
Zofran and autism

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran and autism


Avatar f tn m 7 weeks pregnant and I went to the Dr last week and my Dr prescribed Zofran. The problem is everytime I take this medicine, I see the commercial on TV that talks about Zofran causing some birth defects. Is anyone else taking this medicine or have heard these birth defects. Thanks!
Avatar m tn Hi, New here but not new to autism. I have a son and two girls with autism. All to different degrees from HD to LD. My wife and I split up 10 years ago. However we still work very closely in bringing up our children. But, I have met some one else and we would like to have a baby. I am Very concerned. Neither my family, my ex's family or my existing partner have any members in their family with autism or on the spectrum. or at least so it seems. My question is. . .
Avatar n tn I just watched More Business of Being Born, and they talked about the possible link between ultrasounds and Autism. They said the ultrasound waves change the size of the cells, so there needs to be more research about the effects. I've had three ultrasounds all within weeks 4 and 5. They were ruling out an ectopic pregnancy. I'm now 8 1/2 weeks along and doing great. I'm worried about the effects of those ultrasounds. Any input?
Avatar f tn If that does not work, then you probably need a prescription for Zofran which blocks the nausea and vomiting (which is caused by the drugs). Many of us used Zofran. It works very well for most of us. I took 8 mg every 8 hours for a few months. Don't let this go. It will snowball. If the phenergan does not work, then ask for Zofran. Zofran does not make you sleepy. Phenergan does. Phenergan is cheaper, but Zofran works better (in my opinion). It is used to treat the nausea from Chemo.
1731970 tn?1328087070 I was looking this up and you are right children with Autism do have food related issues .,there may be some parents on the Autism forum who have similar problems with their child ..
Avatar f tn Hello :) I am the mother of three boys, Jacob is three and the twins Nathan and Michael are eleven months old. I have been hearing alot latley about the MMR shots having something to do with Autism. I am very concerned about this because our twins year checkup is around the corner and I am not sure how to handle this? We have a few friends that claim that after their child received the MMR shot a few days later everything changed.
Avatar n tn I also was on Zoloft while pregnant with my son and he was recently at age of 4 diagnosed with Autism. I honestly believe no matter what others say it has to do with taking anti depressents during pregnancy. My pregnancy was fine until I started on my meds and my son ended up being born 5 weeks early than my other son I also was on anti depressants for beginning of pregnancy and having problems until I quit taking them and pregnancy went normal.
Avatar f tn I worked Department of Mental Health for 2 1/2yrs and still have a lot of strong ties to it, especially the Autism Spectrum community.
Avatar f tn All it did was put me to sleep, then when I woke up I just felt drunk and groggy and was still sick as a dog. I loved zofran though, I wouldn't have been able to eat at all or even drink if I hadn't of had it.
Avatar f tn This is just a informational post for any mommies who may be taking Zofran and also for mommies who took Zofran and gave birth to a baby with any defects.
Avatar f tn downs is chromosomal and autism is neurological. Having an extra chromosome gives you downs, cause of autism is unknown.
1415407 tn?1389254933 I worked the department of mental health for the state of missouri for 2 1/2yrs and specialized in the care of individuals diagnosed with Autism. Autism is most prominent and rampant within the U.s., with very few cases over seas or even in ally/1st world countries with similar if not identical access and use of acetaminophen. I can find a study that links rubbing your head and patting your belly while trying to conceive to Autism in children.
Avatar f tn Me top and nothing works not crackers juice mints the zofran I'm sick as heck but soon it shall pass
217599 tn?1202850952 I don't know, but I notice I have OCD tendencies with myself. With PDD and "atypical" autism I'm sure there's going to be crossovers with other disability characteristics... I think when things deal with the brain, things are not black/white- this or that... If you think about it and the snowflake expression, the same applies to the human brain. Every brain is unique and there's a considerable range of how each part functions.
443100 tn?1210621862 I think "voice autism" just means he is verbal and has expressive speech skills. Iven if he has no "autism" diagnosis, as long as he meets criteria for ANY of the 13 categories, he should get services taylored to his needs. period, end of discussion. 4 months is probably somewhere in the 90-day window as required, give or take a week.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Zofran and Reglan since week 7 and am now 23 weeks... The risk associated with dehydration and malnutrition due to HG is far greater than the potential side effects of Zofran and Reglan. My little guy is perfectly healthy up to this point. To each their own though.
2147300 tn?1369689688 yes some bad days but with this forum and the drrugs recommended by it help. Doc had no prob with zofran and highly encouraged this support forum. Cean, I took 4 mg last night before inc and it helped. I did have a constipation problem this morning that did no good for my golf swing and am curious if the zofran has anything to do with this. Will see doc about AD and mention conflicts with PI. I am not a pill guy on a regular basis but have drawer full of them.
10874336 tn?1415760929 Also the person who commented on the increase of cleft palates after being treated with zofran, studies have showed an increase in cleft palates in women who have taken zofran AND women who took none but had HG. This shows more that the chances of cleft palate is due to a diet deficiency rather than the drug.
Avatar f tn How many of you ladies are still taking zofran? My morning sickness is terrible. I'm 15 weeks and I throw up at least 5 times a day unless I take zofran and I've tried everything else and nothing works. But I know my doctor like personally and she assured me that it was safe and if it were her she would take it. I've lost about 30 pounds and only gained back 7 so she's worried about my weight. And I've lost it because of nausea. So how many Andre still taking it?
Avatar f tn Yea i took it with my daughter and shes amazing and healthy it really did help alot too.
Avatar f tn zofran is safe :). there are 2 nausea medicines that are considered safe for pregnancy, and zofran sounds like the better choice for you (since phenergan makes you sleepy, and that's the other option, i think it would freak you out!). every medicine is going to carry warnings, and there will be people who SWEAR that this medicine caused this or that...but that's the internet for you. it is considered safe, and your OB only prescribed it because they felt it was safe....
12380259 tn?1424964291 m 12 weeks with my second and have taken zofran with both pregnancies. Other meds and natural remedies did not work and i have had iv hydration twice with this pregnancy.
7753764 tn?1401853590 ve been taking Zofran the dissolvable tablet every morning and every evening and had only occasionally been throwing up well this morning I woke up with a horrible headache which is sadly one of the side effects of Zofran but it beats throwing up 6 times a day well now even the pill isn't helping. I have thrown up everything I've eaten today and all I've eaten is a bowl of cereal. Anyone else experience this?
Avatar f tn I am 14 weeks pregnant and my morning sickness has suddenly increased very bad I called thr dr today and the nurse gave me a prescription for zofran so far it's helped me and it says there are no side effects to me and my baby but some thing I was reading online says about causing cleft palates has anyone else taken this and is your baby perfectly fine?