
Blood sugar readings low too low

Common Questions and Answers about Blood sugar readings low too low


Avatar f tn My blood sugar is 78, feeling cold and jittery and wondering if that is too high of a number to be causing it. Since last Thursday I have been unable to eat much, and what I do eat has been immediately removed (diarrhea). I was diabetic in my last pregnancy and still needing to lose weight so I have been checking my sugars just to see if maybe that is why I feeling so low right now. Thanks for the help.
246464 tn?1249452147 Also suggest you carry glucose tablets or hard candies [not sugar free] with you in case a crash occurs. Eat one to elevate your blood sugar rapidly. Dropping below 60 is dangerous, down to 34 is life threatening.
Avatar m tn When the production of insulin is low, you will have sugar trapped in the blood stream. when you test your blood sugar using the glucometer, the number you see reflects on how much sugar is trapped in the blood stream. hope this is what you are looking for! if you are looking for something more, please be more specific with your question.
Avatar f tn // . In the meantime, perhaps you should start looking through these links for an answer while you get on the phone and make an appointment to see doctor and get tested for hypoglycemia.
Avatar f tn More than likely some tests will be ordered to rule out a low thyroid and low adrenal functions as these two issues can cause low blood pressure. Some other blood work will also be ordered, just a general panal probably. I hope this helps. Take care and try not to worry.
Avatar n tn m betting that he needs an intervention at perhaps the emergency room if his blood sugar is low. Low blood sugar affects every organ of the body. The O2 readings you report would concern me very much, and I'd suggest going to an emergency facility as soon as possible. Recently I was hospitalized for surgery to my stomach, and my blood sugar levels fell, followed by my by blood pressure (much lower than what you report), and my O2 level dropped into the high 80% areas.
Avatar f tn i went to the doctor yesterday and she took my blood pressure. it was 80/44 is that bad to be at the age of 17.
Avatar f tn Actually with low blood sugar the best thing is an increase in protien. I keep a block of cheese on hand and if mine starts to drop then I slice off a piece and lay down with some water a few mins and it clears up. I have dealt with low blood sugar in all 3 pregnancies now but was not diabetic...oh and my dr suggested powerade or Gatorade to help keep then stable.
Avatar f tn Various things can lead to low blood sugars. If you go without eating for a period of time, your blood sugar can drop, or if you exercise strenuously (especially if you do both in combination). If you are on insulin than taking too much insulin for the carbs you are eating can definitely cause low blood sugars and these can be the more dangerous kind because you can drop very rapidly. If you are getting frequent lows, talk to your doctor.
4250330 tn?1388621179 I had the same problem I was almost passing out at work several times during a shift, I went to the doctor and they said it was low blood pressure and low sugar, they told me to eat lots of protein and drink lots of juice and water, no more soda, I did this and it helped 100% I have only had one more episode since and I hadn't eaten correctly all day
Avatar f tn I've been hypoglycemic (have low blood sugar) since I was very little. You need to have peanut butter crackers or some almonds on hand at all times if you're getting low blood sugar. Gum will only help for a little while. Candies and stuff are high in sugar but they don't last as long. The protein in nuts and peanut butter raises your sugar and keeps it up for a good while.
Avatar n tn Has anyone had a low blood sugar level during pregnancy im 8wks & 2days and i swaer im going to drop to the floor im not due back to my doctors till i am 12 wks.
Avatar f tn My mom and both grandmothers have/had diabetes but they also were overweight, had big bellies and ate horribly, smoked and never exercised. I have low blood pressure sometimes too...never had high blood pressure. I would think diabetes would be highly unlikely.....???
1099356 tn?1257554033 s definitely worth talking to your doctor about....I have REALLY low blood pressure too, but I take a beta-blocker for a heart condition. Usually my BP is so low that it takes 4 or 5 times before they can even get a reading, one point it was like 67/90. Sometimes if you're dehydrated your blood pressure drops, because it's related to blood try drinking a LOT of fluids and take the measurement again. dehydration can also cause heart palpitations and dizziness.
Avatar f tn I have not heard about MS and low blood sugar being related. I do know that there are many people that have MS and diabetes. Still the doctor's say they are not related. I still have the gut feeling that they are related. Please make sure that your doctor is aware of these times of low blood sugar. You don't want to take any chances with your health.
4250330 tn?1388621179 What Can I Eat For Low Blood Sugar I Feel Really Shaky And My Hearts Beating Fast And Everything This Happened Last Time I Thought My Blood Sugar Was Low.. Im 31 Weeks and 6 Days pregnant..
Avatar m tn This morning i took my blood test (not a diabetic, trying to rule out low blood sugar that may cause some symptoms im having) and it ranged from 118 right when i woke up to 95 when i got moving. Is too much blood on the strip bad? should i just have enough on the strip to allow a reading and take my finger away? it seemed that my readings were lower when it got just enough blood to get a reading and i took my finger away. also, how fast does a sport drink like gatorade raise your blood sugar?
Avatar n tn Numerous people have told me it is either low blood sugar or low potassium and I am beginning to think they have a point. If after all, I did not have anything to eat for about seven hours and only had a sandwich for breakfast, it seems plausible. I do see how this can also be very serious however, but I am probably going to see a doctor soon. I just had a check up about a week ago or two and they did not find anything wrong. Thanks for your response though.
Avatar m tn In the last two days I woke up each morning with readings of 100. Within an hour, (no food or humalog intake) blood sugar dropped to 40. I ate (taking no insulin) and readings went up to about 80, but kept dropping to 60. I am doing nothing differently than I usually do. What is going on?
5149794 tn?1374087979 How far along are you have you looked up low blood sugar that's how iam and I got low blood sugar
Avatar n tn If I pass out and it is some time before help arrives am I in danger of dieing or having a stroke? I have found that when my sugar is too low I usually sleep very sound. I am afraid I will not wake up or will awaken but can't get help. If I fall like beofre I couldn't even get to the phone, much less dial it. What can I do? I keep orange juice on hand but might not be able to get to it. Is there anything easy to use that I could carry with me?
Avatar n tn After I gave him something really sweet to drink about 45 minutes later he was ready to eat. So do we have a problem with low sugar or high sugar? Is this something to worry about? He cant't talk so he can't tell us how he feels. My husband won't have insurance until the end of April. So were kinda stuck at the moment with being able to get anyone to help us. We were also told that since his seizures last that long we should really be worrying about brain deteriation.