
Zofran for dizziness

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran for dizziness


585414 tn?1288941302 I was unable to tolerate all anti Parkinsonian agents because they enduced psychosis as well as alpha blockers such as Clonidine because they enduced suicidal ideations. Has Zofran been regularly used as safe and effective for Zofran? What are the side effects? And also given I read it helped psychosis from Parkinson's could it help what is being studied as tardive psychosis.
Avatar f tn There was nothing they could do except give me zofran for vomiting you need to have your blood pressure & some blood work done to make sure it isn't serious.
Avatar f tn Yes same here i was getting really bad headaches and my o.b. recommended drinking either coffee or pop to help ease them, it really helped alot.
7131686 tn?1390054441 I had to go to the er for dehydration n the gave me medicine for nausea with causes fatigue, dizziness and headaches. Shld I honestly go to work??
2147300 tn?1369689688 Saw doc today, got script for zofran but forgot to ask how to use it. Can someone tell me when you are supposed to take it? Bottle says 3 times a day as needed but can I just take one now and then and how long does it take to work? 4mg. Thanks.
Avatar m tn you should be getting blood work at least once a week....and zofran was great for me...almost soon as i gagged i would put one under my tongue....good luck...
Avatar f tn I can confirm with PP that Zofran causes major constipation. I have been put on more medication for that lovely side effect. However the Zofran helped me keep down water and before that I was hospitalised a few times for starvation/dehydration so for me the side effect was worth it. I lost over a stone in 3 weeks before getting the zofran and while I've lost more since that's because I've no real love of food and the nausea sometimes makes a recurrence.
Avatar f tn How about promethazine is that safe?
9312971 tn?1412807102 Yeah headaches are common on zofran. If it didn't help you can always ask your Dr for something else. There are others like Phenergan or Diclegis.
1419259 tn?1303438666 Anyone else try any medication for morning sickness? What worked for you, and how long did it take for it to start working for you? Thank you so much!
Avatar f tn Constipation; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; headache; irritation, redness, pain, or burning at the site of injection; tiredness." The site goes on to explain severe side effects but, generally speaking, most people do not get the severe side effects from drugs (any drugs).
Avatar f tn t really had significant relief. I heard about zofran but it has some slight risks for the baby and if you miss a dose you get really sick. Can someone clarify this for me?
Avatar n tn Hi there, Ondansetron is used for treating vomiting. Constipation, dizziness and headache are the most commonly reported side effects associated with its use. These symptoms will ware off once you have stopped using the medication. This is merely an advice and not a substitute for clinical examination. I hope it helps. Best wishes and regards!
8296559 tn?1397871519 Mint tea also helps a ton or even just sucking on a peppermint. That helped me a lot. I was also prescribed zofran from my doctor. It tastes awful but it helps.
Avatar f tn During my carbo/taxotere treatments I got Zofran and decadron IV, more decadron and Emend in pill form for three days, and Zofran in pill form for as long as I needed it. I still suffered lots and lots of nausea. Now during my carbo/gemzar treatments I get Aloxi and decadron IV, take Zofran (8 mg) and Promethazine (Phenergan) for four days after each tx. This combo seems to work for me.
5725246 tn?1373138746 Glad your husband is feeling better. Glad Benadryl worked for your husband. Compazine is also used for cancer chemotherapy. I was surprised to read it was also for anxiety. Anxiety can really be an issue when treating Hepatitis C. Like ceanothus has noted in resent posts.."Zofran is a very effective medication for nausea. It is the Cadillac of nausea medication.
5441854 tn?1371187494 I'm 28w5d , I had severe nausea with dry heaving until about 16 weeks. I was one for weeks but around 25 weeks I started getting random bouts of nausea, every women and every pregnancy is different , you may have it your entire pregnancy :-/ . I have a script for zofran & only take when needed..
Avatar f tn I contacted my doc today due to dizziness and blurred vision. Diagnosed with dehydration today due to not being able to hold food down...a shot of zolfran, water, Gatorade and rest...and I feel much better. There's help out there for you, ask for it.
Avatar f tn I was recently sent to the ER by my ob for rehydration since I wasn't able to keep ANYTHING down for the past week. I was prescribed zofran but it honestly doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm 9wks. My prev pregnancy I had bad nausea but not nearly this bad vomitting. Anyone experiencing the same???
Avatar f tn For me to get a ginger ale and take zofran. I got the ginger ale and refused to get zofran due to the commercials of the health recalls about it giving baby's cleft lip and pallet. The ginger ale didn't help. I've tried to eat crackers and drink the broth from chicken soup, that didn't work either. I'm trying to understand and I crazy or does that not seem normal and has this happened to anyone else and what was their outcome.
Avatar f tn Am 10 weeks. And YES. I still have the nausea, the fatigue, the dizziness, constipation, my breasts are so tender. Uuughhh... with my first it only a month but am almost three months and I've been experiencing these symptoms since week 1. This just means our baby's are developing just fine and we couldn't be anymore pregnant than what we are.
Avatar n tn Where are the pains exactly? I'm having intense stomach pains from the top of my naval to the top of my stomach and they are refrerring it to GERD (Acid Reflux Disease). I'd go see your GI and see if they can do an upper endoscopy on you. I'm going in on the 3rd to for one to see if I have GERD or a peptic ulcer. Drink a lot of water and a very bland diet (toast with peanut butter).