
Deviated septum nose cones

Common Questions and Answers about Deviated septum nose cones


Avatar m tn I have been having chronic problems with post nasal drip and pressure on the bridge of my nose. It's not terribly bothersome, rather annoying. Let me explain what I mean by post nasal drip. I feel like there is constantly mucus stuck in the back of my nose. It isn't really dripping down my throat, rather just sitting in the back of my nose. It feels thick and I often have to snort in order to get it out. It is not discolored, just clear/milky white.
Avatar m tn I forgot to specify.. It always have been like that so my nose is not broken or anything it's only the septum that is deviated.. I can feel it when I enter my fingers in my nose and touch the septum. so.. is this fixable?
1329703 tn?1275158081 I have a deviated septum that was found when my allergy shots started working but I still couldn't breathe through my nose. I also have mild sinus issues with them clogging and a mild infection (normally my immune system gets it under control within a week or so). I have the surgery in a couple of weeks so I can't comment on the long term affects yet but I'm hopeful it will help!
Avatar n tn I know surgery is an option for the deviated septum. But will my nose ever not hurt again??? It also causes so much pressure in my ears that it has aggravated my TMJ. Sure wish I knew then what I know now...
Avatar f tn I got in to see the ENT dr a week ahead of schedule. I have chronic sinusitis, scars on both ears from past infections, and "fairly severe deviated septum,". He had trouble getting the scope up my nose, had to go to a smaller one. He put me on a "push" of prednisone, antibiotics, and Nasonex. Also scheduled a CT scan of sinus's in a month to see if infection is gone. Then he said we would decide what to do. My sx were a constant drippy nose, pressure in ears, headaches.
Avatar m tn i was diagnosed year 2007 with severe deviated septum prior to this i have been experiencing some weird feelings about my health throughout my childhood , teenage and adolescent years. Let me share you my experiences about my health so you could enlighten me if those weird feelings are related to sinusitis/deviated septum as what i am thinking of or you might have experience the same thing.
Avatar f tn t want to have to keep getting surgery to correct my deviated septum. Is there any other options (besides nose sprays)?
Avatar f tn The headaches were also on the left side due to pressure from the clogged nostril. He told me I had a deviated septum. I scheduled surgery that day because he said he could fix my problem and make it easier to breathe. Well he did make it easier to breathe out of the clogged side, but he moved the septum too far and now I cannot breathe out of what was my "good" side. My headaches are worse than they were before the surgery.
538090 tn?1213808112 My husband had surgery for his deviated septum along with turbine reduction. It seems he broke his nose in highschool, while playing basketball, and didn't realize it. The tissue grew too much inside his nose and started to cause him to have several sinus infections over the years. The congestion your are getting may be due to the affected tissue swelling because of your flu or bronchitis. The surgery will help clear your breathing passage and give you some relief.
4556201 tn?1356445652 Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. In Elementary school, I fractured my nose pretty bad. Then in my early teens, I realized I had a 'bump' on the bridge, & a deviated septum. The 'bump' is caused by 2 super sharp bones sticking out. (It's so extreme/sharp that family & friends I let touch it were *all* really shocked by it, & assured me it was*not* normal.
Avatar f tn 20 mg ,been on it over 6 weeks now ,I do a have a nasal deviated septum on the right side and that's the side were the problems have been
1452978 tn?1285110262 Has anyone had the sinus surgery and it helped the dizziness, off balance, and lightheaded feeling. I am have a deviated septum that is being correct. I am nervous I have never had surgery before but I am praying this takes care of the issues. Could someone please share their experiences with me, my surgery is Thursday. Thanks so much!
Avatar f tn Might want to get an opinion from a ear, nose and throat doctor to see if breaking your nose has damaged your nose. It might have changed the deviated septum to a point that something should be done to fix it. Anything that is very painful and doesn't improve greatly within 24 hours should be seen by a doctor.
Avatar m tn I broke my nose years back and have a deviated septum and possibly some other structural differences in my nose. After the test I noticed that they put the swab in through the nostril that I have trouble breathing through. Could this affect whether the swab can be inserted far enough back to get enough of a sample for the test?
Avatar m tn I have noticed that the sit of my nose where my deviated septum had been seems to still be significantly inflamed and that the generalized area around where the maxillary sinus would be hurts as well. Perhaps the most annoying, is the fact that my upper left molars kill. is this likely just residual inflammation from the surgery itself? i do know there was a good amount of infection in the left maxillary prior to my surgery, so wondering if this is just aggravated by the surgery.
Avatar n tn Is it possible to get a deviated septum after only 2 months of cocaine use? When i blow my nose, it hurts and then a piece of skin will come out. What should i do about this? (Yes, i realize stop doing cocaine is the best thing. Spare me those comments.
Avatar f tn Does deviated septum cause low oxygen In the body and which leads bronchitis and later digits clubbing.
Avatar f tn Yes. I had the septoplasty in 2005. The deviated septum came back on the same side. I am scheduled for a revision in September 2008. There was no accident that caused it. It just noticed in my 20s. Still trying to get even air flow.
Avatar f tn Septoplasty for deviated septum and coblation of the turbinates My teenage son had this as outpatient surgery two days ago. Day one was pretty rough, so keep current on those painkillers. His doctor's advice; use bags of frozen peas instead of ice packs - they mold to the face better. The cold really helps. He also told me to get an over the counter spray called "simply saline" to spray right in the nose to keep it moist.
Avatar f tn Hey all, I'm getting slightly concerned about a lump on my nose. It's on the right side along the bridge. It's a few mm in size, but obviously on the nose it stands out a bit. Background information. I'm 27, Male, ex smoker. I have chronic sinusitis and a deviated septum, these will be operated on within the next couple of months so hopefully I'll be able to breathe again.
Avatar n tn Your son could continue to have some swelling of the lining of his nose. Your son’s pediatrician can easily look into the nose and tell if this is the cause of the stuffiness.