
How to prevent acne on your chest

Common Questions and Answers about How to prevent acne on your chest


Avatar n tn Before my blood test results were known he prescribed two tubes of stuff to apply to my acne that have work reasonably well. Eryacne to apply in the morning which I think is a topical antibiotic and Differin at night. Since finding out that my androgen levels are high, my GP has put me on a contraceptive pill that contains anti-androgens. This has worked wonders!
Avatar n tn Hello, These can be due to acne or folliculitis skin. Back and shoulder acne are quite difficult to treat compared to acne on other parts of the body. Thoroughly wash your body everyday, especially the back and shoulder part using a back brush and frequently change your bed sheet, as it is conducive for bacterial growth. Engage in a diet that is low in sugar and fat but is rich in vitamins. This prevents acne by preventing the buildup of excess oil on the skin.
Avatar m tn To get rid of acne problem you have to apply Aloe Vera juice, cucumber juice, lemon juice and neem juice over the affected area. It helps to make look your skin acne free.
Avatar n tn hey mamas, are any of you suffering from preggers acne? Just curious what you've been using to prevent or keep symptoms down and if it's gone away yet. If it's gone, how far along you were when it left. Thanks.
Avatar f tn Any recommendations on how to treat it? i have been using acne products on it, which sounds like the wrong thing to do! Also I find the sun can be helpful for my acne, so was planning a marathon sunbathe (I know not great for me, but the acne is horrible)...sounds like that will only make it worse...How do I find the culprit? Sweat dermatitis? Reaction to drugs? I've got a recommendation in the works to a derm but no appointment date set. Thank so much!
Avatar f tn it makes me not want to wear any tank tops anymore. I have never had back acne or back pimples or chest pimples, well maybe a weird chest pimple hear or there but never acne. I need help, I want to know what this is because it's ugly & it really bothers me. I thought at first that these goosebumps like things were just sweat bumps but now they're on my back & they're bigger.
Avatar n tn My age is 23 & I'm an athletic guy. I can't figure out what these things are or what causes them. I've had one slightly smaller than a pea on the lower portion - left side of my chest for probably two years. Also two more have grown almost that size in the last year, each slightly below my arm-pit on both sides. Just recently (within two months) I've started to feel some more small ones starting to grow in the similar areas.
Avatar n tn t worry, though, this is totally normal especially to sensitive skin. I have bacne (which is acne in the back) and chest acne too. Many/Some people even get pimples on their butts! I have small dots on my thighs actually, so no biggie!
Avatar n tn hey mamas, are any of you suffering from/ did you ever suffer from preggers acne? Just curious what you've been using to prevent or keep symptoms down and if it's gone away yet. If it's gone, how far along (in weeks) you were when it left. Thanks.
Avatar f tn also on my face I bought clean and clears advantage acne its a purple bottle about 6 bucks...7... and I put some on my chest out of curiosity, I used it once and I kid you not, it cleared them right up:") its worth a shot!
549876 tn?1219952270 I not only have it on my face it has made its way down to my chest, and never in my life (i was an acne kid) have i had it on my face. And yes i am having a beautiful baby girl. I guess what kiki says is true. But i know and im praying that after baby that it will go away cause before i was pregnant i had beautiful flawless skin that i had worked years on keeping up.
Avatar n tn Several factors are usually considered to cause acne such as diet, stress, genetic, dirt hormonal imbalances, cosmetics, work-related and drugs. You can prevent and treat acne by changing your lifestyle like eating proper diet, getting a good amount of sleep and drink at least eight glasses of water daily. You can also treat acne by cleaning your face regularly, using skincare products, apply antibacterial topical medications.
Avatar f tn I have an allergy to certain foods but have never had a reaction to a face wash. What can I do to get rid of this rash and prevent it from coming back??
Avatar m tn It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn Lifting anything too heavy can cause your placenta to tear from the uterine wall and result in miscarriage. If your employer knew you were pregnant they could be understanding and not expect you to do too much.
Avatar m tn Since I had few Cystic acne on my chest..Is any injury caused to Acne by reused Electrodes... I ma freaking out.... Please clarify and help me.. .
363110 tn?1340920419 Zoƫ had awful baby acne/newborn rash. It goes away by week 8 usually. You can clothe baby when you nurse him to see if that helps prevent him from breaking out.
Avatar n tn For the past five months, i have had small bumps on the shaft of my penis which i believe is sebaceous prominice. In addition, in and around the bumps i have had little red bumps that look like acne or folliculitis. They are scaring me and i truly don't know how to get them to go away. I have gotten it down to one acne/folliculitis pimple and it won't go away for good. It will leave for a day to a month and then come back. I need help.
Avatar f tn it sounded to me like cystic acne till you mentioned they seem to fluctuate in size. As far as I know, cystic acne don;t fluctuate in size. Can you ask your doctor to name them exactly? did u not go for a follow up where he records any improvement, etc.?usually cystic acne are dark and round and can appear anywhere, esp face, arms, shoulders, chest etc. the contraceptive pills should have taken care of them though. let us know here if you get any more info.
Avatar f tn It comes with wash day cream and night cream great for acne skin. Also safe to use, remember to change your pillow cased frequently too it helps from reinfecting your face with old oil and dirt :) my glytone kit lasted me 9 months and cleared up my hormonal acne I had in 2 months, at first it was bad but now it's totally gone.
Avatar f tn Did anybody else get extremely bad acne on their shoulders and shoulder blades?? I have been having such bad acne to the point where I don't like wearing tank tops now!!! How do I stop it???
Avatar m tn no, you won't get std's from kissing. no ,you won't get std's from manually stimulating someone. no, you won't get std's from ejaculate on your skin. no, you won't get std's from sucking on a nipple. has terrific information on std's, how to prevent them and how to test for them.
Avatar m tn http://www.acne-care-solutions.
384896 tn?1335294331 Well, does it look like tiny zits? red ones? Cause it could be baby acne which goes away on it's own and don't pop them... Her pours are working on their own, this happens to all kids at some point before their 1. If it was exzema it's be patches of dry and flakey stuff. I believe you probably know what it lookd like though, but really sounds like acne. You can put some Eucerin Cream/Lotion on it.
Avatar m tn s opinion on the effectiveness of Accutane on smaller acne heads. My acne is on my face, neck, back, and chest. There are not very many big acne heads (I have benzoyl peroxide5%, Differin 3%, and Minocyclin 100 mg twice a day). These medications play a big part in my not having many big zits. Anyways, I have lots of little acne heads all over. How effective is Accutane at getting rid of these heads and keeping them off? (from your experience or from official sources) Thanks!
Avatar m tn I use an oil free non comedogenic foundation, every morning and night I've been taking Doxycycline for somewhere around 6 months now. I've also been using a topical Adapalene 0.1% Cream for about the same amount of time. I've noticed no improvement in my acne. Keeps appearing everywhere, and I've moved to having to add the Adapalene cream on my arms as well. I've only noticed an improvement on my arms. And now I have this boil on my chin. Great.
Avatar f tn In my first trimester i broke out so much in my chest and back i just didnt know how to cover it but Ever since i reached my 2nd trimester it stop and cleared out. Now i only get 2 or 3 when i eat greasy food which i rarely do.