to set the sleep pattern according to it and hence not able to get the requisite amount of deep sleep. Consult a sleep specialist regarding this. Compression of spinal nerves at cervical level too cannot be totally ruled out.
Avatar n tn i also have a lump on the right side of my neck it been there for few years i think no pain also encounter headache.. but not the kind of headache.. i dunno how to explain..
Avatar f tn ok first things first get check by a doc for ct/Mir for head and them for tmj for the jaw , both will cause pain I had an earache for months and not one doc new got luckily and finally I had tmj ok one more thing when you sleep cover your neck with a soft blanket always keep your neck warm, this will help....
427265 tn?1444076436 Teeth grinding can do a lot of damage to your teeth and also cause headaces Signs and Symptoms Some of the symptoms or signs of bruxism includes chronic facial pain; soft tissue on the inside of the cheek; headache; jaw pain or tightness in the jaw muscles; earache (caused from bruxism, not an ear infection); increased tooth sensitivity; worn tooth enamel that exposes the inside of your teeth; flattened, worn down, or chipped teeth; and teeth grinding or chipping that is loud enough to wake you
Avatar n tn Now a days i have continuous neck ache feel like pain in the vein, some thing burning below the jaw and left side of head near ear. It never goes away with any pain killer. I feel each and every day almost all times. In the morning my eyes are puffy and fell like i had no sleep. Some time i feel pain in my chest (upper left side) which i wonder related to my left neck pain. Sometime i feel too tired. Sometime my hands and feet are so cold. Some time i feel warmer face but cold inside the body.
Avatar f tn Since early hours this morning ive had really bad Tooth and jaw pain then the pain went to the bottom of my jaw and the top of my head then it stopped then I had a bad jaw and earache then that stopped then I had a pain on the top bit of my nose to my head and so on, I got told that jaw pain in pregnancy but ive never met anyone who has had It, is this Normal it not becuse im in alot of pain and paracetamol never works!!
Avatar n tn I have had earaches and jaw pain on that same side ever since. Our hospital offered a free oral clinic a couple of weeks ago and I went to have a swollen place under my tongue looked at. A dentist there found a knot on the very back of my jawbone that he said felt abmornal. He called in an oral surgeon who felt of it and said it was a bony ledge. She said I had muscle trauma from grinding my teeth so bad at night. My question is, can this cause my ear to hurt constantly.
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm new to this forum. I've been on Zoloft (100mg) for 2 months. I have a debilitating side effect - it creates muscle spasms in my heat, jaw, neck & back. Not able to function normally. Pdoc put me on Trepiline 10mg a week ago, as it's a muscle relaxant. It has helped, although I am still having bad pain & earache. Has anyone has any experience with Zoloft causing painful muscle spasms? I would be most grateful for any input. Many thanks.
Avatar m tn which is also related to tmd. If intermittent earache is associated with jaw functioning, such as chewing, and there is no ear pathology identified by ent, ear symptom is probably caused by tmd.
Avatar f tn she now has me on Synthroid to reduce the module ... but the pain in my ear is persistant... no pain in my there a nerve where this nodule is ???? still in pain on my left ear ...
Avatar f tn I went to doctor was told I had viral syndrome and was given a steroid to to for 7 days. After 7 days I was still sick eyes still red headache earache abdominal pain butt hurts and now I was getting red dry patches on skin with pimples on cheeks and chin as well as mouth sores still in mouth. It's been 3 months and now I have a lump on my upper thigh under my belly moves but doesn't hurt. I got checked for HIV gonorrhea chlamydia two and a half weeks after I had sex all said negiative.
Avatar n tn like today i can feel a sharp pain at the left side n now its the right back of my head.. can some one plz advise mi...