
Ativan withdrawal alcohol

Common Questions and Answers about Ativan withdrawal alcohol


Avatar m tn Alcohol will absolutely intensify the withdrawal symptoms of ativan since alcohol acts on the same receptors in the brain as ativan. It is true that these receptors are sensitive and vulnerable from the ativan withdrawal, so this explains why you may notice your withdrawal symptoms worsen when consuming alcohol. It is a good idea stay away from alcohol while withdrawing. I would not recommend suddenly discontinuing the atarax without first discussing your questions with your doctor.
Avatar n tn On abrupt, or overly rapid discontinuation of lorazepam, anxiety and signs of physical withdrawal have been observed, similar to those seen on withdrawal from alcohol and barbiturates. Lorazepam as with other benzodiazepine drugs can cause physical dependence, addiction and what is known as the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. The higher the dose and the longer the drug is taken for the greater the risk of experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
1041243 tn?1375230520 It seems that you may not be taking the medication that you doctor gave you. The Ativan and clonodine will help you to sleep and the ativan will help prevent seizures and anxiety. Please take your doctors advise with the medication - you will get some sleep. Go to the AA meetings too - you will gain some valuable support. Best of luck and keep coming back.
Avatar n tn 2) Was this late night anxiety attack/hot flash just a withdrawal symptom or was it a rush of the Ativan leaving my system (kinda of like alcohol does the morning after a night a heavy drinking)? 3) If it is Ativan withdrawal, should I expect more of these mini anxiety attacks/hot flashes or does it get better with time? 4) Is there ANYTHING I can take to help counteract these symptoms? Would Valium be a good thing to take as needed until this passes or can I assume the worst is over.
Avatar n tn How specificallly should a person use ativan to taper off alcohol? There are nine 1mg pills and no instructions.
Avatar m tn Were you tapering to get off that drug or alcohol? 10 ativan will not set you back. Sounds like ER doc is trying to give you a safty net so you don't end up back there with anxiety. Do you have a primary dr,?
Avatar f tn I have a friend who went to a detox for alcohol and oxycodone and ativan. Her real problem was the alcohol. She took oxycodone and ativan under a doctor's orders for pain and anxiety but did overuse them at times. I'm sort of disappointed in the whole process. I've gone through 12 detox/rehabs with my ex-husband; some good and some bad but this was REALLY different. Looking to see if anyone has any answers about what's going on.
Avatar m tn I had previously been dry a couple weeks and was taking ativan 3mg/day. On July 4th, I slipped and drank. A lot. I fell and was injured, rushed to hospital, given ativan and pain meds, released 2 days later. Never took any pain meds before except tylenol or ibuprofen (I'm 50). Got home and was in severe pain. I refused the oxycodone script at the hospital. Last wednesday, i couldn't take it any more and got 40 5mg of oxycodone and have been taking 6 a day.
Avatar f tn Thank you cj! ~ Would you mind sharing what dosage of Ativan you were on and how long you took it? I do plan to go extremely slow when I taper off. Overall it sounds as though your taper wasn't intolerable. Were you able to function pretty normally? I realize that everyone is different, but I'd still like to know if you needed help or were alone quite alot if that's not being too nosey.
Avatar n tn you should not attempt this without medical advice. alcohol withdrawal is a potentially life-threatening condition that can result in seizures, cardiac arrest, and severe psychological distress. your vital signs and neurological condition should be monitored to determine the correct dosing of any medications as well as any other treatment.
Avatar m tn Although ativan has a withdrawal the way you are describing it sounds like something is going on with your stomach. This does not sound to me like withdrawal but almost the opposite like the ativan was masking the stomach pain and when you take away the ativan the stomach (GI system) acts up. Please go to your doctor about your stomach pain. Especially since you describe it as getting worse! You don't want to overlook some problem that might be easily fixed.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your responses.... True... Ativan is the one and only drug that I'm on... I know it's not good... but when the panic comes on.... And I work with about 50 employees mind you... It's the only thing that gets me through the shift without freaking out in front of them... The "fight or flight" kicks in...and I can't run away... I have a very demanding position at my job... I'm only taking 1mg ativan before work and 1mg ativan before bedtime...
414333 tn?1226191493 I need help here, For those of you who know me I am going through Ativan withdrawal, man it ***** I was only on it for three months though, but still WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all I can say folks WOOHHHHH!!!! What a powerful pill, I started on 2mg daily and I am down to a wee 0.25mg daily, my question is I was put on Klonopin, blindly in hospital 0.5mg twice daily 6 years ago and I know I am also going through tolerance withdrawal from that fun stuff...
Avatar m tn I did this a few weeks ago, (albeit after I had a withdrawal seizure--- so go ASAP!) and she gave me a tapering dose of Ativan as a detox. My seizure happened on 3rd or 4th day after I quit. Also, they'll lecture you about AA, but just nod and take the pills lol.
Avatar m tn Ive been taking xanax for two months now. And he wants me to take lorazepam 1mg intead of the xanax. Will I get withdrawal symptoms of the xanax? Thanx....
Avatar f tn 6 weeks is not really long enough for you to experience an actual "withdrawal" from the Ativan, typically a "short term" course of treatment is considered 3 months or less. Those people who are on Ativan short-term won't typically experience a withdrawal, but there IS a possibility of some rebound anxiety, which is probably what you're dealing with. The increase in anxiety will evebntually subside, but it may take a few weeks. Same with the sleep symptoms.
Avatar f tn if you go to some place really good (which will be really expensive and probably a long way from wherever you live) psychiatrists who specialize in addiction treatment are more likely to understand the less common cases of severe withdrawal problems and long term withdrawal problems. Your average psychiatrist doesn't know much about this stuff. But you've only been on it for 3 weeks, and that's not a long time, so for you, a safe taper will be fine.
Avatar m tn I have been prescribed Ativan by my family doctor for about four years now for anxiety with the past year being on 6 mg per day with renewals every 3 months. After finishing a project and being out of work I decided to go down to 4 mg per day due to less stress which my doctor supported. When I went back for my renewal 3 months later my Dr said he doesn't prescribe Ativan anymore.
Avatar m tn If you are 72 hours in already, I would say just to keep going, I would get a little bit of withdrawal effect when stopping the Ativan, but it didn't last long due to being on it such short periods of time (which is what is ultimately meant for), but they were nothing too bad, mostly just anxiety and having a hard time with sleep due to anxiety. You weren't taking a very high dose, and not very often, but every drug effects every person differently.
Avatar m tn Is it possible to have any withdrawal symptoms from taking Ativan? I am determined to find something like herbal supplements to help me with the anxiety. Please help me. Thank you.
Avatar m tn ve withdrawn directly from the Ativan. The Valium dosage is not equivalent, which will give rise to withdrawal phenomena. 4 mg of Ativan = 20 mg of Valium Valium is an extremely weak, sluggish drug which must first accumulate in your system before it will replace Ativan (which works immediately). Uncongugated Lorazepam (Ativan) carries a 12-hour half-life, while Valium carries a bi-phasic half-life of 24 hours for Diazepam, and 30-200 hours for Nordiazepam.
1463437 tn?1286139865 hello, my name is matt, and i have been on ativan for about 6-7months and for 6months i was taking two 2mg tablets twice a day. about a month ago, my script ran out and i became HORIBBLY SICK the very day of. talked to my doctor and he dropped it down to 1mg a day and said i should be off in a month. that doesnt sound right to me, i know my stuff pretty well and you CANNOT suddenly stop talking benzodiazepines. i go see him on monday, two days. anything i should say??