
Binge eating effects on the body

Common Questions and Answers about Binge eating effects on the body


Avatar n tn Is anyone out there a binge eater that would like to get into contact to help recovery? I've had eating disorders for the past 10 years...anorexia, bulimia, recovered on my own for a bit, but now after starting a career and having more stress in my life, I'm not normal anymore. I binge. I went on topamax for a bit and this helped but didn't like the weird side effects and I know I can't rely on drugs my whole life. I'm 26 and just want to be normal with food.
Avatar f tn Dr Gould has some programs available for that. You could check out his recent blog entry by clicking on the expert activity part on the right of your screen. Or visit another of his sites at: which has a lot of useful info.
1396756 tn?1283523477 I think you are on the road to better things, dry those tears and get moving! I wish you all the best and take care!
Avatar f tn Do you do any physical exercise? I always find it hardest to stay off binge-amounts of food when I'm not going to the gym regularly. You'd think burning up a load of calories would make me eat more, but for some reason it kick-starts my willpower over food again.
Avatar f tn The most common compensatory technique is self-induced vomiting after an episode of binge eating. The immediate effects of vomiting include relief from physical discomfort and reduction of fear of gaining weight. For some, vomiting becomes a goal in itself, and the person will binge in order to vomit or will vomit after eating a small amount of food.
Avatar f tn So I guess it could go either way. However, people with ADHD should get the opposite effects of speed, which means they slow down and then maybe the appetite kicks in? Or it could always be stress related and have nothing to do with the medication. Either way, its probably worth mentioning it to your doctor and getting their opinion too.
Avatar f tn long term purging has terrible effects on your body, everything from sore throats to cardiac arrest.
Avatar n tn What kind of physical consequences are there to binge eating. I had this for years, overeating really fast and way too much. In the recent past I got on a medication and stopped. But now I have bad acid reflux, what feels like a tear in my intestines and an ulcer in my stomach and a gallbladder that is going downhill. I never knew what it meant to be full because I would alot of times eat past that.
Avatar m tn A person doing so is not allowing essential nutrients into the body. Tasting food releases salivary enzymes and also triggers the release of insulin. Excess insulin stirs appetite, making a person feel hungrier; wanting to chew and spit more. It can lead to binge eating and weight gain. It is an eating disorder and needs to be corrected. I will advise you to lose or gain weight in an ideal way through proper diet and exercise. Best wishes!
612101 tn?1220772860 I would love to talk as I’m 35 now but pregnnat with my second I don’t binge any more when not pregnnat but I do eat all day while pregnnat and can’t seem to stop I had annorexia the opposites more often and put into a hospital as I almost died twice and now I’m never doing that a dog have kid and kid on way but I do have issues on eating and body image of myself as my gain during pregnancy scare me and I cry and off my meds causes me to be hungry and eat but I don’t eat bad junk foods all day e
Avatar f tn I know that trying to have control over your eating disorder is frustrating and that you can lose the battle off and on. But remember Mar, God gave us the weapons to fight against this. He said to take up our armour (the word of God) and resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Yes you have to pray. But you have to stop each time you are about to take a bite and ask for help (from God). You can't fight this battle yourself.
Avatar f tn Binge eating after dinner please help I always do really well then after dinner I blow it and I know ive gotta get rid of this problem to loose the weight I want.
794366 tn?1418009395 Sometimes when you treat the underlying mental issues like anxiety or depression with drug interventions, it helps take the edge off of the bingeing. Now, it is not a miracle, but it simply lets the voice of no, come out and then allows you to actually listen to it and reason with yourself a little more. Again, sometimes you will still fall prey to the eating voice and go off track, but in my expereince, you have less of that and more successful days. Good luck.
Avatar f tn i dont know if it happens to you the same way, but usually same things trigger the binge a matter of at least recognizing what it is....and this might help you identify pattern....i am still working on it myself...had a food binge 2 days in a row and body keeps craving.....hard but manageble....
Avatar f tn I dont know,the acid of throwing up can affect your teeth and sufocus(sp?),maybe just have it looked at by a doc.
Avatar f tn I have oesteosporosis and I binge eat. Binge eating has never been a problem in the past because I have always been very thin and never gained weight, until now. For years my weight has been between 102 & 106. I'm 5'3". Over the past few years I have gained 15 lbs. and it keeps adding on. I can't believe that at my age , this is a huge problem for me.
Avatar f tn The point is that you do feel like you do. This is a consquence of drinking. you are showing that you are allergic to using alcohol. It might not affect you that you would ntoice, but swilling alcohol at any time has effects on your body. It's possible to socialize without it. Put your energyinto finding healthy pursuits and you will be less likely to pollute your temple to intoxication.
Avatar f tn If you occasionally heavily binge drink(once a month or less) and this has temporary effects such as increased heart rate during drinking, muscle aches and mild stomach irritation for the next few days, is this likely to have long term effects? Also, does passive smoking from other peoples cigarettes on nights out cause any long term damage?
Avatar n tn I started anorexia recovery 6 days ago. I'm 15 years old, female, 5"3-5"4, sedentary, only exercise I get is going to school. Every since my first day of recovery, I have been binge eating really really bad. I binge on sweets, carbs, and some salty foods. I can't stop, it makes me so frustrated that I start crying and it really makes me want to relapse.
Avatar n tn There is no good body of knowledge about the long term effects....if he were just starting the medication, I would think it might be a side effect, but if he has been using for twenty years, then probably not, but can't say that for sure...the way to find out is ask the doctor to take him off of prozac and see if his symptoms subside...should be done carefully and slowly over a 5 week period.......
Avatar f tn The best thing to do is not have junk food in the house, if you can't stop with eating a single portion. Replace the chips, cookies, etc with fresh cut up veggies, such as carrots, celery, radishes, broccoli, or cauliflower. You'll get the same crunch, but you'll get nutrition instead of the fat and empty calories. If you need the salt, sprinkle on just a tad of sea salt to add a bit of flavor.
1041656 tn?1253394619 I have a serious food issue. I used to be very skinny and pretty, but lately I've been putting on weight because of the amount of food I've been eating. I usually binge eat at night - sometimes during the day if I can't control the urge - and then I feel awful about all the calories I've taken in. For the past month I've been trying to jog at least three times a day, usually for at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours each time.
401095 tn?1351391770 Betaine acts as a stimulant for the production of SAM-e (S-adenoslmethionine). The body cannot do without SAM-e, which it produces. SAM-e is directly related to the production of certain hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is responsible for feelings of well-being and pleasure. Chicken: Chicken, like eggs, contains complete protein that increases levels of the excitatory neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine.
Avatar n tn I'm a 20-year old college student, and I have an out-of-control binge eating disorder. These last few months have been a rollercoaster. It's like a broken record... Monday through Friday, I'll be exercising vigorously and severely restricting calories because of binge-eating on the weekends. Come Friday, I'll have a slice of pizza or two, then it all goes downhill from there. WITHIN TWO HOURS, I will have 3 bowls of cereal, a bag of trail mix, two p.b.
691024 tn?1233619743 I always thought i was the only one who used 3 fingers, cause i think most bulimics only use 2. I binge and purge on healthy too. Here i am thinking i'm only who does this crazy stuff. like you i also purge until the point that i'm so dizzy i can't do it anymore. I too, am not glad here your stuggle, but it makes feel less alone. Question: Do your knuckles really hurt when you bend them?
Avatar f tn Is anyone familiar with binge eating disorder? I have been struggling with what I believe is binge eating disorder. It has gotten out of control and I am at a loss as to how to stop it. I have gained a horrible amount of weight and am miserable. I just want to regain control and able to cope in a healthy way...
Avatar m tn I am in a similar boat. I have binge/purge off and on for many years. Recently I have stopped the binge part and just purged anything I eat for fear of ganing any weight. I am currently pretty close to happy with my weight, but don't want to change my eating habits because I enjoy food. (I feel so selfish, or self indulgent) so I purge which makes me feel cleansed. And I still get the satisfaction of consuming food.
Avatar f tn PCOS is pretty complicated, I have it as well. As well, more you binge and purge, the more messed up your metabolism will be. Phentermine is a controlled substance in the US, with some pretty severe side effects - many countries do not even allow this drug class any more.
Avatar f tn , food, alcohol, nicotine, enter the body and ultimately degrade to the same neurochemistry that is common to all pleasure, and all addiction. On the neurochemical level, you are eating so that the food will work like an antidepressant or like a drug or alcohol. If you eat too much food, you will get a 'high' and feel better, but then you will also experience the crash afterwards. This is when the cravings start and then you 'eat bad' in an attempt to feel better.