
Frequent urination vitamin supplement

Common Questions and Answers about Frequent urination vitamin supplement


Avatar n tn Nature Made Multi For Her 50+. The Equate vitamin caused frequent urination every 25-35 minutes. I also noticed lower back pain when I walk. Now taking the Nature Made Multi... and it appears that I urinate maybe every hour but have noticed that after urinating, I feel like I will be going again very soon. I also notice while taking this vitamin I experience lower back discomfort.
Avatar f tn For several years I have battled unexplained severe fatigue, cognitive/memory issues, periods extreme weakness of muscles (without exertion) - especially upper arms and upper legs, unexplained frequent urination, etc. In addition, my hair has been thinning for almost a year now. All my tests come back okay. My thyroid tests have been normal from what I'm told. Finally my GYN of all people tested my vitamin D and found it to be, as she called it, "very, very low.
7760770 tn?1435118189 I'm wondering what would be a good supplement otc that could help with her frequent urination, straining to pee, and crystals in urine. I saw cranberry supplemnts and "natural pet urine irritation" that claims to help with the symptoms. Also, vet said the cat has abnormal ph levels. She was given fluids and antibiotics at the vets and she mentioned using an otv joint medication that may help with inflammation (glucosemine) which I have not found for cats yet.
Avatar f tn m tired a lot and have frequent urination with urgency. My lastest blood work= HDL 39, Vitamin D low less than 20 and also B12 on the low side. My doctor was not alarmed and recommended vitamin supplement and excerise. I am so upset can someone please tell me how these results relate?
Avatar f tn Since doctors don't seem to want to help me figure out what's wrong, I'm trying to investigate my various symptoms to find potential diseases to rule out. For the past two and a half years, I've had a problem with frequent urination. No incontinence of any kind, but I tend to pee on average 12-20 times a day. Sometimes I'll be up one or two times at night, sometimes more and sometimes not at all. I DO drink quite a bit of fluid.
Avatar m tn I have never known zinc to do anything like that. Zinc is a mineral that helps the skin and nerves get healthy. Check your diet - if you are eating too much sugar or carbs you might have frequent urination caused by hypoglycemia or pre-diabetes. Maybe you didn't pee often enough before and the zinc is healing your bladder... Are you drinking more water? You should in hot weather.
Avatar f tn Hyperparathyroidism is one of several endocrine disorders that could explain your symptoms. Also possible is a food allergy/sensitivity, perhaps from something that sneaks in as an ingredient in prepared foods you eat. To correct a few points in Bama_Lori's otherwise useful info, eggs are not a good source of calcium or vitamin D. And if you have reactive hypoglycemia, orange juice is not going to be useful.
4939681 tn?1361299299 Well, leilajax, since you started this thread and Red_Star gave so much good info, I've been all over the internet looking for more vitamin and supplement info. Red_Star is right on (of course). One source I did read (I can't copy/paste) suggests taking copper if taking over 10mg of zinc (they work together). My 1 A Day teen has zinc and copper, in addition to the other suggestions. I feel good about what I'm taking. This group is such a wonderful resource!
Avatar m tn Recommend a multi-vitamin type that has close to 100% of the RDAs for each vitamin and mineral.
Avatar m tn i just bought a blackmores multivitamin and mineral supplement. When i eat the tablet once a day, i will start to pee green yellowish. Is it harmful if i keep continue on like that taking my supplement ?
Avatar f tn Hi everyone! I thought I'd share something that might help someone else...first, a brief history...In 2006 I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism that was caused by a parathyroid tumor. This caused the calcium levels in my blood to rise to near-lethal levels. After the tumor was removed, I had "hungry bone syndrome" where my bones were "starving" for calcium and sucked it out of my bloodstream faster than I could supplement it.
Avatar f tn Hi, Your symptoms may be suggestive of chronic ill health in the form of chronic fatigue syndrome, anaemia, deficiency of vitamins etc. Also for the pain in abdomen and frequent urination you should check out with a gynaecologist for an examination. If necessary and ultrasound scan may be done. Discuss with your Doctor. Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn About 3 days later I started noticing a increase in my need to urinate (because of this I started drinking more water, to be sure not to get dehydrated, which of course lead to more frequent urination ) I also started feeling a slight pain towards the tip of my penis... Not during urination but just throughout the day, I never noticed any discharge, swelling, or abdominal pain... And the frequency at which I urinate has gone back to more of a regular amount..
Avatar f tn I didn't really experience frequent urination during my first trimester...but am having it in my second 15 weeks 5 days..anyone else with the same issue.could this be normal?
Avatar n tn If it is really a change for you, it is best to see your doctor as there are a variety of health reasons that cause frequent urination. I found that I was having frequent urination at night and had to limit liquid intake after a certain hour and that certain things cause me to have to go more such as iced tea. ?? Have no idea why but that seems to come straight back out. talk to your doctor if you are having this symptom.