
Is suboxone for pain

Common Questions and Answers about Is suboxone for pain


744701 tn?1232768193 Some doctors say the suboxone is great for pain management and others say it is not. In my opinion it is worth a try to see if it would work for you. Everyone reacts to medications differently so you could find great relief in the suboxone. One thing to keep in mind though is you have to make sure all the other pain meds are completely out of your system and you can not take them while on the suboxone either so this is something you should keep in mind.
Avatar f tn You do not need a special "license" to treat patients with suboxone for chronic pain. You do need a special "license" to treat patients with suboxone for opiate dependence. In order to treat addiction patients with suboxone, a doctor needs to complete an 8 hour class in addiction treatment and then they are granted a federal waiver in order or prescribe it for addiction treatment. A quick google search will tell you, or your doctor about this.
Avatar n tn Has anyone else here gone on the suboxone for chronic pain relief.This is what my doc is using it for on me-I see most of you are on it for detox....I was wanting of fthe dilaudud as I was afraid of becoming addicted.(And was constipated all the time so he put me on naltrexone for the chronic constipation I was on.Ended up in hospital 4-6x for this.,the naltrexone worked great to help me go also using the miralax as added supplement.
Avatar m tn Ive heard of some people who use injections of buprenex which Id imagine is for quite severe pain, but suboxone isnt really designed for pain management more for getting off of opiates. Wish you all the best, look into as many different methods as possible, there are others out there that can replace opiates.
317787 tn?1473358451 I have my doubts about this but am hoping someone on here might have experience with this medication. Is suboxone used for pain management?
Avatar f tn Suboxone is used for pain management but it was intended for opiate withdrawal. I assume you do know you can not take the suboxone with any type of opiate as it will make you very ill. As far as using for post surgical pain I would not think it would provide enough pain relief for you. When you do decide if you do to take the suboxone again make sure all the opioids are out of your system.
Avatar f tn Im not exactly sure of the complications ultram can cause with pregnancy, but I know it cant be good. Im also not sure if suboxone is suitable for ultram addiction, although I know you said your also taking percocet. The whole suboxone issue is very debatable to say the least, I do think its a much better alternative to methadone. So Im not sure if you've made any attempts at quitting, but I would always try tapering or c/t before going with sub.
Avatar f tn wow I will tell you this suboxone is NOT AT ALL FOR PAIN. I know I tried suboxone and I have true pain and it did nothing for my pain and I also know others that have tried also and same nothing for pain. He should have told you why switch if you ask me something is up and he thinks you have some kind of problem he the only doctor you go to....Something is not being told make no sense at all.
Avatar n tn Suboxone is a medication used to prevent withdrawal symptoms in drug addiction treatment and to prevent relapse. In chronic pain patients without a history of misuse/abuse/addiction - Suboxone can be used for a few days to manage withdrawal symptoms while stopping opiates- it is typically dosed very low in these situations because a typical chronic pain patient choosing to get off opiates does not need higher doses or be on the medication longer than a few days.
Avatar f tn m sure you have the principals down though-- naloxone is completely irrelevant to the action of Suboxone, and is there for show more than anything-- it does nothing to contribute to the actions of the drug, but is used to deter people from injecting Suboxone, since then the naloxone would be active. Eagle is correct, Cathy-- buprenorphine, Suboxone, and Subutex are all essentially identical.
Avatar m tn it's been great for me. my history of drug use (vik's) wasn't long/long, but i also have chronic pain. Sub is also used for chronic pain, and has been for years overseas. it all depends on the person, their situation, their history, have they tried to get clean before and failed - etc. i personally don't think a blanket statement (yes or no) can be said about it. it is very situational in my opinion....
478417 tn?1208547207 i am sorry i have no answers for you, i do know that so far suboxone is pretty much safe with everything as long as its prescribed with your sub doctors approval, they pretty much know what you can or cant take...i have never heard of any interactions as of yet unless someone takes an opiate which DOES NOT GO OVER WELL AT ALL... but good luck and i would be interested in what you get for an answer from your Dr's...
Avatar m tn The confusion here may be that Suboxone and Subutex are generally prescribed to treat addiction and not normally considered for pain management. Suboxone and Subutex are two drugs that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of opiate addiction. Both medications contain the main active ingredient Buprenorphine which stops the craving and withdrawal symptoms as well as it is a partial agonist. However Subutex does not contain an additional ingredient which is called Naloxone.
Avatar n tn i know the only ones available to treat addiction with take home privelages is the subutex or suboxone. USUALLY suboxone is given regardless for addicts...unless there is a sensitivity to the naloxone, which include the following: asthenia, chills, headache, infection, pain,pain in the abdomen, back pain, withdrawal syndrome, vasodilation, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and sweating.
759515 tn?1240482732 Hi, Depending on who you ask , some say it has really helped them as far as pain control and that is if you can find a doctor who will prescibe them for pain control. There is a search box in the upper right hand corner for searching this community. Use it and you will see the results of some who have taken it for pain control and how it helped them individually. I can give you some site that have expanded information on it if you would like.
Avatar f tn At this point i still want off 3 people suggested last night and agreed it is a poor choice for pain mgmt.. And to go back to what was originally suggested and use small doses.. I diont understand why i would have been or would need anxiety drugs for my bones that are degenerating.
Avatar f tn it is an opiate partial agonist that is being used more and more for chronic pain. It is primarily used to treat opiate dependence, and it has potent opiate activity; understand that it is a step down a road that you may not want to take. I have a great deal of info about Suboxone at my blog, Suboxone Talk Zone, which you can find easy enough with a quick search. The other medications for migraines include topomax, depakote, propranolol, gabapentin, tegretol, verapamil...
193953 tn?1272075026 subutex and suboxone are both a form of bupenorphine, subutex is the purer one and has abuse potential, so it is usually only used for induction...suboxone has naloxone in it that if crushed, cooked and used by injection, somehow it is activated, so when you shoot it, it will make you severely sick, no abuse potential. this is why most are on suboxone...
Avatar m tn I feel like it is also the doctors fault for allowing him to be on it for so long, i heard it is suppose to only be taken for about 6 months. Im glad to hear that it helps so many other but in my eyes, its just another addiction.
Avatar f tn has anyone ever taken or still taking suboxone for long term pain managment? if so..does it help? im over 2 months clean from an oc habit and i have legit pain but do not want to resort back to oc's....any advice would be greatly appreciated.......
Avatar n tn My son was injured in a football game when he was 17. He had back surgery at that time. (In retrospect, probably a mistake) He is now 26 and has been on some type of opiate for 8 years. He is now taking 40 mg of Oxycotin twice daily plus Oxycodone (dosage unknown). I recently discovered that he was injecting the Oxycotin. After many long talks, he says he is now ready to detox. A facility in Nashville has described their program as a 4 day inpatient detox.
Avatar n tn So whats this Subutex? Is it the Suboxone or part of it. I'm on Suboxone and it makes me so so sick i throw up half hour after taking it. Also it gives me real bad stomach aches. Even the taste is unbearable now. Probably cause i anticipate the throwing up. It is horrible. Its turned into a nightmare I'm hoping that this week when i see the Dr. that he will switch me back onto the methadone I'm insisting on it. Not another day not another week....
Avatar m tn He has closed his practice and has moved to California. I made the switch to a doctor who is brand new in prescribing suboxone. I feel the therapist does not understand or can relate to what it has been like to be an addict. When I found Suboxone it was a miracle. I only saw this facility one time in Asheville since the switch from Johnson city, and while I was there I had a torn ligament on my physically deformed left hand.
1575129 tn?1296004646 My pm doc tried to put me on Suboxone for my chronic pain, some of which is due to FM. I didn't like the idea of it and turned it down for many reasons.
Avatar f tn Your doctor isn't being truthful with you. You cannot just come off of Suboxone, it is addictive and must be tapered off of very slowly. This is a fact. Suboxone is also extremely expensive. I've been on Sub for a year now. I really think you'd just be switching one for another. Try tapering the methadone more slowly. There are a lot of people on the Addiction Abuse forum that can help you threw this. Good luck to you. I'm sure Dr.J will have more great advise for you soon.