
Zaleplon forum

Common Questions and Answers about Zaleplon forum


Avatar f tn Hello! Melatonin does not help me. Zaleplon helps to sleep, but it can not be taken for a long time, since it causes dependence. Diagnosis: chronic insomnia with anxiety disorder. I take escitalopram in the morning. Can Rozerem replace Zaleplon?
Avatar f tn Hello and welcome to the forum. Thank you for your question. Questions regarding medication are best discussed with your doctor as they prescribe the medication and know your particular situation. What is your specific issue with insomnia? Rozerem seems to be best used for those who don't fall asleep easily. Is that your situation? It works on melatonin and is not supposed to be habit forming which is a great benefit.
Avatar n tn I have been snorting 10 mg of zaleplon at bedtime for a few months, and have recently experienced labored breaths, and a tightness in my lungs. These sensations are accompanied with shallow breathing , and I have to inhale deeply to get full, cleansing breaths. I have not been coughing or weezing. Do I need to worry about permanent damage to my lungs, or is it a temporary problem? Do I need to get medications such as an inhaler help me breath easier?
1246883 tn?1285547973 how much seroquel are you taking? try to lower the dose, seroquel is used as sleeping aid at around 25 to 100mg approximately. You can try some antidepressant to control your appetite. I definitely do not recommend ambien or lunesta, for long term treatment of insomnia. They have a very short life in your body and it which builds up tolerance quickly. The so called "z" drugs ambien and lunesta (zolpidem, zopiclone, zaleplon and eszopiclone) are for short term insomnia only.
Avatar m tn Hey Happy First Day of treatment and welcome to the forum. You are wise to consider sleep hygiene as restorative sleep is crucial your overall feelings of well being on these HCV meds - especially the Incivek. If you can't take Ambien then you probably won't want to try the other "z drugs" that are sedative hypnotics (The "Z" drugs: Sonata (zaleplon) & Lunesta (eszopiclone).
382594 tn?1266610613 along with opiates, I was addicted to xanax or any other benzo(valium, librium, temezepam, clonazepam, lorazepam,triazolam etc.) and sleeping pills-ambien(zolpidem), sonata(zaleplon), and lunesta(epizopiclone) for two years as well. I would take the benzos with opaites to add to the effects or while withdrawling to ease it somewhat and i would take the sleeping pills to aid in sleeping while high and withdrawling as well.
549511 tn?1271775930 In the forum index there is social forum mentioned,I told someone that they should join it,but they couldnt?
Avatar f tn m confused i thought these forums go by weeks pregnant not age?
Avatar m tn Why the medical forum by doctor HHH and Hook is not accepting any new questions? Anybody knows?
Avatar m tn anybody why the doctors forum is blocked for more posts? will it be defenitive?
Avatar f tn Ever since I had my baby this forum means nothing to me anymore.. Is there a new Mom forum I can go to?.. It's like the pregnancy is the previews but the actual Mom process is the main event... I knew that, but it takes on a while new meaning after the baby's here.. Now I just want to talk to other Mom's about it.. Is there any where for me to go??
3106038 tn?1346813169 I agree, I feel like when we started our pregnancies this forum was a completely different forum, I'm finding myself wanting to answer or post questions less and less.
239164 tn?1207263007 I told them all how wonderful this forum is and encouraged them to go check it out and get active on it. I hope some of them make it here!
424839 tn?1268186246 To us addicts were are the only ones that truly know what it is to be controlled by a substance and it is only us who can help each other this forum is just that. Calling other members names and trying to get a rouse out of the other is not beneficial to anyone. This place has helped so many of us get rid of the demons that controlled us and it is our turn to help the ones coming here searching for the answer to “ how do I stop?” “how long will it last?” “how do I taper?