
Zofran and headaches

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran and headaches


Avatar f tn I experienced constipation, and it honestly didn't do much for my nausea. So now I take both Raglan and Zofran for morning (all-day) sickness. A home remedy that I find useful is drinking ginger tea (ginger root peeled and sliced, with hot water. You can add sugar or honey for taste). Good luck!
Avatar f tn I have taken it since I was about 9-12 weeks, somewhere around then, I am now 29 weeks and 4 days with a healthy baby girl :D ftm I had very very bad nausea and vomiting, still do occasionally now, but when I do it gets BAD!
Avatar f tn Has anyone taken Zofran and what are some of your side effects? My morning sickness has been horrible...the worst ever. I am usually in bed all day and feeling like I can't do anything. My doctor initially prescribed Diclegis, but it doesn't help me. It made me sleep all day, causing me to skip meals and drinks. It also have me bad headaches. So I asked my DR to please let me try something else. At this point, I'm in tears because I can't keep anything down. Dr calls in Zofran.
8518086 tn?1407289593 I take it every 3 hours. I don't get the headaches. But even if I did I don't have a choice. I lost 10 pounds on medication and still go in weekly for fluids. I'm 6 months now and finally gained 2 pounds!
Avatar f tn The Doctor called in a prescription of Zofron and Tramadol for the headaches. Within 30 minutes of taking the Zofron I was able to cook and eat 1/2 of a bacon and egg sandwich.... miracle. Got to the last few bites before feeling the stomach rolls again but at least it stayed down. It is interesting that the Zofran has a huge warning on the bottle that says may cause headaches (which is another joyous side effect crimpling my style right now) and then he prescribed the Tramadol for headaches.
Avatar m tn im on week 4, headaches and nausea seem to be subsiding...
Avatar f tn Now i am on Inderal or propranolol which is a beta blocker and only 80 mg and it helps the headaches without the side effects. Talk to your doctor and suggest it.
Avatar f tn Ive taken zofran both pregnancies and my babies are healthy. I asked my doctor about the commercials she said its just some attorney that decided zofran was bad and not to worry so im still taking it almost daily.
Avatar f tn Zofran can cause headaches, and Diclegis can cause fatigue. Diclegis should be taken at night before bed. I take zofran and I only get headaches occasionally, but again its hard for me to tell if its from the medication because I am a headache person.
1318259 tn?1274224040 I think the combination of the Zofran and my hormones caused major headaches, but Zofran is def not optional for me!
Avatar f tn Zofran was my life savior it was the only thing that made me be able to get up out of bed and eat my baby girl arrived. 2 Days ago and is healthy and beautiful!
Avatar f tn Sorry to hear that. Ive been super sick since I was 8 weeks I'm 15 weeks now. Mine has gotten really bad to the point I can't even get outta bed. I feel like I'm sick everyday of my life its horrible I'm constantly throwing up and having headaches it seems like I can't hold anything down and im always so nauseous.
Avatar f tn Hopefully you dont get it as bad as I did though. But sleep and eating is very important along with vitamins. As for headaches put an ice pack on your head or the back of your neck depending on where your headache is. That should help a lot.
Avatar f tn I was the same with my third first two I was nauseous or would only throw up once in the morning but my 3rd was bad, had to take zofran the whole first trimester....I'm preggo with my 4th now and unfortunately the "morning sickness" was even worse...immediately 28 weeks now, I lost 7lbs before the zofran in the first trimester and sadly am still taking it once a day or I spend all day sick.
Avatar f tn I have always gotten migranes like this. If i wait to take anything i end up getting a shot, but usually when i first start noticing them i can take 2 tylenol, lay down in a dark and quiet room, and try the sleep them out. It *****.
5752933 tn?1383533437 I can't stand these headaches anymore, the meds don't help anymore and I'm worried of getting addicted to them because I'm getting headaches everyday now
Avatar f tn I got the zofran pills but the headaches and constipation side effects is not fun at all so on top of that Tylenol and other medicines for constipation i just feel like im putting too much in my body
Avatar m tn I had my first treatment on Wednesday and felt nauseous. After getting home I took Zofran which seemed to help. For my second treatment I told the medical staff of the nausea and they then gave me Zofran thru my IV. This time it didn't help. It is now Sunday and I am still feeling nauseous. I am taking Zofran every 4 hours but it is not helping. Is this a result of the ECT or might there be an underlying cause?
Avatar f tn I tried crackers, small meals, gingerale, and preggo pops, but at the peak of my nausea my doctor had to give me zofran. For the headaches I took Tylenol and had some caffeine if they got worse. Stayed hydrated and rest as often as you can. Good luck.
Avatar n tn I'm 13weeks and my morning sickness seems to be getting worse (I got medicine from my doctor) and I can't keep anything down. I've been having REALLY BAD headaches for the last two days. Should I be alarmed?
Avatar n tn Lol don't eat tums. Those are for an upset stomach not nausea. Zofran is for nausea it helps you with vommiting only downside is that you get headaches! I'm sick all day everyday. Its just the joys of pregnancy! Lol. I'm sooooo ready for my first trimester to be over with idk what to do. Best thing to do is eat smaller meals. Don't ever let your stomach go empty because then nausea will be worse and you'll really be throwing up. Besides that its nothing you can do.
10426661 tn?1410354439 I used zig ran it was great except for the headaches my doctor switched me to reglan it was good
Avatar f tn The throwing up is just morning sickness and the headaches are a symptom of pregnancy but could also be a sign of dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids if possible, Gatorade or Pedialyte to replace electrolytes and lay down in a dark place and see if that helps.
Avatar f tn Has anyone taken zofran for hyperemises? What was your experience with it? This is my third pregnancy and the first time I have experienced severe morning sickness. I have two boys and only had mild nausea with each of them. It is getting worse. To the point where I can't keep anything down. My midwife suggested I take zofran. I'm nervous about it but also need to be able to function and not be hospitalized for malnutrition or dehydration.
9312971 tn?1412807102 I take zofran everyday. Its a very safe medication.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm 17 wks and was just diagnosed with HG. Anyone else experience this and have any suggestions as to how to deal? I'm feeling completely defeated by this pregnancy with such a long ways to go yet. I'm taking diclectin and even that isn't helping much and have been close to hospitalization for dehydration and headaches. I'm off work on sick leave and being monitored closely by my doctor. I'm just getting bummed out and want to feel normal again.