
Back acne from steroids

Common Questions and Answers about Back acne from steroids


Avatar n tn I have been having this random cluster of red acne like spots on the upper middle of my back. I'm not sure if it's acne or a rash from my laundry detergent? I've been using benzoyl peroxide acne cream but it's still there. It used to be raised a little like acne but now its all flat.
Avatar m tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination, but it can be due to Acne keloidalis nuchae. It occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. These ingrown hairs usually occur following a short haircut on the back of the head and nape of the neck. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections.
Avatar f tn You will come back from it but when I was in the hospital in April and they wanted to give me steroids I refused so heavily, they probably thought I was a nut case. Oh well.
Avatar m tn Monomorphic acne-a variant acne. Been on any therapy like steroids some time ago?
Avatar m tn I have acne all over the back of my head and on my back it hurts to touch in some spots and to dry my hair.
Avatar n tn I had a course of oral steroids to re set my skin and he gave me some Protopic lotion to use halfway through the steroids and to use for two weeks. I consumed the steroids used a little of the Protopic and my skin was great. However, as soon as I stopped the rash came back. I stopped putting anything on my face except Hydromole to hydrate the skin and it cleared up mostly and seemed better. However, it then started to react to the Hydramole so I stopped putting anything on altogether.
Avatar f tn My last dermatologist did a culture from one on my scalp and it came back as dermatitis folliculitis. She also tried convincing me before that it was just acne. I had to convince her to give me a culture. The one I have now gave me doxycycline for 30 days and some shampoo and topicals. He also injected steroids or something in the areas he saw flareups. I saw no improvement from that. Only from the antibiotics. I am now out of the medicine and it's all coming back again.
Avatar f tn I came across this site when I googled red, itching, weeping acne.
Avatar m tn Looks like mono morphic acne,were you on mediation like steroids?Right now,you can apply calamine lotion.
559187 tn?1330782856 I found out from the MS nurse that the rash I have all over my face, neck, and back is a side effect of my IV Solu-Medrol treatment and the taper dose of prednisone and is not a rash at all, but is acne. I thought the rash was from my sun exposure while in Mexico earlier this week and that the steroids were probably the culprit. So that was half right. But the nurse said it was acne yet it feels more like a rash to me.
Avatar m tn Absorbtion of steroid from facial skin could explain this. However application of steroids at sites like face, eyelids, scrotum etc are replete with side effects like atrophy,acne and appearence of unsightedly blood vessels(Telangectasias).So be careful.
Avatar f tn it makes me not want to wear any tank tops anymore. I have never had back acne or back pimples or chest pimples, well maybe a weird chest pimple hear or there but never acne. I need help, I want to know what this is because it's ugly & it really bothers me. I thought at first that these goosebumps like things were just sweat bumps but now they're on my back & they're bigger.
Avatar f tn Are you on Steroids by any chance? You see the body does not flush the toxins from the liver and you do tend to have fluid retention. I am on Ursodeoxycholic Acid. This is a dioretic and is used for gall stones, PBC and AIH. If you ask, if you are not already on this, to be put on some of this, it will help. I am now on 750mg three times daily. Each capsule comes in 250mg. so I am on three, three times per day.
6559066 tn?1382412754 Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination,but it can be due to Acne keloidalis nuchae. It occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. These ingrown hairs usually occur following a short haircut on the back of the head and nape of the neck. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections.
6868372 tn?1385568674 Back acne means you have acne (zits, bumps, etc.) on your back. Backache means your back hurts.
Avatar n tn Hi I seem to be getting wierd acne-like pimples around my lips... tho I am not sure why. The rest are small.. they seem to pop like acne but one is larger and unusually painful. Looking up close they DONT look liek clusters (as with herpies) just red areas like acne usualy looks like. One looked almost like a tiny blister tho that popped and had clear stuff come out. Any ideas on what this is? note I have similar looking pimples all around my face n nose at random locations.
Avatar f tn I don't believe they are typically related, however, alcoholism can severely throw your system out of alignment (as can withdrawal for a little while) - diet, sleep patterns, social activities - EVERYTHING is going through a change so, I'd try to consider what is causing the acne? Hormonal changes, oily skin, change of season, new skin lotions/creams, etc... and work in reverse order.
Avatar n tn In addition I was missing a small patch of hair on my neck. I was given topical steroids for the dryness and creams for my neck. The face condition cleared up but I began getting red bumps around my eyes and mouth sometimes and my scalp is itchy. Round Red spots are on my armpits, chest and groin. I was given creams for all these but they just come back. My face isn't bad but the rest doesn't seem to be getting better. The shampoo they gave me doesn't seem to control it that great.
Avatar m tn Although topical, the steroids will most likely take around three weeks to clear from your system. I would encourage you to drink plenty of water, which will help your body flush out toxins and the medicine. I am also a former user of accutane (but many years ago). Though not as potent, I continue to use vitamin A capsules on a daily basis to assist with clear skin. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I thought it may have been from the prednisone, but I have been off of that for 5 months now and it is not getting any better! Any idea what it is from? Is it from being hyper, tapazole or still from the steroids? Thanks for any help!
Avatar f tn It is treated in a similar manner to acne vulgaris with tetracycline antibiotics or erythromycin but, without the use of topical steroids. Recently, photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been reported to be helpful, although large studies have not yet been performed. Let us know if you need any other information. Regards.
1006035 tn?1485575897 never go along with their recommendations of steroids please, they love to prescribe steroids and this leads to many health problems alot more serious... heres the site for iherb. be sure to order this exact one, its safe for internal use b/c kitty will lick the area. some are not. just dab on with a cotton ball 2-3x daily.