
Zofran and unisom

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran and unisom


1303567 tn?1273720124 I have been really sick. Very close to going to hospital. I am on Zofran, Prima Bella and B6. I have not slept in weeks. Dr. Suggested 1/2 of one. Does it really help? I need to sleep and feel well, my whole family is suffering.
Avatar f tn Anyone take unisom for morning sickness? I called my dr because I've been so sick and need something to help. She said she wanted me to try the unisom before she calls in a script. Anyone have any luck with it?
12103503 tn?1423448886 Zofran is fine. I tooke it until 26 weeks with my first and 28 weeks with this one. It is just fine and helps with nausea. I've had the pill form and liquid that they've put in my I've when I was admitted for severe dehydration from nausea.
10197070 tn?1409269893 Zofran can cause constipation.. try hard candy or lemon..
Avatar f tn Yes I've heard the vitamin b6 and unisom help and it did. Just wondering if it worked for some and then stopped working?
Avatar f tn I take Zofran and unisom at the same time. I have hyperemesis gravidarium and it work miracles! Let the zofran dissolve first and then take 1 unisom.
1303567 tn?1273720124 I have been really sick. Very close to going to hospital. I am on Zofran, Prima Bella and B6. I have not slept in weeks. Dr. Suggested 1/2 of one. Does it really help? I need to sleep and feel well, my whole family is suffering.
Avatar f tn Unisom is safe to take during pregnancy-it is actually recommended in combination with B6 for nausea and vomiting!
Avatar f tn I have been doing what I can at home by drinking ginger tea/ginger ale and snacking frequently but in the afternoon I get to the point where I wanna curl up in a ball (which is impossible with a 18 month old)I called my dr today and they suggest 25mg of B6 with a half tablet of unisom at night. Is this something that is working for you other pregnant ladies out there? I assume its safe since they told me to do it? What is unisom? I thought it was a sleep aid? Hummm.....
Avatar f tn I am taking zofran and it's perfectly safe and a class b drug. The ads on tv are just lawyers trying to get money for a case they can't prove. The birth defects they state are the most common among all babies born no matter a family history or not. Don't be afraid to take it if you need it. If you are that afraid though, look up the study of 600,000 pregnant women in denmark in 2013 that proved it was safe.
Avatar n tn Try Vitamin B6 every 8 hours and one unisom tablet before bed, it did better than unisom for me, and the constipation wasn't nearly as bad. I also ate cherries And plums to get things was sick through my 16th week, so I understand needing a remedy, especially when you work. I hope u out feel better soon!
3930380 tn?1357887113 Unisom and vitamin b6 before bed or talk to your doctor about prescription meds. Also ask your doc before going on unisom and the vitamin just so they know lol. I am 15 weeks and 3 days and am still sick so they put my on zofran.
Avatar f tn Was in the ER last week and put on zofran ..Was still feeling horrible and still throwing up. .. Called my dr to see what else I could take... she suggested Unison ( sleep aid) and vitamin B6 and oh my god.... I feel 100% better and was so hesitant to try it ..
Avatar f tn Tried the unisom and b6 and it didnt work.
3178444 tn?1348441829 t taken melatonin while pregnant, but you can take unisom (diphenhydramine is the active ingredient and it is safe), tylenol pm, or benadryl for insomnia. I took unisom with my zofran because it was the only combination that worked for my hyperemesis, and it helped me sleep.
Avatar f tn I ended up on zofran as well but had to practically beg my doctor to give it to me. The unisom and b12 helped ( the days I didn't take it the morning sickness was worse) but the zofran helped better.
Avatar n tn I have really bad morning sickness, all day long and sometimes all night. I take b6 and unisom but it's not helping this time, when i was pregnant with my son unisom and b6 worked great but this time it doesn't. What else is good and safe? My obgyn told me to try Zofran? What do you ladies think?
Avatar f tn t suck it up like I did and let your body get dehydrated and lots of weight loss! B6+unisom and zofran enabled me to remain hydrated in future pregnancies and the sooner you get on that stuff the better. Sometimes it prevents things from getting as bad as it would. It isn't a walk in the park, bit then again motherhood isn't for the faint of heart!
Avatar f tn I have zofran doesnt work for me. So my ob told me to take b6 vitamin and unisom at night and it takes away nausea and helps u keep food down.. i also chew mint gum.
5915949 tn?1396188227 Half a unisom and a whole b6 , the blue unisom on the orange and white box..
Avatar f tn I was prescribed some medicine called zofran.
1419259 tn?1303438666 I was never given reglan. I took Phenergan and Zofran, though the zofran never did much for me. If you're still getting sick frequently you might need to go to the hospital to make sure you're not getting dehydrated.
Avatar f tn My doctor had given me zofran because I been having morning sickness and someday I will have very bad nausea and vomiting where I couldnt even keep anything down not even liquids and the sickness didnt even clam down a bit and im now 19weeks
10909590 tn?1416437106 Tried all kinds of remedies w/ first preg and nothing worked--******* pops, ginger tea, gingerale, unisom,B vitamin, and existed on hard boiled eggs and rice krispie treats during first trimester of first pregnancy. Second pregnancy worse and had to take Zofran. Good luck momma. I hope you feel better soon!
Avatar f tn Im on zofran and pheneragan.