Antibiotics pregnancy birth defects

Common Questions and Answers about Antibiotics pregnancy birth defects


Avatar n tn The benefits out weigh this risks in this case for me, things could of been so different for my little one if it wasn't for the quick thinking of the paramedics that night.
Avatar f tn Teratogen exposure in the 1st trimester can be linked to congenital birth defects.
Avatar n tn Her surgerian told me whenever i was to get pregnant again i had to drink a higher dosis of folic acid to prevent birth defects, my ob prescribed me folic acid in pills which i have to take 4 of them every day im not taking no vitamins since he didnt prescribed none to me. I have to say im really concern about this pregnancy im so worried. Idk if any of you ladies had gone through something similar to this.
Avatar f tn Nystatin vaginal (Mycostatin) Category B Most antibiotics are Category B, which means that there is no known association with birth defects or other pregnancy-related complication and the drug is probably safe.
Avatar n tn Ladies im really concerned and cant get excited because im scared ive caused birth defects to my baby. Before I knew I was taking chinese herbs and also had a typhoid inj as I was goin to bali. I stopped the herbs at 4 weeks but wudda been after implantation. I had the vax the day before ovulation but heard the vax stays in ur system for 14 days. Anyone else worried about medications they been taking or have any advice? I just cry and cant b happy.
Avatar f tn How does birth defects happen is it in the family blood? Or what you eat or if you get hurt? I'm suppose to have my very first baby check up Aug 1 I'm 7weeks tomorrow and I just don't want nothing happening to my baby I'm scared to death I'm pretty sure it's to early to determine the baby has birth defects since I'm not to far along but I'll be 13 weeks when I see the doctor.
Avatar f tn Have any of you ladies ate mcdonalds during your pregnancy and your baby came out fine? I'm hearing about mcdonalds having ingredients in their food that can give your baby birth defects /: and I loveee mcdonalds especially their Mcdoubles Fries & egg Mcmuffins. Is this truee?
Avatar f tn Im so scared to take antibiotics and have read horror stories.about birth defects and other complications caused by using antibiotics during pregnancy. Affects that most obs never look into... I jist dont want to.lose.or damage my baby:( im so worried. I guess what im trying to ask is there a safe alternative to treating my infections? And ways to prvent both infections from.comong back.for the.remainder of pregnancy? Safely. Any suggestions will help im so worried.....
Avatar f tn Is my baby going to have any birth defects if I am three weeks pregnant today but got my depo shot 2 weeks ago.???
Avatar n tn There is VERY little evidence that the hormones in the birth control pill will cause birth defects. The birth defect hype came from the drugs that were given to women who were ALREADY pregnant, to stop miscarriages. Don't stop taking the pill until a pregnancy is confirmed. It will not damage the zygote.
1472764 tn?1287588186 There have been a few reports of multiple, serious birth defects in infants whose mothers took Diflucan in early pregnancy (usually high doses for an extended period of time). Because the birth defects were distinctive and similar in these cases, it is assumed that the medication probably caused the defects. However, statistics generally do indicate that short-term use (such as the single dose used to treat vaginal yeast infections) does not seem to cause such problems.
Avatar n tn Ocassionaly I take clonazepam due to my depression and insomnia. I am worried that this will cause birth defects on my baby. What are the probabilities if any?
Avatar f tn Yeah, milk is definitely not necessary for anyone to drink. If you're worried about calcium Google "foods high in calcium" and you'll see many other options. As the ladies said above, soda isn't necessarily going to cause birth defects, but high sugar intake is not nourishing for mom or baby. I looked it up once and 4gms of sugar is about 1 tsp so one can of Mountain Dew, with 46gms of sug has ELEVEN teaspoons of sugar in it. One can! It's crazy!
Avatar f tn I would talk to your doctor about it. That medicine can cause severe or life-threatening birth defects if the mother takes the medication during pregnancy. I would also get on some form of birth control because even just one dose can cause the defects. There's a number you can call if you become pregnant while taking it. Look up the iPLEDGE pregnancy registry.
Avatar f tn I took Bendectin for my first pregnancy. Then was told it can cause fetal anomalies and defects. She now has Stage 1 and 2 breast cancer. Is there connection?
Avatar f tn I was taking Minocyclin on and off during this time for acne. I have read it potentially causes birth defects. Does anyone have any information about taking this medicine while pregnant?
Avatar n tn Isotretinoin is a teratogen and is highly likely to cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy. A few of the more common birth defects that this drug can cause are hearing and visual impairment, missing earlobes, facial dysmorphism, and mental retardation. Isotretinoin's use is contraindicated in pregnancy.